README.adoc in pennyworth-11.1.3 vs README.adoc in pennyworth-11.2.0

- old
+ new

@@ -187,21 +187,21 @@ Feel free to take this default configuration, modify, and save as your own custom `configuration.yml`. === Themes -image:[Alchemists Theme,width=634,height=121,role=focal_point] +image:[Alchemists Theme,width=706,height=632,role=focal_point] The above is shared as the link:[Alchemists Alfred Theme] which can be link:alfred://theme/?t=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[installed directly]. === Workflows -Not all workflows require Pennyworth to run properly. For the workflows that _do_ require Pennyworth -support, the following assumptions are made: +Not all workflows require Pennyworth to run properly (see the _Other_ section below for details). +For the workflows that _do_ require Pennyworth support, the following assumptions are made: 1. Your link:[Dotfiles] are configured to use link:[Bash] and load your environment appropriately. Bash is not a hard requirement, though. You can use _any shell_ you are comfortable with as long as you teach Alfred to load your development environment before running the Alfred Workflow. @@ -288,10 +288,18 @@ use in your own code. Type `encodings` to activate. Use `ENTER` to copy label or `OPTION` to copy associated aliases to clipboard. +===== Gems + +image:[Gems,width=706,height=362,role=focal_point] + +Provides access to the RubyGems ecosystem. + +Type `gems` to activate. Use the arrow keys to navigate options and `ENTER` to use. + ===== Hex image:[Hex,width=706,height=200,role=focal_point] This keyword allows you to generate a random hex string. @@ -389,38 +397,132 @@ by macOS. ==== Other The following workflows don't require Pennyworth support but are provided for convenience in case -they are of interest/aid to your own productivity. Click each link to download and then double click -to install: +they are of interest/aid to your own productivity. -* link:[Acronyms] - Expands - acronyms into full explanations so you can think and type in terms of an acronym but appear as if - you typed out the full definition each time. -*[Alpine] - Provides - link:[Alpine Linux] resources. -* link:[Applications] - - Launches development environment but can be tweaked for your preferences. Using Alfred in this - manner ensures your machine boots or restarts quickly and gives you more control over what is - launched. -* link:[Browsers] - - Provides browser related utilities. -* link:[Bundler] - Provides - quick access to link:[Bundler] related resources. -* link:[Hanami] - Provides - link:[Hanami] resources. -* link:[] - Shortens - URLs using link:[]. -* link:[Docker] - Provides - link:[Docker] resources. -* link:[macOS] - Provides - macOS utilities. -* link:[Terraform] - - Provides link:[Terraform] resources. -* link:[Text] - Provides - general text manipulation utilities beyond the Pennyworth powered _text_ keyword (mentioned - earlier). +===== Acronyms + +Expands acronyms so you can think and type in terms of an acronym but appear as if you typed out the +full definition each time. + +1. link:[Download] and + double click to install. +2. Use any of the macros provided by the workflow to expand acronyms for legibility. + +===== Alpine + +image:[Alpine Linux workflow screenshot.,width=706,height=632,role=focal_point] + +Provides link:[Alpine Linux] resources. + +1. link:[Download] and double + click to install. +2. Type `al` to activate. + +===== Applications + +image:[Applications workflow screenshot.,width=706,height=362,role=focal_point] + +Launches development environment but can be tweaked for your preferences. Using Alfred in this +manner ensures your machine boots or restarts quickly and gives you more control over what is +launched. + +1. link:[Download] and + double click to install. +2. Type `work` to activate. + +===== Browsers + +image:[Browsers workflow screenshot.,width=706,height=470,role=focal_point] + +Provides browser related utilities. + +1. link:[Download] and + double click to install. +2. Type `open` to activate. + +===== Bundler + +image:[Bundler workflow screenshot.,width=706,height=524,role=focal_point] + +Provides quick access to link:[Bundler] related resources. + +1. link:[Download] and + double click to install. +2. Type `bundler` to activate. + +===== Elm + +image:[Elm workflow screenshot.,width=706,height=470,role=focal_point] + +A link:[Elm] workflow for quick access to Elm resources. + +1. link:[Download] and double + click to install. +2. Type `elm` to view general information, arrow keys to navigate, and `ENTER` to view information. + +===== Hanami + +image:[Hanami workflow screenshot.,width=706,height=632,role=focal_point] + +Provides link:[Hanami] resources. + +1. link:[Download] and + double click to install. +2. Type `h` to activate. + +===== + +image:[ workflow screenshot.,width=706,height=200,role=focal_point] + +Shortens URLs using link:[]. + +1. link:[Download] and + double click to install. +2. Type `surl` to activate. + +===== Docker + +image:[Docker workflow screenshot.,width=706,height=524,role=focal_point] + +Provides link:[Docker] resources. + +1. link:[Download] and + double click to install. +2. Type `dr` to activate. + +===== macOS + +Provides macOS utilities. + +1. link:[Download] and + double click to install. +2. Open the workflow to see all available keywords. + +===== Terraform + +image:[Terraform workflow screenshot.,width=362,height=524,role=focal_point] + +Provides link:[Terraform] resources. + +1. link:[Download] and + double click to install. +2. Type `tf` to activate. + +===== Text + +Provides general text manipulation utilities beyond the Pennyworth powered _text_ keyword (mentioned +earlier). + +1. link:[Download] and + double click to install. +2. Use any of the following global hotkeys to activate: +** `CONTROL + OPTION + COMMAND + o` - Open selected URL in default browser. +** `CONTROL + OPTION + COMMAND + d` - View selected word in macOS dictionary. +** `CONTROL + OPTION + COMMAND + t` - View selected text as Large Type. +** `CONTROL + OPTION + COMMAND + h` - Syntax highlight selected code. == Architecture The following documents the workfow used to process all actions from Alfred.