lib/pineapples/templates/bin/setup in pineapples-0.3.34 vs lib/pineapples/templates/bin/setup in pineapples-0.3.345
- old
+ new
@@ -1,33 +1,123 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'pathname'
require 'fileutils'
+ require 'highline'
+rescue LoadError
+ # If highline is missing, we'll gracefully omit ansi color output
-# path to your application root.
-APP_ROOT = File.expand_path('../../', __FILE__)
+def setup!
+ inside_app_root do
+ test 'ruby -v' => ruby_version
-Dir.chdir APP_ROOT do
- # This script is a starting point to setup your application.
- # Add necessary setup steps to this file:
+ say_title 'Installing dependencies'
+ run 'gem install bundler --no-document --conservative'
+ run 'rbenv rehash' if rbenv_installed?
+ run 'bundle check || bundle install'
+ run "rbenv rehash" if rbenv_installed?
- puts "== Installing dependencies =="
- system "gem install bundler --conservative"
- system "bundle check || bundle install"
+ say_title 'Copying sample files'
+ copy '.example.env'
+ copy '.example.rspec'
- # puts "\n== Copying sample files =="
- # unless File.exist?("config/database.yml")
- # system "cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml"
- # end
+ test_local_env_contains_required_keys
- # Add binstubs to PATH via export PATH=".git/safe/../../bin:$PATH" in your shell rc file
- FileUtils.mkdir_p '.git/safe'
+ say_title 'Preparing database'
+ run 'bundle exec rake db:setup'
- puts "\n== Preparing database =="
- system "bundle exec rake db:setup"
+ # run 'pre-commit install' if pre_commit_available?
+ end
- puts "\n== Removing old logs and tempfiles =="
- system "rm -f log/*"
- system "rm -rf tmp/cache"
+def inside_app_root(&block)
+ app_root = File.expand_path('../../', __FILE__)
+ Dir.chdir(app_root, &block)
- puts "\n== Restarting application server =="
- system "touch tmp/restart.txt"
+def ruby_version
+ @ruby_version ||= begin
+ end
+def test(options)
+ command, output = options.first
+ say(:yellow, "test #{command}") do
+ unless `#{command}`.include?(output)
+ die("#{command} does not include #{output}")
+ end
+ end
+def run(command)
+ say(:light_blue, "run #{command}") do
+ shell = "#{command} > /dev/null"
+ with_clean_bundler_env do
+ system(shell) or die("#{command} exited with non-zero status}")
+ end
+ end
+def with_clean_bundler_env(&block)
+ return unless defined?(Bundler)
+ Bundler.with_clean_env(&block)
+def rbenv_installed?
+ @rbenv_installed = `which rbenv`.length > 0 if @rbenv_installed.nil?
+ @rbenv_installed
+def pre_commit_available?
+ @pre_commit_available = `which pre-commit`.length > 0 if @pre_commit_available.nil?
+ @pre_commit_available
+def copy(example_path)
+ copy_path = example_path.sub(/\.?example/, '')
+ return if File.exist?(copy_path)
+ say(:magenta, "copy #{example_path} → #{copy_path}") do
+ FileUtils.cp(example_path, copy_path)
+ end
+def test_local_env_contains_required_keys
+ keys = ->(file) { IO.readlines(file).map { |line| line[/^([^#\s][^=\s]*)/, 1] }.compact }
+ say(:light_yellow, 'test .env contents') do
+ missing = keys['.example.env'] - keys['.env']
+ if missing.any?
+ die("Your .env file is missing #{missing.join(', ')}")
+ end
+ end
+def say(color, message, output_stream = $stdout, &block)
+ if defined?(HighLine::String)
+ message.sub!(/^(\S*)/) {$1).public_send(color) }
+ end
+ if block_given?
+ output_stream.print("#{message}… ")
+ yield
+ say(:light_green, "✔︎")
+ else
+ output_stream.puts(message)
+ end
+def say_title(title)
+ puts
+ puts "== #{title} =="
+def die(message)
+ puts
+ say(:light_red, "FAIL #{message}", $stderr)
+ exit 1