lib/pdk/generate/transport.rb in pdk-1.17.0 vs lib/pdk/generate/transport.rb in pdk-1.18.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,87 +1,33 @@
require 'pdk'
module PDK
module Generate
- class Transport < PuppetObject
- OBJECT_TYPE = :transport
+ class Transport < ResourceAPIObject
+ def friendly_name
+ 'Resource API Transport'.freeze
+ end
- # Prepares the data needed to render the new defined type template.
- #
- # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}] a hash of information that will be
- # provided to the defined type and defined type spec templates during
- # rendering.
- def template_data
- data = {
- name: object_name,
- transport_class: Transport.class_name_from_object_name(object_name),
+ def template_files
+ # Note : Due to how the V1 templates work, the names of the source template files may be mismatched to
+ # their destination, e.g. transport_type.erb is really a transport schema
+ files = {
+ 'transport_spec.erb' => File.join('spec', 'unit', 'puppet', 'transport', object_name) + '_spec.rb',
+ 'transport_type_spec.erb' => File.join('spec', 'unit', 'puppet', 'transport', 'schema', object_name) + '_spec.rb',
- data
+ return files if spec_only?
+ files.merge(
+ 'transport.erb' => File.join('lib', 'puppet', 'transport', object_name) + '.rb',
+ 'transport_device.erb' => File.join('lib', 'puppet', 'util', 'network_device', object_name, 'device.rb'),
+ 'transport_type.erb' => File.join('lib', 'puppet', 'transport', 'schema', object_name) + '.rb',
+ )
- def raise_precondition_error(error)
- raise PDK::CLI::ExitWithError, _('%{error}: Creating a transport needs some local configuration in your module.' \
- ' Please follow the docs at') % { error: error }
- end
- def check_preconditions
- super
- # These preconditions can be removed once the pdk-templates are carrying the puppet-resource_api gem by default, and have switched
- # the default mock_with value.
- sync_path = PDK::Util.find_upwards('.sync.yml')
- if sync_path.nil?
- raise_precondition_error(_('.sync.yml not found'))
- end
- sync = YAML.load_file(sync_path)
- if !sync.is_a? Hash
- raise_precondition_error(_('.sync.yml contents is not a Hash'))
- elsif !sync.key? 'Gemfile'
- raise_precondition_error(_('Gemfile configuration not found'))
- elsif !sync['Gemfile'].key? 'optional'
- raise_precondition_error(_('Gemfile.optional configuration not found'))
- elsif !sync['Gemfile']['optional'].key? ':development'
- raise_precondition_error(_('Gemfile.optional.:development configuration not found'))
- elsif sync['Gemfile']['optional'][':development'].none? { |g| g['gem'] == 'puppet-resource_api' }
- raise_precondition_error(_('puppet-resource_api not found in the Gemfile config'))
- elsif !sync.key? 'spec/spec_helper.rb'
- raise_precondition_error(_('spec/spec_helper.rb configuration not found'))
- elsif !sync['spec/spec_helper.rb'].key? 'mock_with'
- raise_precondition_error(_('spec/spec_helper.rb.mock_with configuration not found'))
- elsif !sync['spec/spec_helper.rb']['mock_with'] == ':rspec'
- raise_precondition_error(_('spec/spec_helper.rb.mock_with not set to \':rspec\''))
- end
- end
- # @return [String] the path where the new transport will be written.
- def target_object_path
- @target_object_path ||= File.join(module_dir, 'lib', 'puppet', 'transport', object_name) + '.rb'
- end
- # @return [String] the path where the new schema will be written.
- def target_type_path
- @target_type_path ||= File.join(module_dir, 'lib', 'puppet', 'transport', 'schema', object_name) + '.rb'
- end
- # @return [String] the path where the deviceshim for the transport will be written.
- def target_device_path
- @target_device_path ||= File.join(module_dir, 'lib', 'puppet', 'util', 'network_device', object_name, 'device.rb')
- end
- # @return [String] the path where the tests for the new transport
- # will be written.
- def target_spec_path
- @target_spec_path ||= File.join(module_dir, 'spec', 'unit', 'puppet', 'transport', object_name) + '_spec.rb'
- end
- # @return [String] the path where the tests for the new schema will be written.
- def target_type_spec_path
- @target_type_spec_path ||= File.join(module_dir, 'spec', 'unit', 'puppet', 'transport', 'schema', object_name) + '_spec.rb'
- end
- # transform a object name into a ruby class name
- def self.class_name_from_object_name(object_name)
- object_name.to_s.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join
+ def template_data
+ {
+ name: object_name,
+ transport_class: class_name_from_object_name(object_name),
+ }