lib/phaxio/client.rb in phaxio-0.5.0 vs lib/phaxio/client.rb in phaxio-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,502 +1,135 @@
+# @!macro [new] paging
+# @note
+# This action accepts paging parameters:
+# - *per_page* [Integer] - The maximum number of results to return per
+# call (i.e. "page"). Max 1000.
+# - *page* [Integer] - The page number to return for the request. 1-based.
module Phaxio
- include HTTMultiParty
- base_uri ''
+ # @api private
- module Config
- attr_accessor :api_key, :api_secret, :callback_token
- end
+ class Client
+ class << self
+ # Makes a request to the Phaxio API.
+ #
+ # @param method [Symbol, String]
+ # The HTTP method for the request. Currently only `:get`, `:post`, and `:delete` are
+ # supported.
+ # @param endpoint [String]
+ # The endpoint for the API action, relative to `Phaxio::Config.api_endpoint`.
+ # @param params [Hash]
+ # Any parameters to be sent with the request.
+ #
+ # @return [Object]
+ # The `"data"` attribute of the deserialized JSON response. Varies based on the API action.
+ def request method, endpoint, params = {}
+ params = api_params params
+ begin
+ response = case method.to_s
+ when 'post' then post(endpoint, params)
+ when 'get' then get(endpoint, params)
+ when 'delete' then delete(endpoint, params)
+ else raise ArgumentError, "HTTP method `#{method}` is not supported."
+ end
+ handle_response response
+ rescue Faraday::ConnectionFailed, Faraday::TimeoutError, Faraday::SSLError => error
+ raise Error::ApiConnectionError, "Error communicating with Phaxio: #{error}"
+ end
+ end
- module Client
- DIGEST ='sha1')
+ # @return [Faraday::Connection] A new Faraday connection to `Phaxio::Config.api_endpoint`.
+ def conn
+ do |conn|
+ conn.request :multipart
+ conn.request :url_encoded
+ conn.adapter :net_http
+ end
+ end
- # Public: Send a fax.
- #
- # options - The Hash options used to refine the selection (default: {}):
- # :to - The Phone Number (i.e. [country
- # code][number] or just a 10 digit
- # number in the US or Canada). Put
- # square brackets after parameter
- # name to send to multiple
- # recipients (e.g. to[]) (required).
- # :filename - A Ruby File of a document to fax
- # (supported file types:
- # :string_data - A String of html, plain text, or a
- # URL. If additional files are
- # specified as well, this data will
- # be included first in the fax
- # (optional).
- # :string_data_type - An enum of the type of the string
- # data that can be 'html', 'url', or
- # 'text'. If not specified, default
- # is 'text'. See string data
- # rendering for more info (optional).
- # :batch - The bool for running in batching
- # mode. If present and true, fax will
- # be sent in batching mode. Requires
- # batch_delay to be specified
- # (optional).
- # :batch_delay - The int the of amount of time, in
- # seconds, before the batch is fired.
- # Must be specified if batch=true.
- # Maximum delay is 3600 (1 hour)
- # (optional).
- # :batch_collision_avoidance - The bool for collision avoidance
- # with batches. If true when
- # batch=true, fax will be blocked
- # until the receiving machine is no
- # longer busy (optional).
- # :callback_url - The String url for the callback.
- # Overrides the globally set one
- # (optional).
- # :cancel_timeout - An int of the number of minutes
- # after which the fax will be
- # canceled if it hasn't yet
- # completed. Must be between 1 and 60
- # (optional).
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Phaxio.send_fax(to: "0123456789", filename:"docToSend.pdf"))
- #
- # Returns a HTTParty::Response object containing a success bool,
- # a String message, and an in faxID.
- def send_fax(options)
- send_post("/send", options)
- end
+ private
- # Public: Resend a fax.
- #
- # options - The Hash options used to refine the selection (default: {}):
- # :id - The int id of the fax you want to resend (required).
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Phaxio.resend_fax(id: "123456")
- #
- # Returns a HTTParty::Response object containing a success bool,
- # a message string, and data containing the fax ID int.
- def resend_fax(options)
- send_post("/resendFax", options)
- end
+ def handle_response response
+ content_type = response.headers[:content_type]
- # Public: Test receiving a fax.
- #
- # options - The Hash options used to refine the selection (default: {}):
- # from_number - The Phone Number of the simulated sender
- # (optional).
- # to_number - The Phone Number receiving the fax (optional).
- # filename - A String containing the name of the PDF that has
- # a PhaxCode and is the file you want to simulate
- # sending (required).
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Phaxio.test_receive(filename: "test_file.pdf")
- #
- # Returns a HTTParty::Response object containing a success bool
- # and a String message.
- def test_receive(options)
- send_post("/testReceive", options)
- end
+ if content_type.start_with? 'application/json'
+ body = JSON.parse(response.body).with_indifferent_access
+ else
+ extension = MimeTypeHelper.extension_for_mimetype content_type
+ filename = File.join(
+ Dir.tmpdir,
+ Dir::Tmpname.make_tmpname('phaxio-', "download.#{extension}")
+ )
+, 'wb') { |file| file.write response.body }
+ body = {'success' => response.success?, 'data' =>, 'rb')}
+ end
- # Public: Provision a phone number that you can use to receive faxes in
- # your Phaxio account.
- #
- # options - The Hash options used to refine the selection (default: {}):
- # area_code - The integer area code of the number you'd like
- # to provision (required).
- # callback_url - A callback URL that Phaxio will post to when a
- # fax is received by this number. This will
- # override the global receive callback URL, if you
- # have one set (optional).
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Phaxio.provision_number(area_code: 802)
- #
- # Returns a HTTParty::Response object containing a success bool, a string
- # message, and data containing the phone number, city, state, cost,
- # last_billed_at, and the date the number was provisioned at.
- def provision_number(options)
- send_post("/provisionNumber", options)
- end
+ if response.success?
+ raise(Error::GeneralError, body['message']) unless body['success']
- # Public: Release a phone number that you no longer need. Once a phone
- # number is released you will no longer be charged for it.
- #
- # options - The Hash options used to refine the selection (default: {}):
- # number - The String of the phone number you want to release
- # (required).
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Phaxio.release_number(number: "8021112222")
- #
- # Returns a HTTParty::Response object containing a success bool and a
- # string message.
- def release_number(options)
- send_post("/releaseNumber", options)
- end
+ # Check if this is a response with paging. If so, we want to return that along with the
+ # data.
+ if body.key? 'paging'
+ {'data' => body['data'], 'paging' => body['paging']}
+ else
+ body['data']
+ end
+ else
+ status = response.status
+ # TODO: Handle blank message
+ message = body['message']
- # Public: Get a detailed list of the phone numbers you current own on
- # Phaxio.
- #
- # options - The Hash options used to refne th selection (default: {}):
- # area_code - An integer area code you'd like to filter by
- # (optional).
- # number - A String phone number you'd like to retrieve
- # (optional).
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Phaxio.list_numbers # list all the numbers you own
- #
- # Phaxio.list_numbers(area_code: 802) # list all numbers in the 802 area
- #
- # Phaxio.list_numbers(number: "8021112222") # show specific number detail
- #
- # Returns a HTTParty::Reponse object containing a success bool, a message,
- # and the data attributes containing the queried phone number(s) details.
- def list_numbers(options = {})
- send_post("/numberList", options)
- end
+ case status
+ when 401
+ raise Error::AuthenticationError, "#{status}: #{message}"
+ when 404
+ raise Error::NotFoundError, "#{status}: #{message}"
+ when 422
+ raise Error::InvalidRequestError, "#{status}: #{message}"
+ when 429
+ raise Error::RateLimitExceededError, "#{status}: #{message}"
+ else
+ raise Error::GeneralError, "#{status}: #{message}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
- # Public: Get an image thumbnail or PDF file for a fax. For images to work
- # file storage must not be disabled with Phaxio.
- #
- # options - The Hash options used to refine the selection (default: {}):
- # id - The integer fax id of the fax you wish to retreive
- # (required).
- # type - An enum for the type return, defaults to 'p' (optional):
- # s - Small JPG format thumbnail of the fax, 129 x 167 px.
- # l - Large JPG format thumbnail of the fax, 300 x 388 px.
- # p - PDF version of the fax (default).
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Phaxio.get_fax_file(id: 1234, type: p)
- # Phaxio.get_fax_file(id: 3254, type: l)
- #
- # Returns the fax as the type specified in the call, defaults to PDF.
- def get_fax_file(options)
- send_post("/faxFile", options)
- end
+ def post endpoint, params = {}
+ # Handle file params
+ params.each do |k, v|
+ next unless k.to_s == 'file'
+ mime_type = MimeTypeHelper.mimetype_for_file v.path
+ params[k] = v, mime_type
+ end
- # Public: List faxes within the specified time range.
- #
- # options - The Hash options used to refine the selection (default: {}):
- # start - The Unix Timestamp for the beginning of the range
- # (required).
- # end - The Unix Timestamp for the end of the range (required).
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Phaxio.list_faxes(start: 1293861600, end: 1294034400)
- #
- # Returns a HTTParty::Response object containing a success bool, a string
- # message, paging information, and the fax data.
- def list_faxes(options)
- send_post("/faxList", options)
- end
- # Public: Get the status of a specific fax.
- #
- # options - The Hash options used to refine the selection (default: {}):
- # id - The int id of the fax you want to get the status of
- # (required).
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Phaxio.get_fax_status(id: "123456")
- #
- # Returns a HTTParty::Response object containing a success bool,
- # a String message, and the data of the fax.
- def get_fax_status(options)
- if options[:id].nil?
- raise StandardError, "You must include a fax id."
+ endpoint, params
- send_post("/faxStatus", options)
- end
- # Public: Cancel a specific fax.
- #
- # options - The Hash options used to refine the selection (defaults: {}):
- # id - The int id of the fax you want to cancel (required).
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Phaxio.cancel_fax(id: "123456")
- #
- # Returns a HTTParty::Response object containing a success bool
- # and a String message.
- def cancel_fax(options)
- send_post("/faxCancel", options)
- end
- # Public: Delete a specific fax.
- #
- # options - The hash options used to refine the selection (defaults: {}):
- # :id - The int ID of the fax you want to cancel
- # (required).
- # :files_only - The bool used to determine whether only the files
- # are deleted. If not specified, default is false
- # (optional).
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Phaxio.delete_fax(id: 1234, files_only: true)
- #
- # Returns a HTTParty::Response object with success bool and message string.
- def delete_fax(options)
- send_post("/deleteFax", options)
- end
- # Public: Get the status of Client's account.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Phaxio.get_account_status
- #
- # Returns a HTTParty::Response object with success, message, and data
- # (containing faxes_sent_this_month, faxes_sent_today, and balance).
- def get_account_status
- send_post("/accountStatus", {})
- end
- # Public: Attach a PhaxCode to a PDF you provide.
- #
- # options - Type: hash. Options used to refine the action (default: {}):
- # x - Type: float. The x-coordinate (in PDF points*)
- # where the PhaxCode should be drawn. x=0 is at the
- # left-most point on the page. (required)
- # y - Type: float. The y-coordinate (in PDF points*)
- # where the PhaxCode should be drawn. Y=0 is the
- # bottom-most point on the page. (required)
- # filename - A Ruby File in PDF format (required)
- # metadata - Type: string. Custom metadata to be associated
- # with the created barcode. If not present, the
- # basic PhaxCode for your account will be used.
- # page_number - Type: integer. The page where the PhaxCode should
- # be drawn. 1-based.
- # *PDF points definition: A "point" is 1/72 of an inch. An
- # 8.5"x11" document is therefore 612 pt x 792 pt.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Phaxio.attach_phaxcode_to_pdf(
- # x: "0", y: "100", filename:"input.pdf")
- # )
- #
- # Response: A PDF file containing a PhaxCode at the location specified.
- def attach_phaxcode_to_pdf(options)
- if options[:filename].nil?
- raise StandardError, 'You must include a PDF file.'
+ def get endpoint, params = {}
+ conn.get endpoint, params
- if options[:x] < 0 || options[:y] < 0
- raise StandardError, 'Coordinates must be greater than or equal to 0.'
+ def delete endpoint, params = {}
+ conn.delete endpoint, params
- send_post('/attachPhaxCodeToPdf', options)
- end
+ def api_params params
+ params = default_params.merge params
- # Public: Create a custom PhaxCode.
- #
- # options - Type: hash. Options used to refine the action (default: {}):
- # metadata - Type: string. Custom metadata to be associated with
- # this barcode. If not present, the basic PhaxCode for
- # your account will be used. (optional)
- # redirect - Type: boolean. If present and true, the PhaxCode
- # barcode image will be dumped in the response.
- # (optional)
- #
- # Example:
- # Phaxio.create_phaxcode(metadata: "sale_id=44")
- #
- # Response: If the redirect parameter is not provided, a JSON object with
- # success, message, and data attributes is returned. The data
- # attribute contains a url where the PhaxCode barcode image can be
- # accessed. Otherwise, the image data is dumped in the response.
- def create_phaxcode(options = {})
- send_post('/createPhaxCode', options)
- end
+ # Convert times to ISO 8601
+ params.each do |k, v|
+ next unless v.kind_of?(Time) || v.kind_of?(Date)
+ params[k] = v.to_datetime.iso8601
+ end
- # Public: Get a Hosted Document with PhaxCode included
- #
- # Note: You will have to set up the hosted document with Phaxio (along with
- # the relevant PhaxCode) before calling this method.
- #
- # options - Type: hash. Options used to refine the action (default: {}):
- # name - Type: string. The name of a hosted document.
- # (required)
- # metadata - Type: string. Custom metadata to be associated with
- # the PhaxCode that will be attached to the hosted
- # document. If not present, the basic PhaxCode for your
- # account will be used.
- # (optional)
- #
- # Example:
- # Phaxio.get_hosted_document(name:"business_fax")
- #
- # Response: A PDF copy of the hosted document with a PhaxCode included at
- # the pre-specified location.
- def get_hosted_document(options)
- if options[:name].nil?
- raise StandardError, 'You must include the name of the hosted document.'
+ params
- send_post('/getHostedDocument', options)
+ def default_params
+ {
+ api_key: Phaxio.api_key,
+ api_secret: Phaxio.api_secret
+ }
+ end
- # Public: Get a list of supported countries for sending faxes
- #
- # Note: This method doesn't require API keys and is included for the sake of
- # completion.
- #
- # Example:
- # Phaxio.supported_countries
- #
- # Response: A JSON object with success, message, and data attributes. The
- # data attribute contains a hash, where the key contains the name
- # of the country, and the value is a hash of attributes for the
- # country (currently only pricing information).
- #
- # Example Response:
- # {
- # "success": true,
- # "message": "Data contains supported countries.",
- # "data": {
- # "United States": {
- # "price_per_page": 7
- # },
- # "Canada": {
- # "price_per_page": 7
- # },
- # "United Kingdom": {
- # "price_per_page": 10
- # },
- # ...
- # }
- # }
- def supported_countries
- post('/supportedCountries')
- end
- # Public: List area codes available for purchasing numbers
- #
- # Note: This method doesn't require API keys and is included for the sake of
- # completion.
- #
- # options - Type: hash. Options used to refine the query (default: {}):
- # is_toll_free - Type: boolean. Will only return toll free area
- # codes. (optional)
- # state - Type: string. A two character state or province
- # abbreviation (e.g. IL or YT). Will only return
- # area codes for this state. (optional)
- #
- # Response: A JSON object with success, message, and data attributes. The
- # data attribute contains a map of area codes to city and state.
- #
- # Example response:
- # {
- # "success": true,
- # "message": "295 area codes available.",
- # "data": {
- # "201": {
- # "city": "Bayonne, Jersey City, Union City",
- # "state": "New Jersey"
- # },
- # "202": {
- # "city": "Washington",
- # "state": "District Of Columbia"
- # },
- # ... a lot more area codes here...
- # }
- # }
- def area_codes(options = {})
- post('/areaCodes', options)
- end
- def send_post(path, options)
- post(
- path, query: options.merge!(api_key: api_key, api_secret: api_secret)
- )
- end
- # Public: Check the signature of the signed request.
- #
- # signature - Type: string. The X-Phaxio-Signature HTTP header value.
- # url - Type: string. The full URL that was called by Phaxio,
- # including the query. (required)
- # params - Type: hash. The POSTed form data (required)
- # files - Type: array. Submitted files (required - "received" fax
- # callback only)
- #
- # Returns true if the signature matches the signed request, otherwise false
- def valid_callback_signature?(signature, url, params, files = [])
- check_signature = generate_check_signature(url, params, files)
- check_signature == signature
- end
- # Public: Generate a signature using the request data and callback token
- #
- # url - Type: string. The full URL that was called by Phaxio,
- # including the query. (required)
- # params - Type: hash. The POSTed form data (required)
- # files - Type: array. Submitted files (required - "received" fax
- # callback only)
- #
- # Retuns a signature based on the request data and configured callback
- # token, which can then be compared with the request signature.
- def generate_check_signature(url, params, files = [])
- params_string = generate_params_string(params)
- file_string = generate_files_string(files)
- callback_data = "#{url}#{params_string}#{file_string}"
- OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(DIGEST, callback_token, callback_data)
- end
- private
- def generate_params_string(params)
- sorted_params = params.sort_by { |key, _value| key }
- params_strings = { |key, value| "#{key}#{value}" }
- params_strings.join
- end
- def generate_files_string(files)
- files_array = files_to_array(files).reject(&:nil?)
- sorted_files = files_array.sort_by { |file| file[:name] }
- files_strings = { |file| generate_file_string(file) }
- files_strings.join
- end
- def files_to_array(files)
- files.is_a?(Array) ? files : [files]
- end
- def generate_file_string(file)
- file[:name] + DIGEST.hexdigest(file[:tempfile].read)
- end
- # Public: Configure Phaxio with your api_key, api_secret, and the callback
- # token provided in your Phaxio account (to verify that requests are
- # coming from Phaxio).
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Phaxio.config do |config|
- # config.api_key = '12345678910'
- # config.api_secret = '10987654321'
- # config.callback_token = '32935829'
- # end
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def self.config
- yield(self)
- end
- extend Client
- extend Config