features/step_definitions/phut_steps.rb in phut-0.5.0 vs features/step_definitions/phut_steps.rb in phut-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -8,9 +8,16 @@
Then(/^a vswitch named "(.*?)" should be running$/) do |name|
expect(system("sudo ovs-vsctl br-exists br#{name}")).to be_truthy
+# rubocop:disable LineLength
+Then(/^a vswitch named "([^"]*)" \(controller port = (\d+)\) should be running$/) do |name, port_number|
+ step %(a vswitch named "#{name}" should be running)
+ step %(the output should contain "ovs-vsctl set-controller br#{name} tcp:{port_number}")
+# rubocop:enable LineLength
Then(/^a vswitch named "(.*?)" should not be running$/) do |name|
expect(system("sudo ovs-vsctl br-exists br#{name}")).to be_falsey
Then(/^a vhost named "(.*?)" launches$/) do |name|