spec/pause/action_spec.rb in pause-0.2.1 vs spec/pause/action_spec.rb in pause-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -20,90 +20,173 @@
allow(Pause.config).to receive(:resolution).and_return(resolution)
allow(Pause.config).to receive(:history).and_return(history)
allow(Pause).to receive(:adapter).and_return(adapter)
- let(:action) { MyNotification.new('1237612') }
- let(:other_action) { MyNotification.new('1237613') }
+ let(:identifier) { '11112222' }
+ let(:action) { MyNotification.new(identifier) }
- describe '#increment!' do
- it 'should increment' do
- time = Time.now
- Timecop.freeze time do
- expect(Pause.adapter).to receive(:increment).with(action.scope, '1237612', time.to_i, 1)
- action.increment!
+ let(:other_identifier) { '8798734' }
+ let(:other_action) { MyNotification.new(other_identifier) }
+ RSpec.shared_examples 'an action' do
+ describe '#increment!' do
+ it 'should increment' do
+ time = Time.now
+ Timecop.freeze time do
+ expect(Pause.adapter).to receive(:increment).with(action.scope, identifier, time.to_i, 1)
+ action.increment!
+ end
- end
- describe '#ok?' do
- it 'should successfully return if the action is blocked or not' do
- time = Time.now
- Timecop.freeze time do
- 4.times do
+ describe '#ok?' do
+ it 'should successfully return if the action is blocked or not' do
+ time = Time.now
+ Timecop.freeze time do
+ 4.times do
+ action.increment!
+ expect(action.ok?).to be true
+ end
+ expect(action.ok?).to be false
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should successfully consider different period checks' do
+ time = Time.parse('Sept 22, 11:34:00')
+ Timecop.freeze time - 30 do
+ action.increment! 4
expect(action.ok?).to be true
- action.increment!
+ Timecop.freeze time do
+ action.increment! 2
+ expect(action.ok?).to be true
+ end
+ Timecop.freeze time do
+ action.increment! 1
+ expect(action.ok?).to be false
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should return false and silently fail if redis is not available' do
+ allow(Pause::Logger).to receive(:fatal)
+ allow_any_instance_of(Redis).to receive(:zrange).and_raise Redis::CannotConnectError
+ time = period_marker(resolution, Time.now.to_i)
+ action.increment! 4, time - 25
expect(action.ok?).to be false
- it 'should successfully consider different period checks' do
- time = Time.parse('Sept 22, 11:34:00')
+ describe '#analyze' do
+ context 'action should not be rate limited' do
+ it 'returns nil' do
+ expect(adapter.rate_limited?(action.scope, action.identifier)).to be false
+ expect(action.analyze).to be nil
+ end
+ end
- Timecop.freeze time - 30 do
- action.increment! 4
- expect(action.ok?).to be true
+ context 'action should be rate limited' do
+ it 'returns a RateLimitedEvent object' do
+ time = Time.now
+ rate_limit = nil
+ Timecop.freeze time do
+ 7.times { action.increment! }
+ rate_limit = action.analyze
+ end
+ expected_rate_limit = Pause::RateLimitedEvent.new(action, action.checks[0], 7, time.to_i)
+ expect(rate_limit).to be_a(Pause::RateLimitedEvent)
+ expect(rate_limit.identifier).to eq(expected_rate_limit.identifier)
+ expect(rate_limit.sum).to eq(expected_rate_limit.sum)
+ expect(rate_limit.period_check).to eq(expected_rate_limit.period_check)
+ expect(rate_limit.timestamp).to eq(expected_rate_limit.timestamp)
+ end
+ end
- Timecop.freeze time do
- action.increment! 2
+ describe '#unblock' do
+ it 'unblocks the specified id' do
+ 10.times { action.increment! }
+ expect(action.ok?).to be false
+ action.unblock
expect(action.ok?).to be true
+ end
- Timecop.freeze time do
- action.increment! 1
+ describe '#block_for' do
+ it 'blocks the IP for N seconds' do
+ expect(adapter).to receive(:rate_limit!).with(action.scope, action.identifier, 10).and_call_original
+ action.block_for(10)
expect(action.ok?).to be false
+ end
- it 'should return false and silently fail if redis is not available' do
- allow(Pause::Logger).to receive(:fatal)
- allow_any_instance_of(Redis).to receive(:zrange).and_raise Redis::CannotConnectError
- time = period_marker(resolution, Time.now.to_i)
- action.increment! 4, time - 25
- expect(action.ok?).to be false
+ context 'actions under test' do
+ ['123456', 'hello', 0, 999999].each do |id|
+ let(:identifier) { id }
+ let(:action) { MyNotification.new(identifier) }
+ describe "action with identifier #{id}" do
+ it_behaves_like 'an action'
+ end
- describe '#analyze' do
- context 'action should not be rate limited' do
- it 'returns nil' do
- expect(action.analyze).to be nil
+ context 'DSL usage' do
+ class CowRateLimited < Pause::Action
+ scope 'cow:moo'
+ check period_seconds: 10, max_allowed: 2, block_ttl: 40
+ check period_seconds: 20, max_allowed: 4, block_ttl: 40
+ end
+ let(:identifier) { 'cow-moo' }
+ let(:action) { CowRateLimited.new(identifier) }
+ let(:bogus) { Struct.new(:name, :event).new }
+ describe '#unless_rate_limited' do
+ before do
+ expect(bogus).to receive(:name).exactly(2).times
+ it 'should call through the block' do
+ action.unless_rate_limited { bogus.name }
+ action.unless_rate_limited { bogus.name }
+ result = action.unless_rate_limited { bogus.name }
+ expect(result).to be_a_kind_of(::Pause::RateLimitedEvent)
+ end
- context 'action should be rate limited' do
- it 'returns a RateLimitedEvent object' do
- time = Time.now
- rate_limit = nil
+ describe '#unless_rate_limited' do
+ before { expect(bogus).to receive(:name).exactly(2).times }
- Timecop.freeze time do
- 7.times { action.increment! }
- rate_limit = action.analyze
- end
+ it 'should call through the block' do
+ 3.times { action.unless_rate_limited { bogus.name } }
+ end
- expected_rate_limit = Pause::RateLimitedEvent.new(action, action.checks[0], 7, time.to_i)
+ describe '#if_rate_limited' do
+ before { 2.times { action.unless_rate_limited { bogus.name } } }
- expect(rate_limit).to be_a(Pause::RateLimitedEvent)
- expect(rate_limit.identifier).to eq(expected_rate_limit.identifier)
- expect(rate_limit.sum).to eq(expected_rate_limit.sum)
- expect(rate_limit.period_check).to eq(expected_rate_limit.period_check)
- expect(rate_limit.timestamp).to eq(expected_rate_limit.timestamp)
+ it 'it should not analyze during method call' do
+ bogus.event = 1
+ action.if_rate_limited { |event| bogus.event = event }
+ expect(bogus.event).to be_a_kind_of(::Pause::RateLimitedEvent)
+ expect(bogus.event.identifier).to eq(identifier)
+ end
+ it 'should analyze if requested' do
+ action.unless_rate_limited { bogus.name }
+ result = action.if_rate_limited { |event| bogus.event = event }
+ expect(bogus.event).to be_a_kind_of(::Pause::RateLimitedEvent)
+ expect(result).to eq(bogus.event)
+ end
describe '.tracked_identifiers' do
@@ -148,29 +231,10 @@
expect(MyNotification.rate_limited_identifiers).to be_empty
expect(MyNotification.tracked_identifiers).to eq([other_action.identifier])
- describe '#unblock' do
- it 'unblocks the specified id' do
- 10.times { action.increment! }
- expect(action.ok?).to be false
- action.unblock
- expect(action.ok?).to be true
- end
- end
- describe '#block_for' do
- it 'blocks the IP for N seconds' do
- expect(adapter).to receive(:rate_limit!).with(action.scope, action.identifier, 10).and_call_original
- action.block_for(10)
- expect(action.ok?).to be false
- end
- end
describe Pause::Action, '.check' do
class ActionWithCheck < Pause::Action
check 100, 150, 200
@@ -186,38 +250,38 @@
check period_seconds: 50, block_ttl: 60, max_allowed: 100
it 'should define a period check on new instances' do
expect(ActionWithCheck.new('id').checks).to eq([
- Pause::PeriodCheck.new(100, 150, 200)
- ])
+ Pause::PeriodCheck.new(100, 150, 200)
+ ])
it 'should define a period check on new instances' do
- expect(ActionWithMultipleChecks.new('id').checks).to eq([
- Pause::PeriodCheck.new(100, 150, 200),
- Pause::PeriodCheck.new(200, 150, 200),
- Pause::PeriodCheck.new(300, 150, 200)
- ])
+ expect(ActionWithMultipleChecks.new('id').checks).to \
+ eq([
+ Pause::PeriodCheck.new(100, 150, 200),
+ Pause::PeriodCheck.new(200, 150, 200),
+ Pause::PeriodCheck.new(300, 150, 200)
+ ])
it 'should accept hash arguments' do
expect(ActionWithHashChecks.new('id').checks).to eq([
- Pause::PeriodCheck.new(50, 100, 60)
- ])
+ Pause::PeriodCheck.new(50, 100, 60)
+ ])
describe Pause::Action, '.scope' do
- class UndefinedScopeAction < Pause::Action
+ module MyApp
+ class NoScope < ::Pause::Action
+ end
it 'should raise if scope is not defined' do
- expect {
- UndefinedScopeAction.new('').scope
- }.to raise_error('Should implement scope. (Ex: ipn:follow)')
+ expect(MyApp::NoScope.new('').scope).to eq 'myapp.noscope'
class DefinedScopeAction < Pause::Action
scope 'my:scope'
@@ -234,10 +298,10 @@
before do
Pause.configure do |c|
c.resolution = 10
- c.history = 10
+ c.history = 10
let(:action) { BlockedAction }