test/helper.rb in peddler-1.3.0 vs test/helper.rb in peddler-1.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -8,91 +8,10 @@
SimpleCov.start do
add_filter '/test/'
-require 'dig_rb'
require 'minitest/autorun'
-require 'peddler/vcr_matcher'
-require 'yaml'
-require 'vcr'
require 'pry'
-rescue LoadError # rubocop:disable HandleExceptions
-# Wraps MWS credentials to run integration tests against
-# Replace entries in the fixture file with real credentials if adding new tests
-# or otherwise testing against live data.
-module Accounts
- extend Enumerable
- def self.each(&blk)
- @data.each(&blk)
- end
- %w(mws.yml mws.yml.example).each do |path|
- file = File.expand_path("../#{path}", __FILE__)
- if File.exist?(file)
- @data = YAML.load_file(file)
- break
- end
- end
-# Bootstraps VCR
-module Recorder
- def setup
- ENV['LIVE'] ? VCR.turn_off! : VCR.insert_cassette(test_name)
- end
- def teardown
- VCR.eject_cassette if VCR.turned_on?
- end
- def test_name
- self.class.name.sub('Test', '')
- end
-# Sets up clients for integration testing
-class IntegrationTest < MiniTest::Test
- include Recorder
- def clients
- Accounts.map do |account|
- klass = MWS.const_get("#{test_name}::Client")
- klass.new(account)
- end
- end
-VCR.configure do |c|
- c.hook_into :excon
- c.cassette_library_dir = 'test/vcr_cassettes'
- ::Peddler::VCRMatcher.ignore_seller!
- # HTTP errors are not Peddler's concern, so ignore them to ease development.
- c.before_record do |interaction|
- code = interaction.response.status.code
- interaction.ignore! if code >= 400 && code != 414
- end
- c.default_cassette_options = {
- match_requests_on: [::Peddler::VCRMatcher],
- record: !ENV['RECORD'] ? :none : :new_episodes
- }
- # So that fixtures do not depend on merchant credentials
- Accounts.each do |account|
- c.filter_sensitive_data('MERCHANT_ID') { account['merchant_id'] }
- c.filter_sensitive_data('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') { account['aws_access_key_id'] }
- c.before_record do |interaction|
- %w(
- BuyerName BuyerEmail Name AddressLine1 PostalCode Phone Amount
- ).each do |key|
- interaction.response.body.gsub!(/<#{key}>[^<]+</, "<#{key}>FILTERED<")
- end
- end
- end
+rescue LoadError