docs/ in phrase-2.0.0 vs docs/ in phrase-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -2,19 +2,83 @@
All URIs are relative to **
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**account_locales**]( | **GET** /accounts/{account_id}/locales | List locales used in account
[**locale_create**]( | **POST** /projects/{project_id}/locales | Create a locale
[**locale_delete**]( | **DELETE** /projects/{project_id}/locales/{id} | Delete a locale
[**locale_download**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_id}/locales/{id}/download | Download a locale
[**locale_show**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_id}/locales/{id} | Get a single locale
[**locale_update**]( | **PATCH** /projects/{project_id}/locales/{id} | Update a locale
[**locales_list**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_id}/locales | List locales
+## account_locales
+> Array<LocalePreview1> account_locales(opts)
+List locales used in account
+List all locales unique by locale code used across all projects within an account.
+### Example
+# load the gem
+require 'phrase'
+# setup authorization
+Phrase.configure do |config|
+ # Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic
+ config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
+ config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
+ # Configure API key authorization: Token
+ config.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
+ config.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'token'
+api_instance =
+opts = {
+ x_phrase_app_otp: 'x_phrase_app_otp_example', # String | Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
+ page: 1, # Integer | Page number
+ per_page: 25 # Integer | allows you to specify a page size up to 100 items, 25 by default
+ #List locales used in account
+ result = api_instance.account_locales(opts)
+ pp result
+rescue Phrase::ApiError => e
+ puts "Exception when calling LocalesApi->account_locales: #{e}"
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **x_phrase_app_otp** | **String**| Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional) | [optional]
+ **page** | **Integer**| Page number | [optional]
+ **per_page** | **Integer**| allows you to specify a page size up to 100 items, 25 by default | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[Basic](../, [Token](../
+### HTTP request headers
+- **Content-Type**: Not defined
+- **Accept**: application/json
## locale_create
> LocaleDetails locale_create(project_id, locale_create_parameters, opts)
Create a locale
@@ -168,11 +232,11 @@
project_id = 'project_id_example' # String | Project ID
id = 'id_example' # String | ID
opts = {
x_phrase_app_otp: 'x_phrase_app_otp_example', # String | Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
branch: 'my-feature-branch', # String | specify the branch to use
- file_format: 'yml', # String | File format name. See the format guide for all supported file formats.
+ file_format: 'yml', # String | File format name. See the <a href=\"\">format guide</a> for all supported file formats.
tags: 'feature1,feature2', # String | Limit results to keys tagged with a list of comma separated tag names.
tag: 'feature', # String | Limit download to tagged keys. This parameter is deprecated. Please use the \"tags\" parameter instead
include_empty_translations: true, # Boolean | Indicates whether keys without translations should be included in the output as well.
exclude_empty_zero_forms: true, # Boolean | Indicates whether zero forms should be included when empty in pluralized keys.
include_translated_keys: true, # Boolean | Include translated keys in the locale file. Use in combination with include_empty_translations to obtain only untranslated keys.
@@ -202,11 +266,11 @@
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**project_id** | **String**| Project ID |
**id** | **String**| ID |
**x_phrase_app_otp** | **String**| Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional) | [optional]
**branch** | **String**| specify the branch to use | [optional]
- **file_format** | **String**| File format name. See the format guide for all supported file formats. | [optional]
+ **file_format** | **String**| File format name. See the <a href=\"\">format guide</a> for all supported file formats. | [optional]
**tags** | **String**| Limit results to keys tagged with a list of comma separated tag names. | [optional]
**tag** | **String**| Limit download to tagged keys. This parameter is deprecated. Please use the \"tags\" parameter instead | [optional]
**include_empty_translations** | **Boolean**| Indicates whether keys without translations should be included in the output as well. | [optional]
**exclude_empty_zero_forms** | **Boolean**| Indicates whether zero forms should be included when empty in pluralized keys. | [optional]
**include_translated_keys** | **Boolean**| Include translated keys in the locale file. Use in combination with include_empty_translations to obtain only untranslated keys. | [optional]
@@ -391,10 +455,11 @@
project_id = 'project_id_example' # String | Project ID
opts = {
x_phrase_app_otp: 'x_phrase_app_otp_example', # String | Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
page: 1, # Integer | Page number
per_page: 25, # Integer | allows you to specify a page size up to 100 items, 25 by default
+ sort_by: 'sort_by_example', # String | Sort locales. Valid options are \"name_asc\", \"name_desc\", \"default_asc\", \"default_desc\".
branch: 'my-feature-branch' # String | specify the branch to use
#List locales
@@ -412,9 +477,10 @@
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**project_id** | **String**| Project ID |
**x_phrase_app_otp** | **String**| Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional) | [optional]
**page** | **Integer**| Page number | [optional]
**per_page** | **Integer**| allows you to specify a page size up to 100 items, 25 by default | [optional]
+ **sort_by** | **String**| Sort locales. Valid options are \"name_asc\", \"name_desc\", \"default_asc\", \"default_desc\". | [optional]
**branch** | **String**| specify the branch to use | [optional]
### Return type