spec/piglet_spec.rb in piglet-0.1.2 vs spec/piglet_spec.rb in piglet-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,671 @@
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper')
describe Piglet do
+ before do
+ @interpreter = Piglet::Interpreter.new
+ end
+ context 'load & store operators:' do
+ describe 'LOAD' do
+ it 'outputs a LOAD statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('some/path'), 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should include("LOAD 'some/path'")
+ end
+ it 'outputs a LOAD statement without a USING clause if none specified' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('some/path'), 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should_not include('USING')
+ end
+ it 'outputs a LOAD statement with a USING clause with a specified function' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('some/path', :using => 'XYZ'), 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should include("LOAD 'some/path' USING XYZ;")
+ end
+ Piglet::Inout::StorageTypes::LOAD_STORE_FUNCTIONS.each do |symbolic_name, function|
+ it "knows that the load method :#{symbolic_name} means #{function}" do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('some/path', :using => symbolic_name), 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should include("LOAD 'some/path' USING #{function};")
+ end
+ end
+ it 'outputs a LOAD statement with an AS clause' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('some/path', :schema => %w(a b c)), 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should include("LOAD 'some/path' AS (a, b, c);")
+ end
+ it 'outputs a LOAD statement with an AS clause with types' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('some/path', :schema => [:a, [:b, :chararray], :c]), 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should include("LOAD 'some/path' AS (a, b:chararray, c);")
+ end
+ it 'outputs a LOAD statement with an AS clause with types specified as both strings and symbols' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('some/path', :schema => [:a, %w(b chararray), :c]), 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should include("LOAD 'some/path' AS (a, b:chararray, c);")
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'STORE' do
+ it 'outputs a STORE statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('some/path'), 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/STORE \w+ INTO 'out'/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a STORE statement without a USING clause if none specified' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('some/path'), 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should_not include("USING")
+ end
+ it 'outputs a STORE statement with a USING clause with a specified function' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('some/path'), 'out', :using => 'XYZ') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/STORE \w+ INTO 'out' USING XYZ/)
+ end
+ it 'knows that the load method :pig_storage means PigStorage' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('some/path'), 'out', :using => :pig_storage) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/STORE \w+ INTO 'out' USING PigStorage/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'DUMP' do
+ it 'outputs a DUMP statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { dump(load('some/path')) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/DUMP \w+/)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'diagnostic operators:' do
+ describe 'ILLUSTRATE' do
+ it 'outputs an ILLUSTRATE statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { illustrate(load('some/path')) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/ILLUSTRATE \w+/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'DESCRIBE' do
+ it 'outputs a DESCRIBE statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { describe(load('some/path')) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/DESCRIBE \w+/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'EXPLAIN' do
+ it 'outputs an EXPLAIN statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { explain(load('some/path')) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/EXPLAIN \w+/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs an EXPLAIN statement without an alias' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { explain }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/EXPLAIN;/)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'relation operators:' do
+ describe 'GROUP' do
+ it 'outputs a GROUP statement with one grouping field' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('in').group(:a), 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/GROUP \w+ BY a/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a GROUP statement with more than one grouping field' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('in').group(:a, :b, :c), 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/GROUP \w+ BY \(a, b, c\)/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a GROUP statement with a PARALLEL clause' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('in').group([:a, :b, :c], :parallel => 3), 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/GROUP \w+ BY \(a, b, c\) PARALLEL 3/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'DISTINCT' do
+ it 'outputs a DISTINCT statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('in').distinct, 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/DISTINCT \w+/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a DISTINCT statement with a PARALLEL clause' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('in').distinct(:parallel => 4), 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/DISTINCT \w+ PARALLEL 4/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'CROSS' do
+ it 'outputs a CROSS statement with two relations' do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ a = load('in1')
+ b = load('in2')
+ c = a.cross(b)
+ dump(c)
+ end
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/CROSS \w+, \w+/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a CROSS statement with many relations' do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ a = load('in1')
+ b = load('in2')
+ c = load('in3')
+ d = load('in4')
+ e = a.cross(b, c, d)
+ dump(e)
+ end
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/CROSS \w+, \w+, \w+, \w+/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a CROSS statement with a PARALLEL clause' do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ a = load('in1')
+ b = load('in2')
+ c = load('in3')
+ d = a.cross([b, c], :parallel => 4)
+ dump(d)
+ end
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/CROSS \w+, \w+, \w+ PARALLEL 4/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'UNION' do
+ it 'outputs a UNION statement with two relations' do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ a = load('in1')
+ b = load('in2')
+ c = a.union(b)
+ dump(c)
+ end
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/UNION \w+, \w+/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a UNION statement with many relations' do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ a = load('in1')
+ b = load('in2')
+ c = load('in3')
+ d = load('in4')
+ e = a.union(b, c, d)
+ dump(e)
+ end
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/UNION \w+, \w+, \w+, \w+/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'SAMPLE' do
+ it 'outputs a SAMPLE statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { dump(load('in').sample(10)) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/SAMPLE \w+ 10/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'LIMIT' do
+ it 'outputs a LIMIT statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { dump(load('in').limit(42)) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/LIMIT \w+ 42/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'FOREACH … GENERATE' do
+ it 'outputs a FOREACH … GENERATE statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { dump(load('in').foreach { |r| :a }) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/FOREACH \w+ GENERATE a/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a FOREACH … GENERATE statement with a list of fields' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { dump(load('in').foreach { |r| [:a, :b, :c] }) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/FOREACH \w+ GENERATE a, b, c/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a FOREACH … GENERATE statement with fields resolved from the relation' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { dump(load('in').foreach { |r| [r.a, r.b, r.c] }) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/FOREACH (\w+) GENERATE a, b, c/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a FOREACH … GENERATE statement with fields resolved from the relation with positional syntax' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { dump(load('in').foreach { |r| [r[0], r[1], r[2]] }) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/FOREACH (\w+) GENERATE \$0, \$1, \$2/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a FOREACH … GENERATE statement with aggregate functions applied to the fields' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { dump(load('in').foreach { |r| [r.a.max, r.b.min, r.c.avg] }) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/FOREACH (\w+) GENERATE MAX\(a\), MIN\(b\), AVG\(c\)/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a FOREACH … GENERATE statement with fields that access inner fields' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { dump(load('in').foreach { |r| [r.a.b, r.b.c, r.c.d] }) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/FOREACH (\w+) GENERATE a.b, b.c, c.d/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a FOREACH … GENERATE statement that includes field aliasing' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { dump(load('in').foreach { |r| [r.a.b.as(:c), r.a.b.as(:d)] }) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/FOREACH (\w+) GENERATE a.b AS c, a.b AS d/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'FILTER' do
+ it 'outputs a FILTER statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { dump(load('in').filter { |r| r.a == 3 }) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/FILTER \w+ BY a == 3/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a FILTER statement with a complex test' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { dump(load('in').filter { |r| (r.a > r.b).and(r.c.ne(3)) }) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/FILTER \w+ BY \(a > b\) AND \(c != 3\)/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'SPLIT' do
+ it 'outputs a SPLIT statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ a, b = load('in').split { |r| [r.a >= 0, r.a < 0]}
+ dump(a)
+ dump(b)
+ end
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/SPLIT \w+ INTO \w+ IF a >= 0, \w+ IF a < 0/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'ORDER' do
+ it 'outputs an ORDER statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { dump(load('in').order(:a)) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/ORDER \w+ BY a/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs an ORDER statement with multiple fields' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { dump(load('in').order(:a, :b)) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/ORDER \w+ BY a, b/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs an ORDER statement with ASC and DESC' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { dump(load('in').order([:a, :asc], [:b, :desc])) }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/ORDER \w+ BY a ASC, b DESC/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'JOIN' do
+ it 'outputs a JOIN statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ a = load('in1')
+ b = load('in2')
+ c = a.join(a => :x, b => :y)
+ dump(c)
+ end
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/JOIN \w+ BY \w+, \w+ BY \w+/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a JOIN statement with a PARALLEL clause' do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ a = load('in1')
+ b = load('in2')
+ c = a.join(a => :x, b => :y, :parallel => 5)
+ dump(c)
+ end
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/JOIN \w+ BY \w+, \w+ BY \w+ PARALLEL 5/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a JOIN statement with a USING clause' do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ a = load('in1')
+ b = load('in2')
+ c = a.join(a => :x, b => :y, :using => :replicated)
+ dump(c)
+ end
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/JOIN \w+ BY \w+, \w+ BY \w+ USING "replicated"/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'COGROUP' do
+ it 'outputs a COGROUP statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ a = load('in1')
+ b = load('in2')
+ c = a.cogroup(a => :x, b => :y)
+ dump(c)
+ end
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/COGROUP \w+ BY \w+, \w+ BY \w+/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a COGROUP statement with multiple join fields' do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ a = load('in1')
+ b = load('in2')
+ c = a.cogroup(a => :x, b => [:y, :z, :w])
+ dump(c)
+ end
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/\w+ BY \(y, z, w\)/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a COGROUP statement with a PARALLEL clause' do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ a = load('in1')
+ b = load('in2')
+ c = a.cogroup(a => :x, b => :y, :parallel => 5)
+ dump(c)
+ end
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/COGROUP \w+ BY \w+, \w+ BY \w+ PARALLEL 5/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs a COGROUP statement with INNER and OUTER' do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ a = load('in1')
+ b = load('in2')
+ c = a.cogroup(a => [:x, :inner], b => [:y, :outer])
+ dump(c)
+ end
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/\w+ BY x INNER/)
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/\w+ BY y OUTER/)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'aliasing & multiple statements' do
+ it 'aliases the loaded relation and uses the same alias in the STORE statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('in'), 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/(\w+) = LOAD 'in';\nSTORE \1 INTO 'out';/)
+ end
+ it 'aliases both a loaded relation and a grouped relation and uses the latter in the STORE statement' do
+ @interpreter.interpret { store(load('in', :schema => [:a]).group(:a), 'out') }
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/(\w+) = LOAD 'in' AS \(a\);\n(\w+) = GROUP \1 BY a;\nSTORE \2 INTO 'out';/)
+ end
+ it 'aliases a whole row of statements' do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ a = load('in', :schema => [:a])
+ b = a.group(:a)
+ c = b.group(:a)
+ d = c.group(:a)
+ store(d, 'out')
+ end
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/(\w+) = LOAD 'in' AS \(a\);\n(\w+) = GROUP \1 BY a;\n(\w+) = GROUP \2 BY a;\n(\w+) = GROUP \3 BY a;\nSTORE \4 INTO 'out';/)
+ end
+ it 'outputs the statements for an alias only once, regardless of home many times it is stored' do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ a = load('in')
+ b = a.distinct
+ store(b, 'out1')
+ store(b, 'out2')
+ end
+ @interpreter.to_pig_latin.should match(/(\w+) = LOAD 'in';\n(\w+) = DISTINCT \1;\nSTORE \2 INTO 'out1';\nSTORE \2 INTO 'out2';/)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'long and complex scripts' do
+ before do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ sessions = load('sessions', :schema => [
+ [:ad_id, :chararray],
+ [:site, :chararray],
+ [:size, :chararray],
+ [:name, :chararray],
+ [:impression, :int],
+ [:engagement, :int],
+ [:click_thru, :int]
+ ])
+ %w(site size name).each do |dimension|
+ result = sessions.group(:ad_id, dimension).foreach do |r|
+ [
+ r[0].ad_id.as(:ad_id),
+ literal(dimension).as(:dimension),
+ r[0].field(dimension).as(:value),
+ r[1].exposure.sum.as(:exposures),
+ r[1].impression.sum.as(:impressions),
+ r[1].engagement.sum.as(:engagements),
+ r[1].click_thru.sum.as(:click_thrus)
+ ]
+ end
+ store(result, "report_metrics-#{dimension}")
+ end
+ end
+ @output = @interpreter.to_pig_latin
+ end
+ it 'outputs the correct number of LOAD statements' do
+ @output.scan(/LOAD/).size.should eql(1)
+ end
+ it 'outputs the correct number of STORE statements' do
+ @output.scan(/STORE/).size.should eql(3)
+ end
+ it 'doesn\'t assign to the same relation twice' do
+ @assignments = @output.scan(/^(\w+)(?=\s*=)/).flatten
+ @assignments.uniq.should eql(@assignments)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'schemas' do
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation returned by #load, with types' do
+ schema = catch(:schema) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ schema = load('in', :schema => [[:a, :chararray], [:b, :chararray]]).schema
+ throw :schema, schema
+ end
+ end
+ schema.field_names.should eql([:a, :b])
+ schema.field_type(:a).should eql(:chararray)
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation returned by #load, without types' do
+ schema = catch(:schema) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ schema = load('in', :schema => [:a, :b]).schema
+ throw :schema, schema
+ end
+ end
+ schema.field_names.should eql([:a, :b])
+ schema.field_type(:a).should eql(:bytearray)
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation returned by #load, with and without types' do
+ schema = catch(:schema) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ schema = load('in', :schema => [[:a, :float], :b]).schema
+ throw :schema, schema
+ end
+ end
+ schema.field_names.should eql([:a, :b])
+ schema.field_type(:a).should eql(:float)
+ end
+ it 'does not know anything about the schema of a relation returned by #load if no schema was given' do
+ relation = catch(:relation) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ throw :relation, load('in')
+ end
+ end
+ relation.schema.should be_nil
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation derived through non-schema-changing operations' do
+ schema = catch(:schema) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ relation = load('in', :schema => [[:a, :float], [:b, :int]]).limit(3).sample(0.1).distinct.order(:a)
+ throw :schema, relation.schema
+ end
+ end
+ schema.field_names.should eql([:a, :b])
+ schema.field_type(:a).should eql(:float)
+ schema.field_type(:b).should eql(:int)
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation grouped on one field' do
+ relation = catch(:relation) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ relation = load('in', :schema => [[:a, :float], [:b, :int]]).group(:a)
+ throw :relation, relation
+ end
+ end
+ source_relation_name = relation.sources.first.alias.to_sym
+ relation.schema.field_names.should eql([:group, source_relation_name])
+ relation.schema.field_type(:group).should eql(:float)
+ relation.schema.field_type(source_relation_name).should be_a(Piglet::Schema::Bag)
+ relation.schema.field_type(source_relation_name).field_names.should eql([:a, :b])
+ relation.schema.field_type(source_relation_name).field_type(:a).should eql(:float)
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation grouped on more than one field' do
+ relation = catch(:relation) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ relation = load('in', :schema => [[:a, :float], [:b, :int]]).group(:a, :b)
+ throw :relation, relation
+ end
+ end
+ source_relation_name = relation.sources.first.alias.to_sym
+ relation.schema.field_names.should eql([:group, source_relation_name])
+ relation.schema.field_type(:group).should be_a(Piglet::Schema::Tuple)
+ relation.schema.field_type(:group).field_names.should eql([:a, :b])
+ relation.schema.field_type(:group).field_type(:a).should eql(:float)
+ relation.schema.field_type(source_relation_name).should be_a(Piglet::Schema::Bag)
+ relation.schema.field_type(source_relation_name).field_names.should eql([:a, :b])
+ relation.schema.field_type(source_relation_name).field_type(:b).should eql(:int)
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation cross joined with itself' do
+ schema = catch(:schema) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ relation = load('in', :schema => [[:a, :float], [:b, :int]])
+ relation = relation.cross(relation)
+ throw :schema, relation.schema
+ end
+ end
+ schema.field_names.should eql([:a, :b, :a, :b])
+ schema.field_type(:a).should eql(:float)
+ schema.field_type(:b).should eql(:int)
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation cross joined with another' do
+ schema = catch(:schema) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ relation1 = load('in1', :schema => [[:a, :float], [:b, :int]])
+ relation2 = load('in2', :schema => [[:c, :chararray], [:d, :double]])
+ relation3 = relation1.cross(relation2)
+ throw :schema, relation3.schema
+ end
+ end
+ schema.field_names.should eql([:a, :b, :c, :d])
+ schema.field_type(:a).should eql(:float)
+ schema.field_type(:b).should eql(:int)
+ schema.field_type(:c).should eql(:chararray)
+ schema.field_type(:d).should eql(:double)
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation joined with another' do
+ schema = catch(:schema) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ relation1 = load('in1', :schema => [[:a, :float], [:b, :int]])
+ relation2 = load('in2', :schema => [[:c, :int], [:d, :double]])
+ relation3 = relation1.join(relation1 => :b, relation2 => :c)
+ throw :schema, relation3.schema
+ end
+ end
+ schema.field_names.should eql([:a, :b, :c, :d])
+ schema.field_type(:a).should eql(:float)
+ schema.field_type(:b).should eql(:int)
+ schema.field_type(:c).should eql(:int)
+ schema.field_type(:d).should eql(:double)
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation cogrouped with another' do
+ relation1, relation2, relation3 = catch(:relations) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ relation1 = load('in1', :schema => [[:a, :float], [:b, :int]])
+ relation2 = load('in2', :schema => [[:c, :int], [:d, :double]])
+ relation3 = relation1.cogroup(relation1 => :b, relation2 => :c)
+ throw :relations, [relation1, relation2, relation3]
+ end
+ end
+ relation3.schema.field_names.should eql([:group, relation1.alias.to_sym, relation2.alias.to_sym])
+ relation3.schema.field_type(relation1.alias.to_sym).should be_a(Piglet::Schema::Bag)
+ relation3.schema.field_type(relation2.alias.to_sym).should be_a(Piglet::Schema::Bag)
+ relation3.schema.field_type(relation1.alias.to_sym).field_names.should eql([:a, :b])
+ relation3.schema.field_type(relation2.alias.to_sym).field_names.should eql([:c, :d])
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation projection' do
+ schema = catch(:schema) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ relation1 = load('in1', :schema => [[:a, :float], [:b, :int]])
+ relation2 = relation1.foreach { |r| [r.a] }
+ throw :schema, relation2.schema
+ end
+ end
+ schema.field_names.should eql([:a])
+ schema.field_type(:a).should eql(:float)
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation projection containing a call to MAX' do
+ schema = catch(:schema) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ relation1 = load('in1', :schema => [[:a, :float], [:b, :int]])
+ relation2 = relation1.foreach { |r| [r.a.max] }
+ throw :schema, relation2.schema
+ end
+ end
+ schema.field_names.should eql([nil])
+ schema.field_type(0).should eql(:float)
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation projection containing a call to COUNT' do
+ schema = catch(:schema) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ relation1 = load('in1', :schema => [[:a, :float], [:b, :int]])
+ relation2 = relation1.foreach { |r| [r.a.count] }
+ throw :schema, relation2.schema
+ end
+ end
+ schema.field_names.should eql([nil])
+ schema.field_type(0).should eql(:long)
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation projection containing a field rename' do
+ schema = catch(:schema) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ relation1 = load('in1', :schema => [[:a, :float], [:b, :int]])
+ relation2 = relation1.foreach { |r| [r.a.count.as(:x)] }
+ throw :schema, relation2.schema
+ end
+ end
+ schema.field_names.should eql([:x])
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation projection containing a literal string' do
+ schema = catch(:schema) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ relation1 = load('in1', :schema => [[:a, :float], [:b, :int]])
+ relation2 = relation1.foreach { |r| [literal('blipp')] }
+ throw :schema, relation2.schema
+ end
+ end
+ schema.field_type(0).should eql(:chararray)
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation projection containing a literal integer' do
+ schema = catch(:schema) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ relation1 = load('in1', :schema => [[:a, :float], [:b, :int]])
+ relation2 = relation1.foreach { |r| [literal(4)] }
+ throw :schema, relation2.schema
+ end
+ end
+ schema.field_type(0).should eql(:int)
+ end
+ it 'knows the schema of a relation projection containing a literal float' do
+ schema = catch(:schema) do
+ @interpreter.interpret do
+ relation1 = load('in1', :schema => [[:a, :float], [:b, :int]])
+ relation2 = relation1.foreach { |r| [literal(3.14)] }
+ throw :schema, relation2.schema
+ end
+ end
+ schema.field_type(0).should eql(:double)
+ end
+ end