Rakefile in pauldowman-ec2onrails-0.9.10 vs Rakefile in pauldowman-ec2onrails-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,36 +1,26 @@
-require "./lib/ec2onrails/version"
+# This rakefile is for building the EC2 on Rails gem.
+# To build a server AMI, see server/rakefile.rb
require 'echoe'
rescue LoadError
abort "You'll need to have `echoe' installed to use ec2onrails' Rakefile"
-version = Ec2onrails::VERSION::STRING.dup
-Echoe.new('ec2onrails', version) do |p|
- p.changelog = "CHANGELOG"
- p.author = ['Paul Dowman', 'Adam Greene']
- p.email = "paul@pauldowman.com"
- p.summary = <<-DESC.strip.gsub(/\n\s+/, " ")
- Client-side libraries (Capistrano tasks) for managing and
- deploying to EC2 on Rails servers.
- #OTHER helpful options
- # p.install_message = "perhaps telling them where to find the example docs?"
- # p.rdoc_pattern
- p.url = "http://ec2onrails.rubyforge.org"
- p.need_zip = true
- p.rdoc_pattern = /^(lib|README.textile|CHANGELOG)/
- p.dependencies = [
- 'capistrano >= 2.4.3',
- 'archive-tar-minitar >= 0.5.1',
- 'optiflag >= 0.6.5']
- p.development_dependencies = ['rake >=0.7.1']
+require "./echoe_config"
+desc "Run all gem-related tasks"
+task :ec2onrails_gem => [:manifest, :package, :update_github_gemspec]
+desc "Update the GitHub gemspec file (/ec2onrails.gemspec)"
+task :update_github_gemspec => [:manifest, :package] do
+ root_dir = File.dirname __FILE__
+ contents = File.open("#{root_dir}/pkg/ec2onrails-#{Ec2onrails::VERSION::STRING}/ec2onrails.gemspec", 'r').readlines
+ File.open("#{root_dir}/ec2onrails.gemspec", 'w') do |f|
+ f << "# This file is auto-generated, do not edit.\n"
+ f << "# Edit echoe_config.rb and then run 'rake ec2onrails_gem'\n"
+ f << "# \n"
+ contents.each {|line| f << line}
+ end