lib/puma/app/status.rb in piesync-puma- vs lib/puma/app/status.rb in piesync-puma-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,74 +1,93 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'puma/json_serialization'
module Puma
module App
+ # Check out {#call}'s source code to see what actions this web application
+ # can respond to.
class Status
- def initialize(cli)
- @cli = cli
- @auth_token = nil
- end
OK_STATUS = '{ "status": "ok" }'.freeze
- attr_accessor :auth_token
- def authenticate(env)
- return true unless @auth_token
- env['QUERY_STRING'].to_s.split(/&;/).include?("token=#{@auth_token}")
+ # @param launcher [::Puma::Launcher]
+ # @param token [String, nil] the token used for authentication
+ #
+ def initialize(launcher, token = nil)
+ @launcher = launcher
+ @auth_token = token
- def rack_response(status, body, content_type='application/json')
- headers = {
- 'Content-Type' => content_type,
- 'Content-Length' => body.bytesize.to_s
- }
- [status, headers, [body]]
- end
+ # most commands call methods in `::Puma::Launcher` based on command in
+ # `env['PATH_INFO']`
def call(env)
unless authenticate(env)
return rack_response(403, 'Invalid auth token', 'text/plain')
- case env['PATH_INFO']
- when /\/stop$/
- @cli.stop
- return rack_response(200, OK_STATUS)
+ # resp_type is processed by following case statement, return
+ # is a number (status) or a string used as the body of a 200 response
+ resp_type =
+ case env['PATH_INFO'][/\/([^\/]+)$/, 1]
+ when 'stop'
+ @launcher.stop ; 200
- when /\/halt$/
- @cli.halt
- return rack_response(200, OK_STATUS)
+ when 'halt'
+ @launcher.halt ; 200
- when /\/restart$/
- @cli.restart
- return rack_response(200, OK_STATUS)
+ when 'restart'
+ @launcher.restart ; 200
- when /\/phased-restart$/
- if !@cli.phased_restart
- return rack_response(404, '{ "error": "phased restart not available" }')
- else
- return rack_response(200, OK_STATUS)
- end
+ when 'phased-restart'
+ @launcher.phased_restart ? 200 : 404
- when /\/reload-worker-directory$/
- if !@cli.send(:reload_worker_directory)
- return rack_response(404, '{ "error": "reload_worker_directory not available" }')
+ when 'reload-worker-directory'
+ @launcher.send(:reload_worker_directory) ? 200 : 404
+ when 'gc'
+ GC.start ; 200
+ when 'gc-stats'
+ Puma::JSONSerialization.generate GC.stat
+ when 'stats'
+ Puma::JSONSerialization.generate @launcher.stats
+ when 'thread-backtraces'
+ backtraces = []
+ @launcher.thread_status do |name, backtrace|
+ backtraces << { name: name, backtrace: backtrace }
+ end
+ Puma::JSONSerialization.generate backtraces
- return rack_response(200, OK_STATUS)
+ return rack_response(404, "Unsupported action", 'text/plain')
- when /\/gc$/
- GC.start
- return rack_response(200, OK_STATUS)
+ case resp_type
+ when String
+ rack_response 200, resp_type
+ when 200
+ rack_response 200, OK_STATUS
+ when 404
+ str = env['PATH_INFO'][/\/(\S+)/, 1].tr '-', '_'
+ rack_response 404, "{ \"error\": \"#{str} not available\" }"
+ end
+ end
- when /\/gc-stats$/
- json = "{" + { |k, v| "\"#{k}\": #{v}" }.join(",") + "}"
- return rack_response(200, json)
+ private
- when /\/stats$/
- return rack_response(200, @cli.stats)
- else
- rack_response 404, "Unsupported action", 'text/plain'
- end
+ def authenticate(env)
+ return true unless @auth_token
+ env['QUERY_STRING'].to_s.split(/&;/).include?("token=#{@auth_token}")
+ end
+ def rack_response(status, body, content_type='application/json')
+ headers = {
+ 'Content-Type' => content_type,
+ 'Content-Length' => body.bytesize.to_s
+ }
+ [status, headers, [body]]