lib/cucumber/pickles/helpers/node_finders.rb in pickles-0.1.9 vs lib/cucumber/pickles/helpers/node_finders.rb in pickles-0.1.10
- old
+ new
@@ -90,24 +90,31 @@
# case 3
_rescued_find([:xpath, xpath, options], locator, within: within, message: "@contenteditable with placeholder = #{locator}") do
inputtable_field_xpath = "*[self::input or self::textarea or @contenteditable]"
- xpath = "(#{label_xpath})#{index_xpath}/ancestor::*[.//#{inputtable_field_xpath}][position()=1]//#{inputtable_field_xpath}"
+ xpath = "(#{label_xpath}/ancestor::*[.//#{inputtable_field_xpath}][position()=1]//#{inputtable_field_xpath})#{index_xpath}"
- # case 1
- _rescued_find([:xpath, xpath, options], locator, within: within, message: "find_node(#{locator}) => look for closest fillable field") do
+ _rescued_find([:xpath, xpath, options], locator, within: within, message: "find_node(#{locator}) => look for closest fillable field, index by input") do
- # case 2
- _rescued_find([:fillable_field, locator, options], locator, within: within, message: 'Capybara#fillable_input') do
+ inputtable_field_xpath = "*[self::input or self::textarea or @contenteditable]"
- # all cases failed => raise
- raise Capybara::ElementNotFound,
- "Unable to find fillable field by locator #{locator}",
- caller
+ xpath = "(#{label_xpath})#{index_xpath}/ancestor::*[.//#{inputtable_field_xpath}][position()=1]//#{inputtable_field_xpath}"
- end
+ # case 1
+ _rescued_find([:xpath, xpath, options], locator, within: within, message: "find_node(#{locator}) => look for closest fillable field, index by label") do
+ # case 2
+ _rescued_find([:fillable_field, locator, options], locator, within: within, message: 'Capybara#fillable_input') do
+ # all cases failed => raise
+ raise Capybara::ElementNotFound,
+ "Unable to find fillable field by locator #{locator}",
+ caller
+ end
+ end