lib/thinking_sphinx.rb in pixeltrix-thinking-sphinx-1.1.5 vs lib/thinking_sphinx.rb in pixeltrix-thinking-sphinx-1.2.1
- old
+ new
@@ -5,21 +5,25 @@
require 'active_record'
require 'riddle'
require 'after_commit'
require 'thinking_sphinx/core/string'
+require 'thinking_sphinx/property'
require 'thinking_sphinx/active_record'
require 'thinking_sphinx/association'
require 'thinking_sphinx/attribute'
-require 'thinking_sphinx/collection'
require 'thinking_sphinx/configuration'
+require 'thinking_sphinx/excerpter'
require 'thinking_sphinx/facet'
-require 'thinking_sphinx/facet_collection'
+require 'thinking_sphinx/class_facet'
+require 'thinking_sphinx/facet_search'
require 'thinking_sphinx/field'
require 'thinking_sphinx/index'
+require 'thinking_sphinx/source'
require 'thinking_sphinx/rails_additions'
require 'thinking_sphinx/search'
+require 'thinking_sphinx/search_methods'
require 'thinking_sphinx/deltas'
require 'thinking_sphinx/adapters/abstract_adapter'
require 'thinking_sphinx/adapters/mysql_adapter'
require 'thinking_sphinx/adapters/postgresql_adapter'
@@ -31,12 +35,12 @@
) if defined?(Merb)
module ThinkingSphinx
module Version #:nodoc:
Major = 1
- Minor = 1
- Tiny = 3
+ Minor = 2
+ Tiny = 1
String = [Major, Minor, Tiny].join('.')
# A ConnectionError will get thrown when a connection to Sphinx can't be
@@ -58,10 +62,14 @@
# that have Sphinx indexes.
def self.indexed_models
@@indexed_models ||= []
+ def self.unique_id_expression(offset = nil)
+ "* #{ThinkingSphinx.indexed_models.size} + #{offset || 0}"
+ end
# Check if index definition is disabled.
def self.define_indexes?
@@define_indexes = true unless defined?(@@define_indexes)
@@define_indexes == true
@@ -122,23 +130,89 @@
# Checks to see if MySQL will allow simplistic GROUP BY statements. If not,
# or if not using MySQL, this will return false.
def self.use_group_by_shortcut?
- ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters.constants.include?("MysqlAdapter") &&
- ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.is_a?(
- ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdapter
- ) &&
- ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(
- "SELECT @@global.sql_mode, @@session.sql_mode;"
- ).all? { |key,value| value.nil? || value[/ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY/].nil? }
+ !!(
+ mysql? && ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(
+ "SELECT @@global.sql_mode, @@session.sql_mode;"
+ ).all? { |key,value| value.nil? || value[/ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY/].nil? }
+ )
+ @@remote_sphinx = false
+ # An indication of whether Sphinx is running on a remote machine instead of
+ # the same machine.
+ #
+ def self.remote_sphinx?
+ @@remote_sphinx
+ end
+ # Tells Thinking Sphinx that Sphinx is running on a different machine, and
+ # thus it can't reliably guess whether it is running or not (ie: the
+ # #sphinx_running? method), and so just assumes it is.
+ #
+ # Useful for multi-machine deployments. Set it in your production.rb file.
+ #
+ # ThinkingSphinx.remote_sphinx = true
+ #
+ def self.remote_sphinx=(value)
+ @@remote_sphinx = value
+ end
+ # Check if Sphinx is running. If remote_sphinx is set to true (indicating
+ # Sphinx is on a different machine), this will always return true, and you
+ # will have to handle any connection errors yourself.
+ #
def self.sphinx_running?
- !!sphinx_pid
+ remote_sphinx? || sphinx_running_by_pid?
+ # Check if Sphinx is actually running, provided the pid is on the same
+ # machine as this code.
+ #
+ def self.sphinx_running_by_pid?
+ !!sphinx_pid && pid_active?(sphinx_pid)
+ end
def self.sphinx_pid
- pid_file = ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.pid_file
- `cat #{pid_file}`[/\d+/] if File.exists?(pid_file)
+ pid_file = ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.pid_file
+ cat_command = 'cat'
+ return nil unless File.exists?(pid_file)
+ if microsoft?
+ pid_file.gsub!('/', '\\')
+ cat_command = 'type'
+ end
+ `#{cat_command} \"#{pid_file}\"`[/\d+/]
+ def self.pid_active?(pid)
+ return true if microsoft?
+ begin
+ # In JRuby this returns -1 if the process doesn't exist
+ Process.getpgid(pid.to_i) != -1
+ rescue Exception => e
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def
+ RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin/
+ end
+ def self.jruby?
+ defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
+ end
+ def self.mysql?
+ == "MysqlAdapter" ||
+ == "MysqlplusAdapter" || (
+ jruby? && ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.config[:adapter] == "jdbcmysql"
+ )
+ end
+ extend ThinkingSphinx::SearchMethods::ClassMethods