test/plezi_tests.rb in plezi-0.10.12 vs test/plezi_tests.rb in plezi-0.10.13
- old
+ new
@@ -310,52 +310,56 @@
PL.on_shutdown {puts " * Websocket echo message test: #{RESULTS[echo_test]}" unless echo_test}
PL.on_shutdown {puts " * Websocket broadcast message test: #{RESULTS[broadcast_test]}" unless broadcast_test}
PL.on_shutdown {puts " * Websocket unicast message test: #{RESULTS[unicast_test]}"}
def test_websocket_sizes
- should_disconnect = false
- ws = GRHttp::WSClient.connect_to("ws://localhost:3000/ws/size") do |ws|
- if should_disconnect
- puts " * Websocket size disconnection test: #{RESULTS[false]}"
- else
- puts " * Websocket message size test: got #{ws.data.bytesize} bytes"
- end
+ # should_disconnect = false
+ # ws = GRHttp::WSClient.connect_to("ws://localhost:3000/ws/size") do |ws|
+ # if should_disconnect
+ # puts " * Websocket size disconnection test: #{RESULTS[false]}"
+ # else
+ # puts " * Websocket message size test: got #{ws.data.bytesize} bytes"
+ # end
- end
- ws.on_close do
- puts " * Websocket size disconnection test: #{RESULTS[should_disconnect]}"
- end
- str = 'a'
- time_now = Time.now
- 8.times {|i| str = str * 2**i;puts " * Websocket message size test: sending #{str.bytesize} bytes"; ws << str; }
- str.clear
- to_sleep = (Time.now - time_now)*2 + 1
- puts "will now sleep for #{to_sleep} seconds, waiting allowing the server to respond"
- sleep to_sleep rescue true
- should_disconnect = true
- Plezi::Settings.ws_message_size_limit = 1024
- ws << ('0123'*258)
+ # end
+ # ws.on_close do
+ # puts " * Websocket size disconnection test: #{RESULTS[should_disconnect]}"
+ # end
+ # str = 'a'
+ # time_now = Time.now
+ # 8.times {|i| str = str * 2**i;puts " * Websocket message size test: sending #{str.bytesize} bytes"; ws << str; }
+ # str.clear
+ # to_sleep = (Time.now - time_now)*2 + 1
+ # puts "will now sleep for #{to_sleep} seconds, waiting allowing the server to respond"
+ # sleep to_sleep rescue true
+ # should_disconnect = true
+ # Plezi::Settings.ws_message_size_limit = 1024
+ # ws << ('0123'*258)
+ def test_broadcast_stress
+ PlaceboStressTestCtrl.create_listeners
+ PlaceboStressTestCtrl.run_test
+ end
def test_404
puts " * 404 not found and router continuity tests: #{RESULTS[ Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse "http://localhost:3000/get404" ).code == '404' ]}"
rescue => e
puts " **** 404 not found test FAILED TO RUN!!!"
puts e
def test_500
- # workers = GReactor.instance_exec {@threads.select {|t| t.alive?} .count}
- # print " * 500 internal error test: #{RESULTS[ Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse "http://localhost:3000/fail" ).code == '500' ]}"
- # # cause 10 more exceptions to be raised... testing thread survival.
- # 10.times { putc "."; Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse "http://localhost:3000/fail" ).code }
- # putc "\n"
- # workers_after_test = GReactor.instance_exec {@threads.select {|t| t.alive?} .count}
- # puts " * Worker survival test: #{RESULTS[workers_after_test == workers]} (#{workers_after_test} out of #{workers})"
+ workers = GReactor.instance_exec {@threads.select {|t| t.alive?} .count}
+ print " * 500 internal error test: #{RESULTS[ Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse "http://localhost:3000/fail" ).code == '500' ]}"
+ # cause 10 more exceptions to be raised... testing thread survival.
+ 10.times { putc "."; Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse "http://localhost:3000/fail" ).code }
+ putc "\n"
+ workers_after_test = GReactor.instance_exec {@threads.select {|t| t.alive?} .count}
+ puts " * Worker survival test: #{RESULTS[workers_after_test == workers]} (#{workers_after_test} out of #{workers})"
- # rescue => e
- # puts " **** 500 internal error test FAILED TO RUN!!!"
- # puts e
+ rescue => e
+ puts " **** 500 internal error test FAILED TO RUN!!!"
+ puts e
class PlaceboTestCtrl
# called when new Websocket data is recieved
@@ -386,10 +390,44 @@
multicast :_get_uuid, test: true, type: 'multicast'
+class PlaceboStressTestCtrl
+ def review start_time, fin = false, uni = false
+ if fin
+ time_now = Time.now
+ average = (((time_now - start_time)*1.0/(LISTENERS*REPEATS))*1000.0).round(4)
+ total = (time_now - start_time).round(3)
+ puts " * Placebo stress test - Total of #{LISTENERS*REPEATS} events) finished in #{total} seconds"
+ puts " * Placebo stress test - average: (#{average} seconds per event."
+ PlaceboStressTestCtrl.run_unicast_test unless uni
+ end
+ end
+ def self.run_test
+ puts "\n * Placebo Broadcast stress test starting - (#{LISTENERS} listening objects with #{REPEATS} messages."
+ start_time = Time.now
+ (REPEATS - 1).times {|i| PlaceboStressTestCtrl.broadcast :review, start_time}
+ PlaceboStressTestCtrl.unicast @uuid, :review, start_time, true
+ puts " * Placebo stress test - sending messages required: (#{Time.now - start_time} seconds."
+ end
+ def self.run_unicast_test
+ puts "\n * Placebo Unicast stress test starting - (#{LISTENERS} listening objects with #{REPEATS} messages."
+ start_time = Time.now
+ (REPEATS - 1).times {|i| PlaceboStressTestCtrl.unicast @uuid, :review, start_time, false, true}
+ PlaceboStressTestCtrl.unicast @uuid, :review, start_time, true, true
+ puts " * Placebo stress test - sending messages required: (#{Time.now - start_time} seconds."
+ end
+ def self.create_listeners
+ @uuid = nil
+ LISTENERS.times {@uuid = Plezi::Placebo.new(PlaceboStressTestCtrl).uuid}
+ end
+ REPEATS = 1000
PL.create_logger nil
# PL::Settings.max_threads = 4
listen port: 3000
@@ -399,10 +437,13 @@
shared_route 'ws/no', Nothing
shared_route 'ws/placebo', PlaceboTestCtrl
shared_route 'ws/size', WSsizeTestCtrl
+# puts Nothing.ancestors.join "\n"
shared_route '/some/:multi{path|another_path}/(:option){route|test}/(:id)/(:optional)', TestCtrl
shared_route '/', TestCtrl
mem_print_proc = Proc.new do
@@ -416,26 +457,29 @@
# mem_print_proc.call
# GR.run_every 30, &mem_print_proc
-r = Plezi::Placebo.new PlaceboCtrl
-puts " * Create Placebo test: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[r && true]}"
puts " --- Plezi will ran async, performing some tests that than hang"
puts " --- Starting tests"
puts " --- Failed tests should read: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[false]}"
-puts "\n --- Press ^C to complete tests."
+r = Plezi::Placebo.new PlaceboCtrl
+puts " * Create Placebo test: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[r && true]}"
+# ENV['PL_REDIS_URL'] ||= ENV['REDIS_URL'] || ENV['REDISCLOUD_URL'] || ENV['REDISTOGO_URL'] || "redis://test:1234@pub-redis-11008.us-east-1-4.5.ec2.garantiadata.com:11008"
+# # GReactor::Settings.set_forking 4
+# GR.run_async { PleziTestTasks.run_tests }
# start_services
shoutdown_test = false
-# GReactor::Settings.set_forking 4
Plezi.on_shutdown { shoutdown_test = true }
+puts "\n --- Press ^C to complete tests."
# Plezi::EventMachine.clear_timers