lib/penthouse/migrator.rb in penthouse-0.6.0 vs lib/penthouse/migrator.rb in penthouse-0.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,56 +1,120 @@
-# shamelessly copied & adjusted from Apartment
-# @see
-# overrides Octopus's auto-switching to shards
-# @see
+require 'active_record'
+require 'set'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/array/wrap'
module Penthouse
- module Migrator
+ module Migration
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.alias_method_chain :announce, :penthouse
+ end
- extend self
+ def announce_with_penthouse(message)
+ announce_without_penthouse("#{message} - #{current_tenant}")
+ end
- # Migrate to latest version
- # @param tenant_identifier [String, Symbol] the identifier for the tenant to switch to
- # @return [void]
- def migrate(tenant_identifier, version)
- Penthouse.switch(tenant_identifier) do
- if migrator.respond_to?(:migrate_without_octopus)
- migrator.migrate_without_octopus(migrator.migrations_paths, version)
- else
- migrator.migrate(migrator.migrations_paths, version)
+ def current_tenant
+ "Tenant: #{Penthouse.tenant || '*** global ***'}"
+ end
+ end
+module Penthouse
+ module Migrator
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.extend(ClassMethods)
+ base.class_eval do
+ class << self
+ alias_method_chain :migrate, :penthouse
+ alias_method_chain :up, :penthouse
+ alias_method_chain :down, :penthouse
+ alias_method_chain :run, :penthouse
- # Migrate up/down to a specific version
- # @param tenant_identifier [String, Symbol] the identifier for the tenant to switch to
- # @param version [Integer] the version number to migrate up or down to
- # @return [void]
- def run(direction, tenant_identifier, version)
- Penthouse.switch(tenant_identifier) do
- if migrator.respond_to?(:run_without_octopus)
- migrator.run_without_octopus(direction, migrator.migrations_paths, version)
- else
-, migrator.migrations_paths, version)
+ module ClassMethods
+ def migrate_with_penthouse(migrations_paths, target_version = nil, &block)
+ unless Penthouse.configuration.migrate_tenants?
+ if defined?(:migrate_without_octopus)
+ return migrate_without_octopus(migrations_paths, target_version, &block)
+ else
+ return migrate_without_penthouse(migrations_paths, target_version, &block)
+ end
+ Penthouse.each_tenant(tenant_identifiers: tenants_to_migrate) do
+ if defined?(:migrate_without_octopus)
+ migrate_without_octopus(migrations_paths, target_version, &block)
+ else
+ migrate_without_penthouse(migrations_paths, target_version, &block)
+ end
+ end
- end
- # rollback latest migration `step` number of times
- # @param tenant_identifier [String, Symbol] the identifier for the tenant to switch to
- # @param step [Integer] how many migrations to rollback by
- # @return [void]
- def rollback(tenant_identifier, step = 1)
- Penthouse.switch(tenant_identifier) do
- if migrator.respond_to?(:rollback_without_octopus)
- migrator.rollback_without_octopus(migrator.migrations_paths, step)
- else
- migrator.rollback(migrator.migrations_paths, step)
+ def up_with_penthouse(migrations_paths, target_version = nil, &block)
+ unless Penthouse.configuration.migrate_tenants?
+ if defined?(:up_without_octopus)
+ return up_without_octopus(migrations_paths, target_version, &block)
+ else
+ return up_without_penthouse(migrations_paths, target_version, &block)
+ end
+ Penthouse.each_tenant(tenant_identifiers: tenants_to_migrate) do
+ if defined?(:up_without_octopus)
+ up_without_octopus(migrations_paths, target_version, &block)
+ else
+ up_without_penthouse(migrations_paths, target_version, &block)
+ end
+ end
- end
- def migrator
- ActiveRecord::Migrator
+ def down_with_penthouse(migrations_paths, target_version = nil, &block)
+ unless Penthouse.configuration.migrate_tenants?
+ if defined?(:down_without_octopus)
+ return down_without_octopus(migrations_paths, target_version, &block)
+ else
+ return down_without_penthouse(migrations_paths, target_version, &block)
+ end
+ end
+ Penthouse.each_tenant(tenant_identifiers: tenants_to_migrate) do
+ if defined?(:down_without_octopus)
+ down_without_octopus(migrations_paths, target_version, &block)
+ else
+ down_without_penthouse(migrations_paths, target_version, &block)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def run_with_penthouse(direction, migrations_paths, target_version)
+ unless Penthouse.configuration.migrate_tenants?
+ if defined?(:run_without_octopus)
+ return run_without_octopus(direction, migrations_paths, target_version)
+ else
+ return run_without_penthouse(direction, migrations_paths, target_version)
+ end
+ end
+ Penthouse.each_tenant(tenant_identifiers: tenants_to_migrate) do
+ if defined?(:run_without_octopus)
+ run_without_octopus(direction, migrations_paths, target_version)
+ else
+ run_without_penthouse(direction, migrations_paths, target_version)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def tenants_to_migrate
+ if (t = ENV["tenant"] || ENV["tenants"])
+ t.split(",").map(&:strip)
+ end
+ end
+ActiveRecord::Migration.send(:include, Penthouse::Migration)
+ActiveRecord::Migrator.send(:include, Penthouse::Migrator)