app/assets/javascripts/pghero/nouislider.js in pghero-2.7.0 vs app/assets/javascripts/pghero/nouislider.js in pghero-2.7.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-/*! nouislider - 14.0.3 - 10/10/2019 */
+/*! nouislider - 14.6.1 - 8/17/2020 */
(function(factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define([], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === "object") {
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
window.noUiSlider = factory();
})(function() {
"use strict";
- var VERSION = "14.0.3";
+ var VERSION = "14.6.1";
//region Helper Methods
function isValidFormatter(entry) {
return typeof entry === "object" && typeof === "function" && typeof entry.from === "function";
@@ -98,20 +98,20 @@
return pieces.length > 1 ? pieces[1].length : 0;
function addClass(el, className) {
- if (el.classList) {
+ if (el.classList && !/\s/.test(className)) {
} else {
el.className += " " + className;
function removeClass(el, className) {
- if (el.classList) {
+ if (el.classList && !/\s/.test(className)) {
} else {
el.className = el.className.replace(
new RegExp("(^|\\b)" + className.split(" ").join("|") + "(\\b|$)", "gi"),
" "
@@ -204,17 +204,17 @@
function subRangeRatio(pa, pb) {
return 100 / (pb - pa);
// (percentage) How many percent is this value of this range?
- function fromPercentage(range, value) {
- return (value * 100) / (range[1] - range[0]);
+ function fromPercentage(range, value, startRange) {
+ return (value * 100) / (range[startRange + 1] - range[startRange]);
// (percentage) Where is this value on this range?
function toPercentage(range, value) {
- return fromPercentage(range, range[0] < 0 ? value + Math.abs(range[0]) : value - range[0]);
+ return fromPercentage(range, range[0] < 0 ? value + Math.abs(range[0]) : value - range[0], 0);
// (value) How much is this percentage on this range?
function isPercentage(range, value) {
return (value * (range[1] - range[0])) / 100 + range[0];
@@ -346,11 +346,11 @@
// Factor to range ratio
that.xSteps[i] =
- fromPercentage([that.xVal[i], that.xVal[i + 1]], n) / subRangeRatio(that.xPct[i], that.xPct[i + 1]);
+ fromPercentage([that.xVal[i], that.xVal[i + 1]], n, 0) / subRangeRatio(that.xPct[i], that.xPct[i + 1]);
var totalSteps = (that.xVal[i + 1] - that.xVal[i]) / that.xNumSteps[i];
var highestStep = Math.ceil(Number(totalSteps.toFixed(3)) - 1);
var step = that.xVal[i] + that.xNumSteps[i] * highestStep;
@@ -404,20 +404,113 @@
for (index = 0; index < this.xNumSteps.length; index++) {
handleStepPoint(index, this.xNumSteps[index], this);
- Spectrum.prototype.getMargin = function(value) {
- var step = this.xNumSteps[0];
+ Spectrum.prototype.getDistance = function(value) {
+ var index;
+ var distances = [];
- if (step && (value / step) % 1 !== 0) {
- throw new Error("noUiSlider (" + VERSION + "): 'limit', 'margin' and 'padding' must be divisible by step.");
+ for (index = 0; index < this.xNumSteps.length - 1; index++) {
+ // last "range" can't contain step size as it is purely an endpoint.
+ var step = this.xNumSteps[index];
+ if (step && (value / step) % 1 !== 0) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "noUiSlider (" +
+ "): 'limit', 'margin' and 'padding' of " +
+ this.xPct[index] +
+ "% range must be divisible by step."
+ );
+ }
+ // Calculate percentual distance in current range of limit, margin or padding
+ distances[index] = fromPercentage(this.xVal, value, index);
- return this.xPct.length === 2 ? fromPercentage(this.xVal, value) : false;
+ return distances;
+ // Calculate the percentual distance over the whole scale of ranges.
+ // direction: 0 = backwards / 1 = forwards
+ Spectrum.prototype.getAbsoluteDistance = function(value, distances, direction) {
+ var xPct_index = 0;
+ // Calculate range where to start calculation
+ if (value < this.xPct[this.xPct.length - 1]) {
+ while (value > this.xPct[xPct_index + 1]) {
+ xPct_index++;
+ }
+ } else if (value === this.xPct[this.xPct.length - 1]) {
+ xPct_index = this.xPct.length - 2;
+ }
+ // If looking backwards and the value is exactly at a range separator then look one range further
+ if (!direction && value === this.xPct[xPct_index + 1]) {
+ xPct_index++;
+ }
+ var start_factor;
+ var rest_factor = 1;
+ var rest_rel_distance = distances[xPct_index];
+ var range_pct = 0;
+ var rel_range_distance = 0;
+ var abs_distance_counter = 0;
+ var range_counter = 0;
+ // Calculate what part of the start range the value is
+ if (direction) {
+ start_factor = (value - this.xPct[xPct_index]) / (this.xPct[xPct_index + 1] - this.xPct[xPct_index]);
+ } else {
+ start_factor = (this.xPct[xPct_index + 1] - value) / (this.xPct[xPct_index + 1] - this.xPct[xPct_index]);
+ }
+ // Do until the complete distance across ranges is calculated
+ while (rest_rel_distance > 0) {
+ // Calculate the percentage of total range
+ range_pct = this.xPct[xPct_index + 1 + range_counter] - this.xPct[xPct_index + range_counter];
+ // Detect if the margin, padding or limit is larger then the current range and calculate
+ if (distances[xPct_index + range_counter] * rest_factor + 100 - start_factor * 100 > 100) {
+ // If larger then take the percentual distance of the whole range
+ rel_range_distance = range_pct * start_factor;
+ // Rest factor of relative percentual distance still to be calculated
+ rest_factor = (rest_rel_distance - 100 * start_factor) / distances[xPct_index + range_counter];
+ // Set start factor to 1 as for next range it does not apply.
+ start_factor = 1;
+ } else {
+ // If smaller or equal then take the percentual distance of the calculate percentual part of that range
+ rel_range_distance = ((distances[xPct_index + range_counter] * range_pct) / 100) * rest_factor;
+ // No rest left as the rest fits in current range
+ rest_factor = 0;
+ }
+ if (direction) {
+ abs_distance_counter = abs_distance_counter - rel_range_distance;
+ // Limit range to first range when distance becomes outside of minimum range
+ if (this.xPct.length + range_counter >= 1) {
+ range_counter--;
+ }
+ } else {
+ abs_distance_counter = abs_distance_counter + rel_range_distance;
+ // Limit range to last range when distance becomes outside of maximum range
+ if (this.xPct.length - range_counter >= 1) {
+ range_counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Rest of relative percentual distance still to be calculated
+ rest_rel_distance = distances[xPct_index + range_counter] * rest_factor;
+ }
+ return value + abs_distance_counter;
+ };
Spectrum.prototype.toStepping = function(value) {
value = toStepping(this.xVal, this.xPct, value);
return value;
@@ -490,17 +583,60 @@
The testing function returns false when an error is detected,
or true when everything is OK. It can also modify the option
object, to make sure all values can be correctly looped elsewhere. */
+ //region Defaults
var defaultFormatter = {
to: function(value) {
return value !== undefined && value.toFixed(2);
from: Number
+ var cssClasses = {
+ target: "target",
+ base: "base",
+ origin: "origin",
+ handle: "handle",
+ handleLower: "handle-lower",
+ handleUpper: "handle-upper",
+ touchArea: "touch-area",
+ horizontal: "horizontal",
+ vertical: "vertical",
+ background: "background",
+ connect: "connect",
+ connects: "connects",
+ ltr: "ltr",
+ rtl: "rtl",
+ textDirectionLtr: "txt-dir-ltr",
+ textDirectionRtl: "txt-dir-rtl",
+ draggable: "draggable",
+ drag: "state-drag",
+ tap: "state-tap",
+ active: "active",
+ tooltip: "tooltip",
+ pips: "pips",
+ pipsHorizontal: "pips-horizontal",
+ pipsVertical: "pips-vertical",
+ marker: "marker",
+ markerHorizontal: "marker-horizontal",
+ markerVertical: "marker-vertical",
+ markerNormal: "marker-normal",
+ markerLarge: "marker-large",
+ markerSub: "marker-sub",
+ value: "value",
+ valueHorizontal: "value-horizontal",
+ valueVertical: "value-vertical",
+ valueNormal: "value-normal",
+ valueLarge: "value-large",
+ valueSub: "value-sub"
+ };
+ //endregion
function validateFormat(entry) {
// Any object with a to and from method is supported.
if (isValidFormatter(entry)) {
return true;
@@ -516,10 +652,26 @@
// The step option can still be used to set stepping
// for linear sliders. Overwritten if set in 'range'.
parsed.singleStep = entry;
+ function testKeyboardPageMultiplier(parsed, entry) {
+ if (!isNumeric(entry)) {
+ throw new Error("noUiSlider (" + VERSION + "): 'keyboardPageMultiplier' is not numeric.");
+ }
+ parsed.keyboardPageMultiplier = entry;
+ }
+ function testKeyboardDefaultStep(parsed, entry) {
+ if (!isNumeric(entry)) {
+ throw new Error("noUiSlider (" + VERSION + "): 'keyboardDefaultStep' is not numeric.");
+ }
+ parsed.keyboardDefaultStep = entry;
+ }
function testRange(parsed, entry) {
// Filter incorrect input.
if (typeof entry !== "object" || Array.isArray(entry)) {
throw new Error("noUiSlider (" + VERSION + "): 'range' is not an object.");
@@ -633,23 +785,19 @@
// Issue #582
if (entry === 0) {
- parsed.margin = parsed.spectrum.getMargin(entry);
- if (!parsed.margin) {
- throw new Error("noUiSlider (" + VERSION + "): 'margin' option is only supported on linear sliders.");
- }
+ parsed.margin = parsed.spectrum.getDistance(entry);
function testLimit(parsed, entry) {
if (!isNumeric(entry)) {
throw new Error("noUiSlider (" + VERSION + "): 'limit' option must be numeric.");
- parsed.limit = parsed.spectrum.getMargin(entry);
+ parsed.limit = parsed.spectrum.getDistance(entry);
if (!parsed.limit || parsed.handles < 2) {
throw new Error(
"noUiSlider (" +
@@ -657,10 +805,12 @@
function testPadding(parsed, entry) {
+ var index;
if (!isNumeric(entry) && !Array.isArray(entry)) {
throw new Error(
"noUiSlider (" + VERSION + "): 'padding' option must be numeric or array of exactly 2 numbers."
@@ -677,22 +827,25 @@
if (!Array.isArray(entry)) {
entry = [entry, entry];
- // 'getMargin' returns false for invalid values.
- parsed.padding = [parsed.spectrum.getMargin(entry[0]), parsed.spectrum.getMargin(entry[1])];
+ // 'getDistance' returns false for invalid values.
+ parsed.padding = [parsed.spectrum.getDistance(entry[0]), parsed.spectrum.getDistance(entry[1])];
- if (parsed.padding[0] === false || parsed.padding[1] === false) {
- throw new Error("noUiSlider (" + VERSION + "): 'padding' option is only supported on linear sliders.");
+ for (index = 0; index < parsed.spectrum.xNumSteps.length - 1; index++) {
+ // last "range" can't contain step size as it is purely an endpoint.
+ if (parsed.padding[0][index] < 0 || parsed.padding[1][index] < 0) {
+ throw new Error("noUiSlider (" + VERSION + "): 'padding' option must be a positive number(s).");
+ }
- if (parsed.padding[0] < 0 || parsed.padding[1] < 0) {
- throw new Error("noUiSlider (" + VERSION + "): 'padding' option must be a positive number(s).");
- }
+ var totalPadding = entry[0] + entry[1];
+ var firstValue = parsed.spectrum.xVal[0];
+ var lastValue = parsed.spectrum.xVal[parsed.spectrum.xVal.length - 1];
- if (parsed.padding[0] + parsed.padding[1] > 100) {
+ if (totalPadding / (lastValue - firstValue) > 1) {
throw new Error("noUiSlider (" + VERSION + "): 'padding' option must not exceed 100% of the range.");
function testDirection(parsed, entry) {
@@ -848,10 +1001,12 @@
// Tests are executed in the order they are presented here.
var tests = {
step: { r: false, t: testStep },
+ keyboardPageMultiplier: { r: false, t: testKeyboardPageMultiplier },
+ keyboardDefaultStep: { r: false, t: testKeyboardDefaultStep },
start: { r: true, t: testStart },
connect: { r: true, t: testConnect },
direction: { r: true, t: testDirection },
snap: { r: false, t: testSnap },
animate: { r: false, t: testAnimate },
@@ -876,46 +1031,13 @@
direction: "ltr",
behaviour: "tap",
orientation: "horizontal",
keyboardSupport: true,
cssPrefix: "noUi-",
- cssClasses: {
- target: "target",
- base: "base",
- origin: "origin",
- handle: "handle",
- handleLower: "handle-lower",
- handleUpper: "handle-upper",
- touchArea: "touch-area",
- horizontal: "horizontal",
- vertical: "vertical",
- background: "background",
- connect: "connect",
- connects: "connects",
- ltr: "ltr",
- rtl: "rtl",
- draggable: "draggable",
- drag: "state-drag",
- tap: "state-tap",
- active: "active",
- tooltip: "tooltip",
- pips: "pips",
- pipsHorizontal: "pips-horizontal",
- pipsVertical: "pips-vertical",
- marker: "marker",
- markerHorizontal: "marker-horizontal",
- markerVertical: "marker-vertical",
- markerNormal: "marker-normal",
- markerLarge: "marker-large",
- markerSub: "marker-sub",
- value: "value",
- valueHorizontal: "value-horizontal",
- valueVertical: "value-vertical",
- valueNormal: "value-normal",
- valueLarge: "value-large",
- valueSub: "value-sub"
- }
+ cssClasses: cssClasses,
+ keyboardPageMultiplier: 5,
+ keyboardDefaultStep: 10
// AriaFormat defaults to regular format, if any.
if (options.format && !options.ariaFormat) {
options.ariaFormat = options.format;
@@ -1088,10 +1210,18 @@
addClass(addTarget, options.cssClasses.horizontal);
} else {
addClass(addTarget, options.cssClasses.vertical);
+ var textDirection = getComputedStyle(addTarget).direction;
+ if (textDirection === "rtl") {
+ addClass(addTarget, options.cssClasses.textDirectionRtl);
+ } else {
+ addClass(addTarget, options.cssClasses.textDirectionLtr);
+ }
return addNodeTo(addTarget, options.cssClasses.base);
function addTooltip(handle, handleNumber) {
if (!options.tooltips[handleNumber]) {
@@ -1277,16 +1407,20 @@
// Default to a 'full' step.
if (!step) {
step = high - low;
- // Low can be 0, so test for false. If high is undefined,
- // we are at the last subrange. Index 0 is already handled.
- if (low === false || high === undefined) {
+ // Low can be 0, so test for false. Index 0 is already handled.
+ if (low === false) {
+ // If high is undefined we are at the last subrange. Make sure it iterates once (#1088)
+ if (high === undefined) {
+ high = low;
+ }
// Make sure step isn't 0, which would cause an infinite loop (#654)
step = Math.max(step, 0.0000001);
// Find all steps in the subrange.
for (i = low; i <= high; i = safeIncrement(i, step)) {
@@ -1317,11 +1451,11 @@
// Determine the point type.
type = group.indexOf(i) > -1 ? PIPS_LARGE_VALUE : isSteps ? PIPS_SMALL_VALUE : PIPS_NO_VALUE;
// Enforce the 'ignoreFirst' option by overwriting the type for 0.
- if (!index && ignoreFirst) {
+ if (!index && ignoreFirst && i !== high) {
type = 0;
if (!(i === high && ignoreLast)) {
// Mark the 'type' of this point. 0 = plain, 1 = real value, 2 = step value.
@@ -1508,11 +1642,15 @@
// The only thing one handle should be concerned about is the touches that originated on top of it.
if (touch) {
// Returns true if a touch originated on the target.
var isTouchOnTarget = function(checkTouch) {
- return === eventTarget || eventTarget.contains(;
+ return (
+ === eventTarget ||
+ eventTarget.contains( ||
+ ( &&
+ );
// In the case of touchstart events, we need to make sure there is still no more than one
// touch on the target so we look amongst all touches.
if (e.type === "touchstart") {
@@ -1740,10 +1878,17 @@
// Move closest handle to tapped location.
function eventTap(event) {
+ // Erroneous events seem to be passed in occasionally on iOS/iPadOS after user finishes interacting with
+ // the slider. They appear to be of type MouseEvent, yet they don't have usual properties set. Ignore tap
+ // events that have no touches or buttons associated with them.
+ if (!event.buttons && !event.touches) {
+ return false;
+ }
// The tap event shouldn't propagate up
var proposal = calcPointToPercentage(event.calcPoint);
var handleNumber = getClosestHandle(proposal);
@@ -1796,52 +1941,81 @@
return false;
var horizontalKeys = ["Left", "Right"];
var verticalKeys = ["Down", "Up"];
+ var largeStepKeys = ["PageDown", "PageUp"];
+ var edgeKeys = ["Home", "End"];
if (options.dir && !options.ort) {
// On an right-to-left slider, the left and right keys act inverted
} else if (options.ort && !options.dir) {
// On a top-to-bottom slider, the up and down keys act inverted
+ largeStepKeys.reverse();
// Strip "Arrow" for IE compatibility.
var key = event.key.replace("Arrow", "");
- var isDown = key === verticalKeys[0] || key === horizontalKeys[0];
- var isUp = key === verticalKeys[1] || key === horizontalKeys[1];
- if (!isDown && !isUp) {
+ var isLargeDown = key === largeStepKeys[0];
+ var isLargeUp = key === largeStepKeys[1];
+ var isDown = key === verticalKeys[0] || key === horizontalKeys[0] || isLargeDown;
+ var isUp = key === verticalKeys[1] || key === horizontalKeys[1] || isLargeUp;
+ var isMin = key === edgeKeys[0];
+ var isMax = key === edgeKeys[1];
+ if (!isDown && !isUp && !isMin && !isMax) {
return true;
- var direction = isDown ? 0 : 1;
- var steps = getNextStepsForHandle(handleNumber);
- var step = steps[direction];
+ var to;
- // At the edge of a slider, do nothing
- if (step === null) {
- return false;
- }
+ if (isUp || isDown) {
+ var multiplier = options.keyboardPageMultiplier;
+ var direction = isDown ? 0 : 1;
+ var steps = getNextStepsForHandle(handleNumber);
+ var step = steps[direction];
- // No step set, use the default of 10% of the sub-range
- if (step === false) {
- step = scope_Spectrum.getDefaultStep(scope_Locations[handleNumber], isDown, 10);
- }
+ // At the edge of a slider, do nothing
+ if (step === null) {
+ return false;
+ }
- // Step over zero-length ranges (#948);
- step = Math.max(step, 0.0000001);
+ // No step set, use the default of 10% of the sub-range
+ if (step === false) {
+ step = scope_Spectrum.getDefaultStep(
+ scope_Locations[handleNumber],
+ isDown,
+ options.keyboardDefaultStep
+ );
+ }
- // Decrement for down steps
- step = (isDown ? -1 : 1) * step;
+ if (isLargeUp || isLargeDown) {
+ step *= multiplier;
+ }
- setHandle(handleNumber, scope_Spectrum.toStepping(scope_Values[handleNumber] + step), true, true);
+ // Step over zero-length ranges (#948);
+ step = Math.max(step, 0.0000001);
+ // Decrement for down steps
+ step = (isDown ? -1 : 1) * step;
+ to = scope_Values[handleNumber] + step;
+ } else if (isMax) {
+ // End key
+ to = options.spectrum.xVal[options.spectrum.xVal.length - 1];
+ } else {
+ // Home key
+ to = options.spectrum.xVal[0];
+ }
+ setHandle(handleNumber, scope_Spectrum.toStepping(to), true, true);
fireEvent("slide", handleNumber);
fireEvent("update", handleNumber);
fireEvent("change", handleNumber);
fireEvent("set", handleNumber);
@@ -1950,53 +2124,63 @@
// Un-formatted slider values
// Event is fired by tap, true or false
tap || false,
// Left offset of the handle, in relation to the slider
- scope_Locations.slice()
+ scope_Locations.slice(),
+ // add the slider public API to an accessible parameter when this is unavailable
+ scope_Self
// Split out the handle positioning logic so the Move event can use it, too
function checkHandlePosition(reference, handleNumber, to, lookBackward, lookForward, getValue) {
+ var distance;
// For sliders with multiple handles, limit movement to the other handle.
// Apply the margin option by adding it to the handle positions.
if (scope_Handles.length > 1 && ! {
if (lookBackward && handleNumber > 0) {
- to = Math.max(to, reference[handleNumber - 1] + options.margin);
+ distance = scope_Spectrum.getAbsoluteDistance(reference[handleNumber - 1], options.margin, 0);
+ to = Math.max(to, distance);
if (lookForward && handleNumber < scope_Handles.length - 1) {
- to = Math.min(to, reference[handleNumber + 1] - options.margin);
+ distance = scope_Spectrum.getAbsoluteDistance(reference[handleNumber + 1], options.margin, 1);
+ to = Math.min(to, distance);
// The limit option has the opposite effect, limiting handles to a
// maximum distance from another. Limit must be > 0, as otherwise
// handles would be unmovable.
if (scope_Handles.length > 1 && options.limit) {
if (lookBackward && handleNumber > 0) {
- to = Math.min(to, reference[handleNumber - 1] + options.limit);
+ distance = scope_Spectrum.getAbsoluteDistance(reference[handleNumber - 1], options.limit, 0);
+ to = Math.min(to, distance);
if (lookForward && handleNumber < scope_Handles.length - 1) {
- to = Math.max(to, reference[handleNumber + 1] - options.limit);
+ distance = scope_Spectrum.getAbsoluteDistance(reference[handleNumber + 1], options.limit, 1);
+ to = Math.max(to, distance);
// The padding option keeps the handles a certain distance from the
// edges of the slider. Padding must be > 0.
if (options.padding) {
if (handleNumber === 0) {
- to = Math.max(to, options.padding[0]);
+ distance = scope_Spectrum.getAbsoluteDistance(0, options.padding[0], 0);
+ to = Math.max(to, distance);
if (handleNumber === scope_Handles.length - 1) {
- to = Math.min(to, 100 - options.padding[1]);
+ distance = scope_Spectrum.getAbsoluteDistance(100, options.padding[1], 1);
+ to = Math.min(to, distance);
to = scope_Spectrum.getStep(to);
@@ -2441,10 +2625,16 @@
options: originalOptions, // Issue #600, #678
updateOptions: updateOptions,
target: scope_Target, // Issue #597
removePips: removePips,
removeTooltips: removeTooltips,
+ getTooltips: function() {
+ return scope_Tooltips;
+ },
+ getOrigins: function() {
+ return scope_Handles;
+ },
pips: pips // Issue #594
return scope_Self;
@@ -2472,8 +2662,11 @@
// Use an object instead of a function for future expandability;
return {
// Exposed for unit testing, don't use this in your application.
__spectrum: Spectrum,
version: VERSION,
+ // A reference to the default classes, allows global changes.
+ // Use the cssClasses option for changes to one slider.
+ cssClasses: cssClasses,
create: initialize