vendor/assets/javascripts/pickadate/ in pickadate-rails-1.2.2 vs vendor/assets/javascripts/pickadate/ in pickadate-rails-1.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- * Date picker for pickadate.js v3.2.2
+ * Date picker for pickadate.js v3.3.0
debug: true,
@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@
(function ( factory ) {
// Register as an anonymous module.
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd )
- define( ['picker'], factory )
+ define( ['picker','jquery'], factory )
// Or using browser globals.
- else factory( Picker )
+ else factory( Picker, jQuery )
-}(function( Picker ) {
+}(function( Picker, $ ) {
* Globals and constants
@@ -40,11 +40,14 @@
var calendar = this,
elementValue = picker.$node[ 0 ].value,
elementDataValue = picker.$ 'value' ),
valueString = elementDataValue || elementValue,
- formatString = elementDataValue ? settings.formatSubmit : settings.format
+ formatString = elementDataValue ? settings.formatSubmit : settings.format,
+ isRTL = function() {
+ return getComputedStyle( picker.$root[0] ).direction === 'rtl'
+ }
calendar.settings = settings
// The queue of methods that will be used to build item objects.
calendar.queue = {
@@ -91,12 +94,12 @@
// The keycode to movement mapping.
calendar.key = {
40: 7, // Down
38: -7, // Up
- 39: 1, // Right
- 37: -1, // Left
+ 39: function() { return isRTL() ? -1 : 1 }, // Right
+ 37: function() { return isRTL() ? 1 : -1 }, // Left
go: function( timeChange ) {
calendar.set( 'highlight', [ calendar.item.highlight.year, calendar.item.highlight.month, + timeChange ], { interval: timeChange } )
@@ -105,15 +108,15 @@
// Bind some picker events.
on( 'render', function() {
picker.$root.find( '.' + settings.klass.selectMonth ).on( 'change', function() {
picker.set( 'highlight', [ picker.get( 'view' ).year, this.value, picker.get( 'highlight' ).date ] )
- picker.$root.find( '.' + settings.klass.selectMonth ).focus()
+ picker.$root.find( '.' + settings.klass.selectMonth ).trigger( 'focus' )
picker.$root.find( '.' + settings.klass.selectYear ).on( 'change', function() {
picker.set( 'highlight', [ this.value, picker.get( 'view' ).month, picker.get( 'highlight' ).date ] )
- picker.$root.find( '.' + settings.klass.selectYear ).focus()
+ picker.$root.find( '.' + settings.klass.selectYear ).trigger( 'focus' )
on( 'open', function() {
picker.$root.find( 'button, select' ).attr( 'disabled', false )
@@ -395,36 +398,37 @@
return dateObject
} //DatePicker.prototype.validate
- * Check if an object is disabled.
+ * Check if a date is disabled.
DatePicker.prototype.disabled = function( dateObject ) {
var calendar = this,
// Filter through the disabled dates to check if this is one.
- isDisabledDate = calendar.item.disable.filter( function( dateToDisable ) {
+ isDisabledDate = !!calendar.item.disable.filter( function( dateToDisable ) {
// If the date is a number, match the weekday with 0index and `firstDay` check.
if ( Picker._.isInteger( dateToDisable ) ) {
return === ( calendar.settings.firstDay ? dateToDisable : dateToDisable - 1 ) % 7
- // If it's an array, create the object and match the exact date.
- if ( $.isArray( dateToDisable ) ) {
+ // If it’s an array or a native JS date, create and match the exact date.
+ if ( $.isArray( dateToDisable ) || Picker._.isDate( dateToDisable ) ) {
return dateObject.pick === calendar.create( dateToDisable ).pick
- // It’s disabled beyond the min/max limits. If within the limits, check the
- // calendar “enabled” flag is flipped and respectively flip the condition.
- return dateObject.pick < calendar.item.min.pick ||
- dateObject.pick > calendar.item.max.pick ||
- calendar.item.enable === -1 ? !isDisabledDate : isDisabledDate
+ // Check the calendar “enabled” flag and respectively flip the
+ // disabled state. Then also check if it’s beyond the min/max limits.
+ return calendar.item.enable === -1 ? !isDisabledDate : isDisabledDate ||
+ dateObject.pick < calendar.item.min.pick ||
+ dateObject.pick > calendar.item.max.pick
} //DatePicker.prototype.disabled
* Parse a string into a usable type.
@@ -588,18 +592,34 @@
// Flip the enabled and disabled dates.
if ( value == 'flip' ) {
calendar.item.enable = isInverted ? 1 : -1
- // Check if we have to add/remove from collection.
- else if ( !isInverted && type == 'enable' || isInverted && type == 'disable' ) {
- collection = calendar.removeDisabled( collection, value )
+ // Reset the collection and enable the base state.
+ else if ( ( type == 'enable' && value === true ) || ( type == 'disable' && value === false ) ) {
+ calendar.item.enable = 1
+ collection = []
- else if ( !isInverted && type == 'disable' || isInverted && type == 'enable' ) {
- collection = calendar.addDisabled( collection, value )
+ // Reset the collection and disable the base state.
+ else if ( ( type == 'enable' && value === false ) || ( type == 'disable' && value === true ) ) {
+ calendar.item.enable = -1
+ collection = []
+ // Make sure a collection of things was passed to add/remove.
+ else if ( $.isArray( value ) ) {
+ // Check if we have to add/remove from collection.
+ if ( !isInverted && type == 'enable' || isInverted && type == 'disable' ) {
+ collection = calendar.removeDisabled( collection, value )
+ }
+ else if ( !isInverted && type == 'disable' || isInverted && type == 'enable' ) {
+ collection = calendar.addDisabled( collection, value )
+ }
+ }
return collection
} //DatePicker.prototype.flipItem
@@ -630,14 +650,28 @@
* Filter through the disabled collection to find a time unit.
DatePicker.prototype.filterDisabled = function( collection, timeUnit, isRemoving ) {
- var timeIsArray = $.isArray( timeUnit )
+ var calendar = this,
+ // Check if the time unit passed is an array or date object.
+ timeIsObject = $.isArray( timeUnit ) || Picker._.isDate( timeUnit ),
+ // Grab the comparison value if it’s an object.
+ timeObjectValue = timeIsObject && calendar.create( timeUnit ).pick
+ // Go through the disabled collection and try to match this time unit.
return collection.filter( function( disabledTimeUnit ) {
- var isMatch = !timeIsArray && timeUnit === disabledTimeUnit ||
- timeIsArray && $.isArray( disabledTimeUnit ) && timeUnit.toString() === disabledTimeUnit.toString()
+ // Check if it’s an object and the collection item is an object,
+ // use the comparison values. Otherwise to a direct comparison.
+ var isMatch = timeIsObject && ( $.isArray( disabledTimeUnit ) || Picker._.isDate( disabledTimeUnit ) ) ?
+ timeObjectValue === calendar.create( disabledTimeUnit ).pick : timeUnit === disabledTimeUnit
+ // Invert the match if we’re removing from the collection.
return isRemoving ? !isMatch : isMatch
} //DatePicker.prototype.filterDisabled
@@ -879,13 +913,14 @@
) +
+ // * For Firefox forms to submit, make sure to set the buttons’ `type` attributes as “button”.
- Picker._.node( 'button',, settings.klass.buttonToday, 'data-pick=' + nowObject.pick + ( isOpen ? '' : ' disabled' ) ) +
- Picker._.node( 'button', settings.clear, settings.klass.buttonClear, 'data-clear=1' + ( isOpen ? '' : ' disabled' ) ),
+ Picker._.node( 'button',, settings.klass.buttonToday, 'type=button data-pick=' + nowObject.pick + ( isOpen ? '' : ' disabled' ) ) +
+ Picker._.node( 'button', settings.clear, settings.klass.buttonClear, 'type=button data-clear=1' + ( isOpen ? '' : ' disabled' ) ),
) //endreturn
} //DatePicker.prototype.nodes