test/plezi_tests.rb in plezi-0.10.5 vs test/plezi_tests.rb in plezi-0.10.6
- old
+ new
@@ -311,15 +311,17 @@
ws.on_close do
puts " * Websocket size disconnection test: #{RESULTS[should_disconnect]}"
str = 'a'
time_now = Time.now
- 6.times {|i| str = str * 2**i;puts " * Websocket message size test: sending #{str.bytesize} bytes"; ws << str; sleep 0.2 }
- sleep (Time.now - time_now + 1)
+ 8.times {|i| str = str * 2**i;puts " * Websocket message size test: sending #{str.bytesize} bytes"; ws << str; }
+ to_sleep = (Time.now - time_now)*2 + 1
+ puts "will now sleep for #{to_sleep} seconds, waiting allowing the server to respond"
+ sleep to_sleep rescue true
should_disconnect = true
Plezi::Settings.ws_message_size_limit = 1024
- ws << str
+ ws << ('0123'*258)
def test_404
puts " * 404 not found and router continuity tests: #{RESULTS[ Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse "http://localhost:3000/get404" ).code == '404' ]}"
rescue => e
@@ -356,26 +358,27 @@
shared_route '/some/:multi{path|another_path}/(:option){route|test}/(:id)/(:optional)', TestCtrl
shared_route '/', TestCtrl
-GRHttp.start Plezi::Settings.max_threads
+GReactor.run_async do
+ puts " --- Starting tests"
+ puts " --- Failed tests should read: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[false]}"
+ PleziTestTasks.run_tests
+ puts "\n --- Press ^C to complete tests."
# start_services
shoutdown_test = false
+# GReactor::Settings.set_forking 4
Plezi.on_shutdown { shoutdown_test = true }
-puts " --- Starting tests"
-puts " --- Failed tests should read: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[false]}"
# Plezi::EventMachine.clear_timers
+# sleep PLEZI_TEST_TIME if defined? PLEZI_TEST_TIME
puts " * Shutdown test: #{ PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[shoutdown_test] }"