spec/configuration_spec.rb in pdfkit- vs spec/configuration_spec.rb in pdfkit-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,16 +1,53 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe PDFKit::Configuration do
subject { PDFKit::Configuration.new }
describe "#wkhtmltopdf" do
+ context "when explicitly configured" do
+ it "uses configured value and don't detect" do
+ expect(subject).not_to receive(:default_wkhtmltopdf)
+ subject.wkhtmltopdf = "./Gemfile" # Need a file which exists
+ expect(subject.wkhtmltopdf).to eq("./Gemfile")
+ end
+ it "falls back to detected binary if configured path doesn't exists" do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:default_wkhtmltopdf).twice.and_return("/bin/fallback")
+ expect(subject).to receive(:warn).with(/No executable found/)
+ subject.wkhtmltopdf = "./missing-file" # Need a file which doesn't exist
+ expect(subject.wkhtmltopdf).to eq("/bin/fallback")
+ end
+ end
context "when not explicitly configured" do
- it "detects the existance of bundler" do
- # Test assumes bundler is installed in your test environment
- expect(subject).to receive(:`).with('bundle exec which wkhtmltopdf').and_return('c:\windows\path.exe')
- subject.wkhtmltopdf
+ context "when running inside bundler" do
+ # Simulate the presence of bundler even if it's not here
+ before { stub_const("Bundler::GemfileError", Class) }
+ it "detects the existance of bundler" do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:`).with('bundle exec which wkhtmltopdf').and_return("c:\\windows\\path.exe\n")
+ expect(subject.wkhtmltopdf).to eq('c:\windows\path.exe')
+ end
+ it "falls back if bundler path fails" do
+ # This happens when there is a wrong (buggy) version of bundler for example
+ expect(subject).to receive(:`).with('bundle exec which wkhtmltopdf').and_return("")
+ expect(subject).to receive(:`).with('which wkhtmltopdf').and_return("c:\\windows\\path.exe\n")
+ expect(subject.wkhtmltopdf).to eq('c:\windows\path.exe')
+ end
+ context "when running without bundler" do
+ # Simulate the absence of bundler even if it's there
+ before { hide_const("Bundler::GemfileError") }
+ it "detects the existance of bundler" do
+ expect(subject).not_to receive(:`).with('bundle exec which wkhtmltopdf')
+ expect(subject).to receive(:`).with('which wkhtmltopdf').and_return('c:\windows\path.exe')
+ expect(subject.wkhtmltopdf).to eq('c:\windows\path.exe')
+ end
+ end
describe "#executable" do
it "returns wkhtmltopdf by default" do
@@ -37,9 +74,16 @@
it "allows additional options to be configured" do
subject.default_options = { quiet: false, is_awesome: true }
expect(subject.default_options[:quiet]).to eql false
expect(subject.default_options[:is_awesome]).to eql true
+ end
+ it "merges additional options with existing defaults" do
+ subject.default_options = { quiet: false, is_awesome: true }
+ expect(subject.default_options[:quiet]).to eql false
+ expect(subject.default_options[:is_awesome]).to eql true
+ expect(subject.default_options[:disable_smart_shrinking]).to eql false
describe "#root_url" do
it "has no default" do