app/assets/javascripts/plasticine/ in plasticine-1.1.1 vs app/assets/javascripts/plasticine/ in plasticine-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,43 +1,38 @@
class @PlasticineColumn
constructor: (@holder) ->
@holder = $('.plasticine-column')
- @setLocale()
+ PlasticineHelpers.setLocale()
- width = @holderWidth()
- height = @holder.height()
- @xScale = d3.scale.ordinal()
+ @xScale = d3.scaleBand()
- @yScale = d3.scale.linear().range([height,0])
+ @yScale = d3.scaleLinear().range([@holder.height(),0])
- @svg ="##{@holder.attr('id')}").append('svg').style('width', width).style('height', height).append('g')
+ @svg ="##{@holder.attr('id')}").append('svg').style('width', @holderWidth()).style('height', @holder.height()).append('g')
+ d3.json('url')).then (data) => @build(data)
- d3.json'url'), (data) => @build(data)
build: (data) ->
columnIds = data.columns[0] (d,i) -> "col#{i+1}"
+ colGroup = d3.scaleBand().range(columnIds).domain(columnIds)
- @colGroup = d3.scale.ordinal().range(columnIds).domain(columnIds)
@xAxisFormat = data.axis_x_format
@yAxisFormat = data.axis_y_format
@yAxisTickCount = data.axis_y_tick_count
@quarterStartMonth = Number(data.quarter_start_month)
data.columns.forEach (d) =>
y0 = 0
- d.yValues = @colGroup.domain().map (name,i) => { name: name, y0: y0, y1: y0 += @formatValue(d.y_values[i], @yAxisFormat) }
+ d.yValues = colGroup.domain().map (name,i) => { name: name, y0: y0, y1: y0 += PlasticineHelpers.parseValue(d.y_values[i], @yAxisFormat) } = d.yValues[d.yValues.length - 1].y1
- d.x = @formatValue(d.x_value, @xAxisFormat)
+ d.x = PlasticineHelpers.parseValue(d.x_value, @xAxisFormat)
@xScale.domain (d) -> d.x )
@yScale.domain [0, d3.max(data.columns, (d) => *'y-spacing-ratio'))]
@@ -66,73 +61,44 @@
group.selectAll("g").filter((d) -> d).classed("minor", true)
- formatValue: (value, format) ->
- switch format
- when 'date' then new Date(value)
- else value
+ hideTooltip: () -> @holder.find('.tooltip').hide()
holderWidth: () -> @holder.width()
- refreshXAxis: () ->
- @setXAxis()
-'.x.axis').call @xAxis
- refreshYAxis: () ->
- @setYAxis()
-'.y.axis').call @yAxis
- setXAxis: () ->
- @xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(@xScale).orient('bottom')
- @xAxis.tickSize -@holder.height()
- switch @xAxisFormat
- when 'date' then @xAxis.tickFormat(d3.time.format('%b'))
- when 'quarter' then @xAxis.tickFormat (d) => @toQuarter(d)
- when 'year' then @xAxis.tickFormat (d) => @toYear(d)
- when 'money' then @xAxis.tickFormat (d) => @toPrice(d)
- setYAxis: () ->
- @yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(@yScale).orient("left");
- @yAxis.tickSize -@holderWidth()
- @yAxis.ticks @yAxisTickCount
- switch @yAxisFormat
- when 'date' then @yAxis.tickFormat(d3.time.format('%b'))
- when 'money' then @yAxis.tickFormat (d) => @toPrice(d)
- hideTooltip: () -> @holder.find('.tooltip').hide()
refreshColumns: () ->
self = this
- @columns.enter().append('g')
- .attr('class', 'column')
+ @columns.enter().append("g").attr('class', 'column')
.attr('data-x-val', (d) -> d.x_value)
- .attr('transform', (d) => 'translate(' + @xScale(d.x) + ',0)')
.attr('x', (d) => @xScale(d.x))
+ .attr('transform', (d) => 'translate(' + @xScale(d.x) + ',0)')
.on("mouseover", (d) -> self.showTooltip(@, d))
.on("mouseout", (d) -> self.hideTooltip(@))
- @columns.exit().remove()
- @columns.selectAll('rect')
- .data((d) -> d.yValues)
- .enter()
- .append('rect')
- .attr('width', @xScale.rangeBand())
- .attr('y', (d) => @yScale d.y1)
- .attr('height', (d) => @yScale(d.y0) - @yScale(d.y1))
- .attr('class', (d) => @colGroup
+ .selectAll("rect").data((d) => d.yValues).enter()
+ .append("rect")
+ .attr('class', (d,i) => "col#{i+1}")
+ .attr("width", @xScale.bandwidth())
+ .attr("y", (d) => @yScale d.y1)
+ .attr("height", (d) => @yScale(d.y0) - @yScale(d.y1))
+ refreshXAxis: () ->
+ @setXAxis()
+'.x.axis').call @xAxis
+ refreshYAxis: () ->
+ @setYAxis()
+'.y.axis').call @yAxis
resizeX: () ->'width', @holderWidth() + 'px')
@@ -140,39 +106,40 @@
- setLocale: () ->
- french = d3.locale(
- "decimal": ",",
- "thousands": " ",
- "grouping": [3],
- "currency": ["$", ""],
- "dateTime": "%a %b %e %X %Y",
- "date": "%d-%m-%Y",
- "time": "%H:%M:%S",
- "periods": ["AM", "PM"],
- "days": ["Dimanche", "Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi", "Jeudi", "Vendredi", "Samedi"],
- "shortDays": ["Dim", "Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Jeu", "Ven", "Sam"],
- "months": ["Janvier", "Février", "Mars", "Avril", "Mai", "Juin", "Juillet", "Août", "Septembre", "Octobre", "Novembre", "Décembre"],
- "shortMonths": ["Jan", "Fev", "Mar", "Avr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aou", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
- )
+ setXAxis: () ->
+ @xAxis = d3.axisBottom(@xScale)
+ @xAxis.tickSize -@holder.height()
- d3.time.format = french.timeFormat
- d3.format = french.numberFormat
+ switch @xAxisFormat
+ when 'date' then @xAxis.tickFormat(d3.timeFormat('%b'))
+ when 'quarter' then @xAxis.tickFormat (d) => PlasticineHelpers.toQuarter(d, @quarterStartMonth)
+ when 'year' then @xAxis.tickFormat (d) => PlasticineHelpers.toYear(d, @quarterStartMonth)
+ when 'money' then @xAxis.tickFormat (d) => PlasticineHelpers.toPrice(d)
setXScaleRange: () ->
columnsMargin ='columns-margin')
columnsLeftPadding ='columns-left-padding')
columnsRightPadding ='columns-right-padding')
width = @holderWidth()
+ @xScale = @xScale.rangeRound([columnsLeftPadding, width - columnsRightPadding]).padding(columnsMargin);
- @xScale = @xScale.rangeRoundBands([columnsLeftPadding, width - columnsRightPadding], columnsMargin, 0)
+ setYAxis: () ->
+ @yAxis = d3.axisLeft(@yScale)
+ @yAxis.tickSize -@holderWidth()
+ @yAxis.ticks @yAxisTickCount
+ switch @yAxisFormat
+ when 'date' then @yAxis.tickFormat(d3.timeFormat('%b'))
+ when 'money' then @yAxis.tickFormat (d) => PlasticineHelpers.toPrice(d)
showTooltip: (bar, data) ->
barNode = $($(bar).find('rect:last-child')[0])
barX = $(bar).attr('x')
barY = barNode.attr('y')
@@ -188,56 +155,5 @@".tooltip")
.style("left", tooltipX + "px")
.style("top", (yPosition - tooltip.outerHeight()) + "px")
- toPrice: (amount) ->
- if amount is 0
- price = "0"
- else
- price = String(amount)[0..-3]
- price = "0" if price is ""
- price = switch price.length
- when 4 then [price.slice(0, 1), ' ', price.slice(1)].join('')
- when 5 then [price.slice(0, 2), ' ', price.slice(2)].join('')
- when 6 then [price.slice(0, 3), ' ', price.slice(3)].join('')
- when 7 then [price.slice(0, 4), ' ', price.slice(4)].join('')
- else price
- # Show decimals
- #price += ',' + String(amount).slice(-2)
- price += '$'
- toQuarter: (strDate) ->
- date = new Date(strDate + 'T12:00:00')
- month = date.getMonth() + 1
- monthEquiv = (month + (13 - @quarterStartMonth)) % 12
- value = switch
- when monthEquiv <= 3 then 'Q1'
- when monthEquiv <= 6 then 'Q2'
- when monthEquiv <= 9 then 'Q3'
- else 'Q4'
- year = Number(date.getFullYear())
- if (value is "Q1" and @quarterStartMonth >= 10) or ((value is "Q1" or value is "Q2") and @quarterStartMonth >= 7 and @quarterStartMonth < 10)
- year += 1
- value += " #{year}"
- value
- toYear: (strDate) ->
- date = new Date(strDate + 'T12:00:00')
- year = Number(date.getFullYear())
- if @quarterStartMonth >= 7 and (date.getMonth() + 1) >= 7
- year += 1
- year