spec/support/test_server.rb in patron-0.11.1 vs spec/support/test_server.rb in patron-0.12.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,225 +1,20 @@
-## -------------------------------------------------------------------
-## Patron HTTP Client: HTTP test server for integration tests
+require 'rack'
+require 'puma'
+require 'rack/handler/puma'
-require 'yaml'
-require 'webrick'
-require 'webrick/https'
-require 'openssl'
-require 'zlib'
-include WEBrick
-# This ugly little hack is necessary to make the specs pass when running
-# the test_server script under Ruby 1.9. URI::Parser#to_yaml generates
-# regexp representations that YAML.parse cannot parse.
-class URI::Parser
- def to_yaml(opts = {})
- {}.to_yaml(opts)
- end
-module RespondWith
- def respond_with(method, req, res)
- res.body = req.to_yaml
- res['Content-Type'] = "text/plain"
- end
-class TestServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- include RespondWith
- def do_GET(req,res)
- respond_with(:GET, req, res)
- end
- def do_POST(req,res)
- respond_with(:POST, req, res)
- end
- def do_PUT(req,res)
- respond_with(:PUT, req, res)
- end
- def do_DELETE(req,res)
- respond_with(:DELETE, req, res)
- end
- def do_COPY(req,res)
- respond_with(:COPY, req, res)
- end
-class GzipServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- def do_GET(req,res)
- raise "Need to have the right Accept-Encoding: header" unless req.header['Accept-Encoding']
- out = StringIO.new
- z = Zlib::Deflate.new(Zlib::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)
- 1024.times {
- out << z.deflate('Some highly compressible data')
- }
- out << z.finish
- z.close
- content_length = out.size
- # Content-Length gets set automatically by WEBrick, and if we do it manually
- # here then two headers will be set. This is also against the content encoding
- # description in the HTTP 1.1 RFC - but hey, Webrick!
- res.header['Content-Encoding'] = 'deflate'
- res.header['Vary'] = 'Accept-Encoding'
- res.body = out.string
- end
-class TimeoutServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- def do_GET(req,res)
- sleep(1.1)
- end
-class SlowServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- def do_GET(req,res)
- res.header['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
- res.body << 'x'
- sleep 20
- res.body << 'rest of body'
- end
-class RedirectServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- def do_GET(req,res)
- res['Location'] = "http://localhost:9001/test"
- res.status = 301
- end
-class EvilRedirectServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- def do_GET(req,res)
- res['Location'] = "smtp://mailbox:secret@localhost"
- res.status = 301
- end
-class TestPostBodyServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- include RespondWith
- def do_POST(req, res)
- respond_with(:POST, {'body' => req.body, 'content_type' => req.content_type}, res)
- end
-class TestPatchBodyServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- include RespondWith
- def do_PATCH(req, res)
- respond_with(:PATCH, {'body' => req.body, 'content_type' => req.content_type}, res)
- end
-class SetCookieServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- def do_GET(req, res)
- res['Set-Cookie'] = "session_id=foo123"
- res['Location'] = "http://localhost:9001/test"
- res.status = 301
- end
-class RepetitiveHeaderServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- def do_GET(req, res)
- # the only way to get webrick to output two headers with the same name is using cookies, so that's what we'll do:
- res.cookies << Cookie.new('a', '1')
- res.cookies << Cookie.new('b', '2')
- res['Content-Type'] = "text/plain"
- res.body = "Hi."
- end
-class PictureServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- def do_GET(req, res)
- res['Content-Type'] = "image/png"
- res.body = File.read("./pic.png")
- end
-class WrongContentLengthServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- def do_GET(req, res)
- res.keep_alive = false
- res.content_length = 1024
- res.body = "Hello."
- end
-# Serves a substantial amount of data
-class LargeServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- def do_GET(req, res)
- res.content_length = 15 * 1024 * 1024
- res.body = Random.new.bytes(15 * 1024 * 1024)
- end
class PatronTestServer
+ APP = Rack::Builder.new { eval(File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config.ru')) }
- def self.start( log_file = nil, ssl = false, port = 9001 )
- new(log_file, ssl, port).start
- end
+ def self.start(ssl = false, port = 9001 )
+ @ssl = ssl
+ keypath = File.expand_path(File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../certs/privkey.pem'))
+ certpath = File.expand_path(File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../certs/cacert.pem'))
- def initialize( log_file = nil, ssl = false, port = 9001 )
- log_file ||= StringIO.new
- log = WEBrick::Log.new(log_file)
- options = {
- :Port => port,
- :Logger => log,
- :AccessLog => [
- [ log, WEBrick::AccessLog::COMMON_LOG_FORMAT ],
- [ log, WEBrick::AccessLog::REFERER_LOG_FORMAT ]
- ]
- }
- if ssl
- options[:SSLEnable] = true
- options[:SSLCertificate] = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.open("spec/certs/cacert.pem").read)
- options[:SSLPrivateKey] = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.open("spec/certs/privkey.pem").read)
- options[:SSLCertName] = [ ["CN", WEBrick::Utils::getservername ] ]
+ host = if ssl
+ 'ssl://' % [port, keypath, certpath]
+ else
+ 'tcp://' % port
- @server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(options)
- @server.mount("/test", TestServlet)
- @server.mount("/testpost", TestPostBodyServlet)
- @server.mount("/testpatch", TestPatchBodyServlet)
- @server.mount("/timeout", TimeoutServlet)
- @server.mount("/slow", SlowServlet)
- @server.mount("/redirect", RedirectServlet)
- @server.mount("/evil-redirect", EvilRedirectServlet)
- @server.mount("/picture", PictureServlet)
- @server.mount("/very-large", LargeServlet)
- @server.mount("/setcookie", SetCookieServlet)
- @server.mount("/repetitiveheader", RepetitiveHeaderServlet)
- @server.mount("/wrongcontentlength", WrongContentLengthServlet)
- @server.mount("/gzip-compressed", GzipServlet)
+ Rack::Handler::Puma.run(APP, {:Port => port.to_i, :Verbose => true, :Host => ''})
- def start
- trap('INT') {
- begin
- @server.shutdown unless @server.nil?
- rescue Object => e
- $stderr.puts "Error #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}\n#{e.message}"
- end
- }
- @thread = Thread.new { @server.start }
- Thread.pass
- self
- end
- def join
- if defined? @thread and @thread
- @thread.join
- end
- self
- end