.rubocop.yml in physical-0.4.4 vs .rubocop.yml in physical-0.4.5

- old
+ new

@@ -1,321 +1,8 @@ AllCops: - Exclude: - - Gemfile - - Rakefile - - bin/* - - vendor/**/* + TargetRubyVersion: 2.4 -Layout/EmptyLinesAroundBlockBody: - Enabled: false +inherit_from: +- .rubocop-relaxed.yml -Layout/EmptyLinesAroundModuleBody: - Enabled: false - -Layout/EmptyLinesAroundClassBody: - Enabled: false - -Layout/EmptyLinesAroundMethodBody: - Enabled: false - -Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName: - Enabled: false - -Style/RedundantSelf: - Enabled: false - -CollectionMethods: - Enabled: false - -# Sometimes I believe this reads better -# This also causes spacing issues on multi-line fixes -Style/BracesAroundHashParameters: - Enabled: false - -# We use class vars and will have to continue doing so for compatability -Style/ClassVars: - Enabled: false - -# We need these names for backwards compatability -Naming/PredicateName: - Enabled: false - -Naming/AccessorMethodName: - Enabled: false - -# This has been used for customization -Style/MutableConstant: - Enabled: false - -# `something.count > 0` is often used in Solidus admin and IMO better to read then `something.count.positive?` -Style/NumericPredicate: - Enabled: false - -Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: - Enabled: false - -Style/EmptyElse: - Enabled: false - -Style/GuardClause: - Enabled: false - -Style/Next: - Enabled: false - -Style/WordArray: - Enabled: false - -Style/ConditionalAssignment: - Enabled: false - -Performance/Count: - Enabled: false - -Style/RaiseArgs: - Enabled: false - -Naming/BinaryOperatorParameterName: - Enabled: false - -# We can use good judgement here -Style/RegexpLiteral: - Enabled: false - -# Unicode comments are useful -Style/AsciiComments: - Enabled: false - -Layout/EndAlignment: - Enabled: false - -Layout/ElseAlignment: - Enabled: false - -Layout/IndentationWidth: - Enabled: false - -Layout/AlignParameters: - Enabled: false - -Layout/ClosingParenthesisIndentation: - Enabled: false - -Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation: - Enabled: false - -Layout/IndentArray: - Enabled: false - -Layout/IndentHash: - Enabled: false - -Layout/AlignHash: - Enabled: false - -Style/TrailingCommaInArguments: - Enabled: false - -Style/TrailingCommaInArrayLiteral: - Enabled: false - -Style/TrailingCommaInHashLiteral: - Enabled: false - -Layout/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces: - Enabled: false - -# Symbol Arrays are ok and the %i syntax widely unknown -Style/SymbolArray: - Enabled: false - -Rails/DynamicFindBy: - Whitelist: - - find_by_param - - find_by_param! - -# We use a lot of -# -# expect { -# something -# }.to { happen } -# -# syntax in the specs files. -Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation: - Exclude: - - 'spec/**/*' - -# We use eval to add common_spree_dependencies into the Gemfiles of each of our gems -Security/Eval: - Exclude: - - 'Gemfile' - - '*/Gemfile' - -Naming/VariableNumber: - Enabled: false - -# Write empty methods as you wish. -Style/EmptyMethod: - Enabled: false - -# The Rails Guides are in contradiction with this cop. -Style/FormatStringToken: - Exclude: - - 'config/routes.rb' - -# From http://relaxed.ruby.style/ - -Style/Alias: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylealias - -Style/BeginBlock: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylebeginblock - -Style/BlockDelimiters: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#styleblockdelimiters - -Style/Documentation: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#styledocumentation - -Layout/DotPosition: - EnforcedStyle: trailing - Enabled: true - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#styledotposition - -Style/DoubleNegation: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#styledoublenegation - -Style/EndBlock: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#styleendblock - -Style/FormatString: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#styleformatstring - -Style/IfUnlessModifier: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#styleifunlessmodifier - -Style/Lambda: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylelambda - -Style/ModuleFunction: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylemodulefunction - -Style/MultilineBlockChain: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylemultilineblockchain - -Style/NegatedIf: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylenegatedif - -Style/NegatedWhile: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylenegatedwhile - -Style/ParallelAssignment: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#styleparallelassignment - -Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylepercentliteraldelimiters - -Style/PerlBackrefs: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#styleperlbackrefs - -Style/Semicolon: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylesemicolon - -Style/SignalException: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylesignalexception - -Style/SingleLineBlockParams: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylesinglelineblockparams - -Style/SingleLineMethods: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylesinglelinemethods - -Layout/SpaceBeforeBlockBraces: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylespacebeforeblockbraces - -Layout/SpaceInsideParens: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylespaceinsideparens - -Style/SpecialGlobalVars: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylespecialglobalvars - -Style/StringLiterals: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylestringliterals - -Style/SymbolProc: - Enabled: false - -Style/WhileUntilModifier: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#stylewhileuntilmodifier - -Lint/AmbiguousRegexpLiteral: - Enabled: false - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#lintambiguousregexpliteral - -Lint/AssignmentInCondition: - Enabled: true - StyleGuide: http://relaxed.ruby.style/#lintassignmentincondition - -Metrics/AbcSize: - Enabled: false - -Metrics/BlockNesting: - Enabled: false - -Metrics/ClassLength: - Enabled: false - -Metrics/ModuleLength: - Enabled: false - Metrics/BlockLength: - Enabled: false - -Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: - Enabled: false - -Metrics/LineLength: - Enabled: true - Max: 120 - Exclude: - - 'spec/**/*' - -Metrics/MethodLength: - Enabled: false - Max: 25 - -Metrics/ParameterLists: - Enabled: false - -Metrics/PerceivedComplexity: - Enabled: false - -Bundler/OrderedGems: - Enabled: false - -Style/NumericLiterals: Enabled: false