lib/phony_rails.rb in phony_rails-0.1.9 vs lib/phony_rails.rb in phony_rails-0.1.10
- old
+ new
@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@
def phony_normalize(*attributes)
options = attributes.last.is_a?(Hash) ? attributes.pop : {}
options.assert_valid_keys :country_code, :default_country_code, :as
if options[:as].present?
raise ArgumentError, ':as option can not be used on phony_normalize with multiple attribute names! (PhonyRails)' if attributes.size > 1
- raise ArgumentError, "'#{options[:as]}' is not an attribute on #{self.class}. You might want to use 'phony_normalized_method :#{attributes.first}' (PhonyRails)" if not self.attribute_method?(options[:as])
+ raise ArgumentError, "'#{options[:as]}' is not an attribute on #{}. You might want to use 'phony_normalized_method :#{attributes.first}' (PhonyRails)" if not self.attribute_method?(options[:as])
attributes.each do |attribute|
raise ArgumentError, "No attribute #{attribute} found on #{} (PhonyRails)" if not self.attribute_method?(attribute)
# Add before validation that saves a normalized version of the phone number
self.before_validation do
@@ -84,11 +84,12 @@
# Creates a normalized_fax_number method.
def phony_normalized_method(*attributes)
main_options = attributes.last.is_a?(Hash) ? attributes.pop : {}
main_options.assert_valid_keys :country_code, :default_country_code
attributes.each do |attribute|
- raise StandardError, "Instance method normalized_#{attribute} already exists on #{} (PhonyRails)" if self.instance_methods.include?(:"normalized_#{attribute}")
- define_method :"normalized_#{attribute}" do |options = {}|
+ raise StandardError, "Instance method normalized_#{attribute} already exists on #{} (PhonyRails)" if method_defined?(:"normalized_#{attribute}")
+ define_method :"normalized_#{attribute}" do |*args|
+ options = args.first || {}
raise ArgumentError, "No attribute/method #{attribute} found on #{} (PhonyRails)" if not self.respond_to?(attribute)
options[:country_code] ||= self.country_code if self.respond_to?(:country_code)
PhonyRails.normalize_number(self.send(attribute), main_options.merge(options))