lib/pbbuilder/template.rb in pbbuilder-0.16.1 vs lib/pbbuilder/template.rb in pbbuilder-0.16.2
- old
+ new
@@ -28,61 +28,49 @@
+ # Set the value in the message field.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # pb.friends @friends, partial: "friend", as: :friend
+ # pb.friends partial: "racers/racer", as: :racer, collection: [, "Johnny Test", []),, "Max Verstappen", [])]
+ # pb.best_friend partial: "person", person: @best_friend
+ # pb.friends "racers/racer", as: :racer, collection: [, "Johnny Test", []),, "Max Verstappen", [])]
def set!(field, *args, **kwargs, &block)
# If partial options are being passed, we render a submessage with a partial
if kwargs.has_key?(:partial)
if && kwargs.has_key?(:as)
- # pb.friends @friends, partial: "friend", as: :friend
+ # example syntax that should end up here:
+ # pb.friends @friends, partial: "friend", as: :friend
# Call set! on the super class, passing in a block that renders a partial for every element
super(field, *args) do |element|
_set_inline_partial(element, kwargs)
elsif kwargs.has_key?(:collection) && kwargs.has_key?(:as)
- # pb.friends partial: "racers/racer", as: :racer, collection: [, "Johnny Test", []),, "Max Verstappen", [])]
- # collection renderer
- options = kwargs.deep_dup
+ # example syntax that should end up here:
+ # pb.friends partial: "racers/racer", as: :racer, collection: [, "Johnny Test", []),, "Max Verstappen", [])]
- options.reverse_merge! locals: options.except(:partial, :as, :collection, :cached)
- options.reverse_merge! ::PbbuilderTemplate.template_lookup_options
- collection = options[:collection] || []
- partial = options[:partial]
- # The way recursive rendering works is that CollectionRenderer needs to be aware of node its currently rendering and parent node,
- # these is no need to know entire "stack" of nodes. CollectionRenderer would traverse to bottom node render that first and then go up in stack.
- # CollectionRenderer uses locals[:pb] to render the partial as a protobuf message,
- # but also needs locals[:pb_parent] to apply rendered partial to top level protobuf message.
- # This logic could be found in CollectionRenderer#build_rendered_collection method that we over wrote.
- options[:locals].merge!(pb:, new_message_for(field)))
- options[:locals].merge!(pb_parent: self)
- options[:locals].merge!(field: field)
- if options.has_key?(:layout)
- raise ::NotImplementedError, "The `:layout' option is not supported in collection rendering."
- end
- if options.has_key?(:spacer_template)
- raise ::NotImplementedError, "The `:spacer_template' option is not supported in collection rendering."
- end
- CollectionRenderer
- .new(@context.lookup_context, options) { |&block| _scope(message[field.to_s],&block) }
- .render_collection_with_partial(collection, partial, @context, nil)
+ _render_collection_with_options(field, kwargs[:collection], kwargs)
+ # # example syntax that should end up here:
# pb.best_friend partial: "person", person: @best_friend
- # Call set! as a submessage, passing in the kwargs as partial options
super(field, *args) do
- super
+ if && kwargs.has_key?(:collection) && kwargs.has_key?(:as)
+ # example syntax that should end up here:
+ # pb.friends "racers/racer", as: :racer, collection: [, "Johnny Test", []),, "Max Verstappen", [])]
+ _render_collection_with_options(field, kwargs[:collection], kwargs.merge(partial: args.first))
+ else
+ super
+ end
# Caches fragment of message. Can be called like the following:
# 'pb.cache! "cache-key" do; end'
@@ -117,13 +105,45 @@
condition ? cache!(*args, &block) : yield
+ # Uses ActionView::CollectionRenderer to render collection effectively and to use rails built in fragment caching support.
+ #
+ # The way recursive rendering works is that the CollectionRenderer needs to be aware of the node its currently rendering and parent node.
+ # There is no need to know the entire "stack" of nodes. ActionView::CollectionRenderer would traverse to bottom node render it first and then go one leve up in stack,
+ # rince and repeat until entire stack is rendered.
+ # CollectionRenderer uses locals[:pb] to render the partial as a protobuf message,
+ # but also needs locals[:pb_parent] to apply the rendered partial to the top level protobuf message.
+ # This logic can be found in CollectionRenderer#build_rendered_collection method that we overwrote.
+ def _render_collection_with_options(field, collection, options)
+ partial = options[:partial]
+ options.reverse_merge! locals: options.except(:partial, :as, :collection, :cached)
+ options.reverse_merge! ::PbbuilderTemplate.template_lookup_options
+ options[:locals].merge!(pb:, new_message_for(field)))
+ options[:locals].merge!(pb_parent: self)
+ options[:locals].merge!(field: field)
+ if options.has_key?(:layout)
+ raise ::NotImplementedError, "The `:layout' option is not supported in collection rendering."
+ end
+ if options.has_key?(:spacer_template)
+ raise ::NotImplementedError, "The `:spacer_template' option is not supported in collection rendering."
+ end
+ CollectionRenderer
+ .new(@context.lookup_context, options) { |&block| _scope(message[field.to_s],&block) }
+ .render_collection_with_partial(collection, partial, @context, nil)
+ end
# Writes to cache, if cache with keys is missing.
# @return fragment value
def _cache_fragment_for(key, options, &block)
key = _cache_key(key, options)
_read_fragment_cache(key, options) || _write_fragment_cache(key, options, &block)