resources/routes.rb in plezi-0.14.2 vs resources/routes.rb in plezi-0.14.3

- old
+ new

@@ -1,14 +1,21 @@ ################ # # Place your application routes here. # # # # Add your routes and controllers by order of priority. +# # A dynamic Websocket Client route can be used to automatically send the +# # updated Websocket client whenever Plezi is updated. + +# Plezi.route 'ws/client', :client + # # I18n re-write, i.e.: `/en/home` will be rewriten as `/home`, while setting params['locale'] to "en" + # Plezi.route "/:locale" , /^(#{I18n.available_locales.join "|"})$/ if defined? I18n # # Response format re-write, i.e.: `/xml/home` will use .xml templates automatically # # with :locale a request might look like `/en/json/...` + # Plezi.route "/:format" , /^(html|json|xml)$/ -# The root Controller +# # The root Controller Plezi.route '/', RootController