spec/cli_spec.rb in pgxn_utils-0.1.3 vs spec/cli_spec.rb in pgxn_utils-0.1.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,24 +1,30 @@
require File.expand_path('spec/spec_helper')
describe PgxnUtils::CLI do
+ before(:all) do
+ FileUtils.mv "META.json", "meta.json"
+ end
after(:all) do
+ FileUtils.mv "meta.json", "META.json"
system "rm -rf /tmp/extension.*"
system "rm -rf extension.*"
context "#skeleton" do
before(:each) do
- @cli = PgxnUtils::CLI.new
+ system "rm -rf /tmp/extension.*"
+ system "rm -rf extension.*"
it "should accepts or not a target" do
expected_extension = next_extension
File.should_not exist(expected_extension)
- skeleton "#{expected_extension}", "-p /tmp"
+ skeleton "#{expected_extension}", %w|-p /tmp|
File.should exist("/tmp/#{expected_extension}")
File.should_not exist(expected_extension)
skeleton "#{expected_extension}"
File.should exist(expected_extension)
@@ -28,14 +34,13 @@
expected_extension = next_extension
expected_name = "Guedes"
expected_mail = "guedes@none.here"
expected_abstract = "Short description"
expected_description = "Very Long description for my cool extension"
- expected_tags = "one two tree"
expected_version = "1.0.0"
- skeleton expected_extension, "-p /tmp -m #{expected_name} -e #{expected_mail} -t #{expected_tags} -a '#{expected_abstract}' -d '#{expected_description}' -v #{expected_version}"
+ skeleton expected_extension, %W|-p /tmp -m #{expected_name} -e #{expected_mail} -t one two tree -a #{expected_abstract} -d #{expected_description} -v #{expected_version}|
meta = File.read("/tmp/#{expected_extension}/META.json")
meta.should match(/"name": "#{expected_extension}"/)
meta.should match(/"abstract": "#{expected_abstract}"/)
meta.should match(/"description": "#{expected_description}"/)
@@ -52,19 +57,20 @@
makefile = File.read("/tmp/#{expected_extension}/Makefile")
makefile.should match(/EXTENSION = #{expected_extension}/)
control = File.read("/tmp/#{expected_extension}/#{expected_extension}.control")
- control.should match(/module_pathname = '\$libdir\/#{expected_extension}'/)
control.should match(/default_version = '#{expected_version}'/)
- it "should generates a skeleton" do
+ it "should generates a default skeleton" do
extension = next_extension
skeleton extension
- Dir["#{extension}/**/*"].sort.should == [
+ Dir["#{extension}/**/{*,.gitignore,.template}"].sort.should == [
+ "#{extension}/.gitignore",
+ "#{extension}/.template",
@@ -76,12 +82,71 @@
+ template = File.read("#{extension}/.template").chomp
+ template.should == "sql"
- it "should generates a git repo"
+ it "should generates a skeleton for C extensions" do
+ extension = next_extension
+ skeleton extension, %w|--template c|
+ Dir["#{extension}/**/{*,.gitignore,.template}"].sort.should == [
+ "#{extension}/.gitignore",
+ "#{extension}/.template",
+ "#{extension}/META.json",
+ "#{extension}/Makefile",
+ "#{extension}/README.md",
+ "#{extension}/doc",
+ "#{extension}/doc/#{extension}.md",
+ "#{extension}/sql",
+ "#{extension}/sql/#{extension}.sql",
+ "#{extension}/sql/uninstall_#{extension}.sql",
+ "#{extension}/src",
+ "#{extension}/src/#{extension}.c",
+ "#{extension}/test",
+ "#{extension}/test/expected",
+ "#{extension}/test/expected/base.out",
+ "#{extension}/test/sql",
+ "#{extension}/test/sql/base.sql",
+ "#{extension}/#{extension}.control"
+ ].sort
+ makefile = File.read("#{extension}/Makefile")
+ makefile.should match(/EXTENSION = #{extension}/)
+ control = File.read("#{extension}/#{extension}.control")
+ control.should match(/module_pathname = '\$libdir\/#{extension}'/)
+ template = File.read("#{extension}/.template").chomp
+ template.should == "c"
+ c_file = File.read("#{extension}/src/#{extension}.c")
+ c_file.should match(/#include "postgres.h"/)
+ c_file.should match(/#include "fmgr.h"/)
+ c_file.should match(/PG_MODULE_MAGIC;/)
+ c_file.should match(/PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1\(#{extension}\);/)
+ c_file.should match(/Datum #{extension}\(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS\);/)
+ end
+ it "should generates a git repo with --git" do
+ expected_extension = next_extension
+ skeleton "#{expected_extension}", %w|--git|
+ File.should exist("#{expected_extension}/.git")
+ lambda{ Grit::Repo.new(expected_extension) }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should not generates a git repo with --no-git" do
+ expected_extension = next_extension
+ skeleton "#{expected_extension}", %w|--no-git|
+ File.should_not exist("#{expected_extension}/.git")
+ lambda{ Grit::Repo.new(expected_extension) }.should raise_error
+ end
context "#change" do
it "should change things"