in permisi-0.1.4 vs in permisi-0.1.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
# Changelog
+# 0.1.5
+[_View the docs._](
+- Remove `-> { distinct }` from actor-roles has_many association
+- Add option to mute pre-0.1.4 ActiveRecord backend initialization warning:
+ ```ruby
+ # config/initializers/permisi.rb
+ Permisi.init do |config|
+ # Mute pre-0.1.4 ActiveRecord backend initialization warning
+ config.mute_pre_0_1_4_warning = true
+ end
+ ```
# 0.1.4
[_View the docs._](
- Add actor-role uniqueness constraint (previously it was possible to append the same role to an actor many times), if you are upgrading from previous versions, please create the following migration: `add_index :permisi_actor_roles, [:actor_id, :role_id], unique: true`