spec/pdfkit_spec.rb in pdfkit- vs spec/pdfkit_spec.rb in pdfkit-
- old
+ new
@@ -173,26 +173,26 @@
describe "#command" do
it "constructs the correct command" do
pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :page_size => 'Letter', :toc_l1_font_size => 12, :replace => {'foo' => 'bar'})
command = pdfkit.command
- expect(command).to include "wkhtmltopdf"
- expect(command).to include "--page-size Letter"
- expect(command).to include "--toc-l1-font-size 12"
- expect(command).to include "--replace foo bar"
+ expect(command.first).to match(/wkhtmltopdf/)
+ expect(command).to contain %w[--page-size Letter]
+ expect(command).to contain %w[--toc-l1-font-size 12]
+ expect(command).to contain %w[--replace foo bar]
it "sets up one cookie when hash has only one cookie" do
pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', cookie: {cookie_name: :cookie_value})
command = pdfkit.command
- expect(command).to include "--cookie cookie_name cookie_value"
+ expect(command).to contain %w[--cookie cookie_name cookie_value]
- it "does not break Windows paths" do
+ it "does not split Windows paths that contain spaces" do
pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html')
allow(PDFKit.configuration).to receive(:wkhtmltopdf).and_return 'c:/Program Files/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf.exe'
- expect(pdfkit.command).not_to include('Program\ Files')
+ expect(pdfkit.command).not_to contain(%w[c:/Program Files/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf.exe])
it "does not shell escape source URLs" do
pdfkit = PDFKit.new('https://www.google.com/search?q=pdfkit')
expect(pdfkit.command).to include "https://www.google.com/search?q=pdfkit"
@@ -205,19 +205,19 @@
it "sets up multiple cookies when passed multiple cookies" do
pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :cookie => {:cookie_name1 => :cookie_val1, :cookie_name2 => :cookie_val2})
command = pdfkit.command
- expect(command).to include "--cookie cookie_name1 cookie_val1"
- expect(command).to include "--cookie cookie_name2 cookie_val2"
+ expect(command).to contain %w[--cookie cookie_name1 cookie_val1]
+ expect(command).to contain %w[--cookie cookie_name2 cookie_val2]
it "sets up multiple cookies when passed an array of tuples" do
pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :cookie => [[:cookie_name1, :cookie_val1], [:cookie_name2, :cookie_val2]])
command = pdfkit.command
- expect(command).to include "--cookie cookie_name1 cookie_val1"
- expect(command).to include "--cookie cookie_name2 cookie_val2"
+ expect(command).to contain %w[--cookie cookie_name1 cookie_val1]
+ expect(command).to contain %w[--cookie cookie_name2 cookie_val2]
it "will not include default options it is told to omit" do
PDFKit.configure do |config|
config.default_options[:disable_smart_shrinking] = true
@@ -227,52 +227,61 @@
expect(pdfkit.command).to include('--disable-smart-shrinking')
pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :disable_smart_shrinking => false)
expect(pdfkit.command).not_to include('--disable-smart-shrinking')
- it "encapsulates string arguments in quotes" do
+ it "must not split string arguments containing spaces" do
pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :header_center => "foo [page]")
- expect(pdfkit.command).to include "--header-center foo\\ \\[page\\]"
+ expect(pdfkit.command).to contain ['--header-center', 'foo [page]']
- it "sanitizes string arguments" do
+ it "paramatarizes string arguments" do
pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :header_center => "$(ls)")
- expect(pdfkit.command).to include "--header-center \\$\\(ls\\)"
+ expect(pdfkit.command).to contain %w[--header-center $(ls)]
it "read the source from stdin if it is html" do
pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html')
- expect(pdfkit.command).to match(/- -$/)
+ command = pdfkit.command
+ expect(command[-2]).to eq('-')
+ expect(command[-1]).to eq('-')
it "specifies the URL to the source if it is a url" do
pdfkit = PDFKit.new('http://google.com')
- expect(pdfkit.command).to match(/"http:\/\/google.com" -$/)
+ command = pdfkit.command
+ expect(command[-2]).to eq("http://google.com")
+ expect(command[-1]).to eq("-")
it "does not break Windows paths" do
pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html')
allow(PDFKit.configuration).to receive(:wkhtmltopdf).and_return 'c:/Program Files/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf.exe'
- expect(pdfkit.command).not_to include('Program\ Files')
+ expect(pdfkit.command).not_to contain ['Program', 'Files']
it "specifies the path to the source if it is a file" do
file_path = File.join(SPEC_ROOT,'fixtures','example.html')
pdfkit = PDFKit.new(File.new(file_path))
- expect(pdfkit.command).to match(/#{file_path} -$/)
+ command = pdfkit.command
+ expect(command[-2]).to eq(file_path)
+ expect(command[-1]).to eq('-')
it "specifies the path to the source if it is a tempfile" do
file_path = File.join(SPEC_ROOT,'fixtures','example.html')
pdfkit = PDFKit.new(Tempfile.new(file_path))
- expect(pdfkit.command).to match(/#{Dir.tmpdir}\S+ -$/)
+ command = pdfkit.command
+ expect(command[-2]).to start_with(Dir.tmpdir)
+ expect(command[-1]).to eq('-')
it "specifies the path for the ouput if a path is given" do
file_path = "/path/to/output.pdf"
pdfkit = PDFKit.new("html")
- expect(pdfkit.command(file_path)).to match(/#{file_path}$/)
+ command = pdfkit.command(file_path)
+ expect(command.last).to eq(file_path)
it "detects special pdfkit meta tags" do
body = %{
@@ -282,12 +291,12 @@
pdfkit = PDFKit.new(body)
command = pdfkit.command
- expect(command).to include "--page-size Legal"
- expect(command).to include "--orientation Landscape"
+ expect(command).to contain %w[--page-size Legal]
+ expect(command).to contain %w[--orientation Landscape]
it "detects cookies meta tag" do
body = %{
@@ -297,11 +306,11 @@
pdfkit = PDFKit.new(body)
command = pdfkit.command
- expect(command).to include "--cookie rails_session rails_session_value --cookie cookie_variable cookie_variable_value"
+ expect(command).to contain %w[--cookie rails_session rails_session_value --cookie cookie_variable cookie_variable_value]
it "detects disable_smart_shrinking meta tag" do
body = %{
@@ -311,11 +320,11 @@
pdfkit = PDFKit.new(body)
command = pdfkit.command
expect(command).to include "--disable-smart-shrinking"
- expect(command).not_to include "--disable-smart-shrinking true"
+ expect(command).not_to contain %w[--disable-smart-shrinking true]
it "detects names with hyphens instead of underscores" do
body = %{
@@ -340,12 +349,12 @@
pdfkit = PDFKit.new(body)
command = pdfkit.command
- expect(command).to include "--page-size Legal"
- expect(command).to include "--orientation Landscape"
+ expect(command).to contain %w[--page-size Legal]
+ expect(command).to contain %w[--orientation Landscape]
it "skips non-pdfkit meta tags" do
body = %{
@@ -356,12 +365,12 @@
pdfkit = PDFKit.new(body)
command = pdfkit.command
- expect(command).not_to include "--page-size Legal"
- expect(command).to include "--orientation Landscape"
+ expect(command).not_to contain %w[--page-size Legal]
+ expect(command).to contain %w[--orientation Landscape]
it "does not use quiet when told to" do
pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', quiet: false)
expect(pdfkit.command).not_to include '--quiet'
@@ -420,17 +429,12 @@
context "on windows" do
before do
allow(PDFKit::OS).to receive(:host_is_windows?).and_return(true)
- it "escapes special windows characters" do
- pdf = PDFKit.new('html', :title => 'hello(world)')
- expect(pdf.command).to include 'hello^(world^)'
- end
it "quotes spaces in options" do
pdf = PDFKit.new('html', :title => 'hello world')
- expect(pdf.command).to include "--title 'hello world'"
+ expect(pdf.command).to contain ['--title', "hello world"]
describe "#to_pdf" do