in pivotal-github-0.5.6 vs in pivotal-github-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -99,16 +99,22 @@
Because of the way options are chained, passing the option `--ff` to `git story-merge` will override the `--no-ff` flag and restore the fast-forward behavior.
#### Options
- Usage: git story-merge [options]
- -d, --development BRANCH development branch (defaults to master)
- -h, --help this usage guide
+ Usage: git story-merge [options]
+ -d, --development BRANCH development branch (defaults to master)
+ -h, --help this usage guide
Additionally, `git story-merge` accepts any options valid for `git merge`.
+### git story-pull-request
+`git story-pull-request` opens the proper remote URI to issue a pull request for the current branch (OS–X only):
+ $ git story-pull-request
### story-open
The `story-open` command (*note*: no `git`) opens the current story in the default browser (OS X–only):
$ story-open
@@ -118,14 +124,15 @@
In order to use the `pivotal-github` gem, you need to configure a [post-receive hook for Pivotal Tracker at GitHub]( for your repository. (To find your Pivotal Tracker API token, go to your user profile and scroll to the bottom.) Be sure to check the **Active** box to activate the post-receive hook.
The `pivotal-github` command names follow the Git convention of being verbose (e.g., unlike Subversion, Git doesn't natively support `co` for `checkout`), but I recommend setting up aliases as necessary. Here are some suggestions:
- $ git config --global story-commit
- $ git config --global alias.sp story-push
- $ git config --global story-pull
- $ git config --global story-merge
+ git config --global story-commit
+ git config --global alias.sp story-push
+ git config --global story-pull
+ git config --global story-merge
+ git config --global alias.spr story-pull-request
A single-developer workflow would then look like this:
$ git co -b 6283185-add-markdown-support
$ git sp
@@ -160,9 +167,12 @@
4. Rebase against `master` using `git story-pull` followed by `git rebase master` or `git rebase master --interactive` (optionally squashing commit messages as described in the article [A Git Workflow for Agile Teams](
4. Push up with `git push`
6. At the GitHub page for the repo, select **Branches** and submit a pull request
7. Go the story at Pivotal Tracker and change the **Owner** to Developer #2 (Bob)
8. Continue working, taking care to branch off of the current story branch if its changes are required to continue
+Rather than immediately submitting a pull request, Alice can also continue by branching off the previous story branch, working on a set of related features, and then issue Bob a pull request for the final branch when she reaches a natural stopping place.
### Developer #2 (Bob)
1. Select **Pull Requests** at GitHub and review the pull request diffs
2. If acceptable, merge the branch by clicking on the button at GitHub