in piggybak_variants-0.0.12 vs in piggybak_variants-0.0.13

- old
+ new

@@ -1,9 +1,25 @@ PiggybakVariants Gem (Engine) ======== Advanced variant support for Piggybak. +Install +======== + +In your Gemfile add `gem "piggybak_variants"` + +Run `bundle install` + +Run `rake piggybak_variants:install:migrations` +Migrate the DB `rake db:migrate` + +Add `acts_as_sellable_with_variants` to any model that should have variants. You may need to add appropriate attr_accessible settings in your model as well, depending on your attribute accessibility settings. + +In the admin, define option configurations and option values for each option, then create variants for your sellable instances. + +Finally, add `<%= variant_cart_form(@instance) %>` to your sellable item's show page to render the cart form. + TODO ======== * Notes specified in variant.rb