README.rdoc in pickle-0.4.5 vs README.rdoc in pickle-0.4.6
- old
+ new
@@ -327,10 +327,121 @@
# example of use
Given a user exists
And a post exists with author: the user # this step will assign the above user as :author on the post
+=== Email Steps
+When you run <tt>rails g pickle --email</tt> you get steps for handling email.
+The general pattern of use is to clear the email queue (if necessary), have your app perform something that sends emails, assert that emails have been delivered, then assert
+those emails have particular properties.
+For example:
+ Background:
+ Given a user has signed up
+ And all emails have been delivered
+ And the user has signed in
+ Scenario: User buys a fork
+ Given I am on the fork page
+ And I press "Buy Fork!"
+ Then 1 email should be delivered to the user
+ And the email should contain "You can haz Fork!"
+ When I follow the "my account" link in the email
+ Then I should be on the account page
+ And 1 email should be delivered to ""
+ And the email should contain the user's page
+ And the email should contain "User can haz Fork!"
+You can refer to emails that were found in the <tt>Then <i>n</i> emails should be delivered</tt> in the following ways:
+ the email (refers to last email)
+ the 1st email
+ the last email
+ email to: ""
+ email subject: "some subject"
+ email to: "", subject: "some subject"
+==== Map expressions to email addresses
+By default a step like
+ Then 2 emails should be delivered to the user "Ethel"
+Will look for the <tt>email</tt> attribute on the found model. This is configurable in much the same way as
+page names for url paths. Have a look at <tt>features/support/email.rb</tt> to add your own custom mappings.
+For example:
+ # in features/support/email.rb
+ when /^#{capture_model} sales team$/
+ model!($1).sales_email
+ # in a feature
+ Given a site exists
+ And someone buys something form the site
+ Then 1 email should be delivered to the site sales team
+More detail on the emails steps follows:
+==== Given steps
+Clear the email queue, e.g.
+ Given all email has been delivered
+ Given all emails have been delivered
+==== When steps
+When <b>[I|they]</b> follow <b>[text_or_regex|the first link]</b> the email, e.g.
+ When I follow the first link in the email
+ When I follow "" in the email
+ When I follow "some link text" in the email
+==== Then steps
+Then <b>n</b> email(s) should be delivered to <b>address</b>, e.g.
+ Then 1 email should be delivered to
+Then <b>n</b> email(s) should be delivered with <b>fields</b>, e.g.
+ Then 2 emails should be delivered with subject: "Welcome to pickle"
+ Then 2 email should be delivered with to: "", from: ""
+Then <b>fields</b> should be delivered to <b>address</b>, e.g.
+ Then subject: "Welcome to pickle" should be delivered to
+Then <b>fields</b> should be not delivered to <b>address</b>, e.g.
+ Then subject: "Welcome to pickle" should not be delivered to
+Then <b>email</b> should have <b>fields</b>, e.g.
+ Then the email should have subject: "Welcome to pickle", from: ""
+Then <b>email</b> should contain "<b>text</b>", e.g.
+ Then the email should contain "Thank you for choosing pickle"
+Then <b>email</b> should not contain "<b>text</b>", e.g.
+ Then the email should not contain "v1@gr@"
+Then <b>email</b> should link to "<b>href</b>", e.g.
+ Then the email should link to
+Then show me the email(s), will open the email(s) in your browser (depends on OS X)
+ Then show me the email(s)
== Run the tests
To run the specs and features, you can start from the last known good set of gem dependencies in Gemfile.lock.development:
git clone
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* {Michael MacDonald}[]
* {Michael Moen}[]
* {Myron Marston}[]
* {Stephan Hagemann}[]
* {Chris Flipse}[]