test/plezi_tests.rb in plezi-0.8.5 vs test/plezi_tests.rb in plezi-0.8.6
- old
+ new
@@ -108,12 +108,22 @@
# called when new Websocket data is recieved
# data is a string that contains binary or UTF8 (message dependent) data.
def on_message data
- broadcast :_push, data
- _push data
+ case data
+ when 'get uuid'
+ response << "uuid: #{uuid}"
+ when /to: ([^\s]*)/
+ # puts "cating target: #{data.match(/to: ([^\s]*)/)[1]}"
+ unicast data.match(/to: ([^\s]*)/)[1], :_push, "unicast"
+ # broadcast :_push, "unicast"
+ else
+ broadcast :_push, data
+ _push data
+ end
+ return true
# called when a disconnect packet has been recieved or the connection has been cut
# (ISN'T called after a disconnect message has been sent).
def on_disconnect
@@ -127,12 +137,12 @@
module PleziTestTasks
- RESULTS = {true => "\e[32mpassed\e[0m"}
- RESULTS.default = "\e[31mFAILED!\e[0m"
+ RESULTS = {true => "\e[32mpassed\e[0m", :waiting => "\e[32mwaiting validation\e[0m", :failed => "\e[31mFAILED!\e[0m"}
+ RESULTS.default = RESULTS[:failed]
def run_tests
(public_methods(false)).each {|m| method(m).call if m.to_s.match /^test_/}
report_before_filter false
report_after_filter false
@@ -219,66 +229,95 @@
rescue => e
puts " **** #url_for test FAILED TO RUN!!!"
puts e
- def test_404
- puts " * 404 not found and router continuity tests: #{RESULTS[ Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse "http://localhost:3000/get404" ).code == '404' ]}"
- rescue => e
- puts " **** 404 not found test FAILED TO RUN!!!"
- puts e
- end
- def test_500
- workers = Plezi::EventMachine.count_living_workers
- puts " * 500 internal error test: #{RESULTS[ Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse "http://localhost:3000/fail" ).code == '500' ]}"
- # cause 10 more exceptions to be raised... testing thread survival.
- 10.times { Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse "http://localhost:3000/fail" ).code }
- workers_after_test = Plezi::EventMachine.count_living_workers
- puts " * Worker survival test: #{RESULTS[workers_after_test == workers]} (#{workers_after_test} out of #{workers})"
- rescue => e
- puts " **** 500 internal error test FAILED TO RUN!!!"
- puts e
- end
def test_websocket
- connection_test = broadcast_test = echo_test = false
+ connection_test = broadcast_test = echo_test = unicast_test = false
+ ws4 = Plezi::WebsocketClient.connect_to("wss://localhost:3030") do |msg|
+ if msg == "unicast"
+ puts " * Websocket unicast testing: #{RESULTS[false]}"
+ unicast_test = :failed
+ end
+ end
ws2 = Plezi::WebsocketClient.connect_to("wss://localhost:3030") do |msg|
- break unless @is_connected || !(@is_connected = true)
- puts " * Websocket broadcast message test: #{RESULTS[broadcast_test = (msg == 'echo test')]}"
- response.close
- go_test = false
+ next unless @is_connected || !(@is_connected = true)
+ if msg == "unicast"
+ puts " * Websocket unicast message test: #{RESULTS[false]}"
+ unicast_test = :failed
+ next
+ else
+ puts " * Websocket broadcast message test: #{RESULTS[broadcast_test = (msg == 'echo test')]}"
+ go_test = false
+ end
+ ws3 = Plezi::WebsocketClient.connect_to("wss://localhost:3030") do |msg|
+ if msg.match /uuid: ([^s]*)/
+ ws2 << "to: #{msg.match(/^uuid: ([^s]*)/)[1]}"
+ puts " * Websocket UUID for unicast testing: #{msg.match(/^uuid: ([^s]*)/)[1]}"
+ elsif msg == "unicast"
+ puts " * Websocket unicast testing: #{RESULTS[:waiting]}"
+ unicast_test ||= true
+ end
+ end
+ ws3 << 'get uuid'
puts " * Websocket SSL client test: #{RESULTS[ws2 && true]}"
ws1 = Plezi::WebsocketClient.connect_to("ws://localhost:3000") do |msg|
unless @connected
puts " * Websocket connection message test: #{RESULTS[connection_test = (msg == 'connected')]}"
@connected = true
response << "echo test"
- break
+ next
+ if msg == "unicast"
+ puts " * Websocket unicast testing: #{RESULTS[false]}"
+ unicast_test = :failed
+ next
+ end
puts " * Websocket echo message test: #{RESULTS[echo_test = (msg == 'echo test')]}"
- response.close
rescue => e
puts " **** Websocket tests FAILED TO RUN!!!"
puts e.message
remote = Plezi::WebsocketClient.connect_to("wss://echo.websocket.org/") {|msg| puts " * Extra Websocket Remote test (SSL: echo.websocket.org): #{RESULTS[msg == 'Hello websockets!']}"; response.close}
remote << "Hello websockets!"
- sleep 0.3
+ sleep 0.5
+ [ws1, ws2, ws3, ws4, remote].each {|ws| ws.close}
PL.on_shutdown {puts " * Websocket connection message test: #{RESULTS[connection_test]}" unless connection_test}
PL.on_shutdown {puts " * Websocket echo message test: #{RESULTS[echo_test]}" unless echo_test}
PL.on_shutdown {puts " * Websocket broadcast message test: #{RESULTS[broadcast_test]}" unless broadcast_test}
+ PL.on_shutdown {puts " * Websocket unicast message test: #{RESULTS[unicast_test]}"}
+ def test_404
+ puts " * 404 not found and router continuity tests: #{RESULTS[ Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse "http://localhost:3000/get404" ).code == '404' ]}"
+ rescue => e
+ puts " **** 404 not found test FAILED TO RUN!!!"
+ puts e
+ end
+ def test_500
+ workers = Plezi::EventMachine.count_living_workers
+ putc " * 500 internal error test: #{RESULTS[ Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse "http://localhost:3000/fail" ).code == '500' ]}"
+ # cause 10 more exceptions to be raised... testing thread survival.
+ 10.times { putc "."; Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse "http://localhost:3000/fail" ).code }
+ putc "\n"
+ workers_after_test = Plezi::EventMachine.count_living_workers
+ puts " * Worker survival test: #{RESULTS[workers_after_test == workers]} (#{workers_after_test} out of #{workers})"
+ rescue => e
+ puts " **** 500 internal error test FAILED TO RUN!!!"
+ puts e
+ end
PL.create_logger '/dev/null'
+# PL.max_threads = 4
listen port: 3000
route("/ssl") {|req, res| res << "false" }
listen port: 3030, ssl: true
@@ -296,15 +335,21 @@
puts " --- Starting tests"
puts " --- Failed tests should read: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[false]}"
+# Plezi::EventMachine.clear_timers
+puts "#{Plezi::EventMachine::EM_IO.count} connections awaiting shutdown."
+puts "#{Plezi::EventMachine::EM_IO.count} connections awaiting shutdown after connection close attempt."
+if Plezi::EventMachine::EM_IO.count > 0
+ Plezi::EventMachine.forget_connections
+ puts "#{Plezi::EventMachine::EM_IO.count} connections awaiting shutdown after connections were forgotten."
puts " * Shutdown test: #{ PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[shoutdown_test] }"