spec/spec_helper.rb in paul_revere-1.2 vs spec/spec_helper.rb in paul_revere-1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,27 +1,12 @@
-# Configure Rails Envinronment
-ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
-require "rails/all"
-require "rspec/rails"
-# Pull in the fake rails app
-require 'fake_app'
-require 'mocha/setup'
-# Load support files
-Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/support/**/*.rb"].each { |f| require f }
RSpec.configure do |config|
- # Remove this line if you don't want RSpec's should and should_not
- # methods or matchers
- require 'rspec/expectations'
- config.include RSpec::Matchers
+ config.expect_with :rspec do |expectations|
+ expectations.include_chain_clauses_in_custom_matcher_descriptions = true
+ end
- # == Mock Framework
- config.mock_framework = :mocha
- # Remove announcements before each example
- config.before(:each) do
- Announcement.delete_all
+ config.mock_with :rspec do |mocks|
+ mocks.verify_partial_doubles = true
+ config.order = :random
+ Kernel.srand config.seed