spec/lib/generators/similarity/phonetic_spec.rb in picky-4.10.0 vs spec/lib/generators/similarity/phonetic_spec.rb in picky-4.11.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,22 +1,29 @@
# encoding: utf-8
require 'spec_helper'
+require 'text'
describe Picky::Generators::Similarity::Phonetic do
- it 'raises if you try to use Phonetic directly' do
- expect {
- described_class.new
- }.to raise_error("In Picky 2.0+, the Similarity::Phonetic has been renamed to Similarity::DoubleMetaphone. Please use that one. Thanks!")
- end
it "raises when you don't have the text gem" do
instance = Class.new(described_class).allocate
instance.should_receive(:require).any_number_of_times.and_raise LoadError
+ Picky.logger.should_receive(:warn).once.with <<-EXPECTED
+Warning: text gem missing!
+To use a phonetic Similarity, you need to:
+ 1. Add the following line to Gemfile:
+ gem 'text'
+ or
+ require 'text'
+ for example at the top of your app.rb file.
+ 2. Then, run:
+ bundle update
- instance.should_receive(:warn).once.with "text gem missing!\nTo use a phonetic Similarity, you need to:\n 1. Add the following line to Gemfile:\n gem 'text'\n 2. Then, run:\n bundle update\n"
instance.should_receive(:exit).once.with 1
instance.send :initialize
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