lib/plow/application.rb in plow-0.1.0 vs lib/plow/application.rb in plow-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,37 @@
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'plow/generator'
class Plow
+ # It's probably no surprise that `Plow::Application` is an **application** class.
+ #
+ # With a single public method, `.launch`, it has the distinct honor of being the point of
+ # execution for the library. As described further in the documentation, it designed to
+ # accept and parse raw command-line arguments (i.e. the `ARGV` constant).
+ #
+ # @see Plow::Application.launch
class Application
class << self
+ # The starting point of executation for the Plow library. The procedure for launching the
+ # `Plow::Application` is as follows:
+ #
+ # 1. Output a version stamp.
+ # 2. Ensure at least 2 arguments are provided or aborting execution with a usage message.
+ # 3. Parse the user-supplied arguments.
+ # 4. Start a new `Plow::Generator` while handling any library specific exceptions raised.
+ #
+ # @example A simple executable file (assume a working Ruby $LOAD_PATH)
+ # #!/usr/bin/env ruby1.9
+ # require 'plow'
+ # Plow::Application.launch(*ARGV)
+ #
+ # @param [Array] *arguments A splatted `Array` of user-specified, command-line arguments.
+ # At least 2 arguments must be provided.
+ # @return [Number] Success returns 0, while failure results in any raised `Exception`. :(
+ # @raise [SystemExit] Raised when a critical, library-specific exception is rescued and
+ # executation must be terminiated.
+ # @see
def launch(*arguments)
puts version_stamp
if arguments.length < 2
abort <<-MESSAGE
@@ -56,11 +82,17 @@
+ # Similar to a time stamp, this will return a version stamp of the Plow library containing
+ # the version number along with the copyright and license details.
+ #
+ # @return [String] Version stamp
+ # @example Sample version stamp
+ # Plow 1.0.0. Copyright (c) 2009 Ryan Sobol. Licensed under the MIT license.
def version_stamp
- "Plow v#{Plow::VERSION}. Copyright (c) 2009 Ryan Sobol. Licensed under the MIT license."
+ "Plow #{Plow::VERSION}. Copyright (c) 2009 Ryan Sobol. Licensed under the MIT license."
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