spec/session_spec.rb in patron-0.4.18 vs spec/session_spec.rb in patron-0.4.20
- old
+ new
@@ -54,25 +54,45 @@
response = @session.get("/test")
body = YAML::load(response.body)
body.request_method.should == "GET"
+ it 'should ignore #base_url when a full URL is provided' do
+ @session.base_url = "http://example.com:123"
+ lambda { @session.get("http://localhost:9001/test") }.should_not raise_error(URI::InvalidURIError)
+ end
it "should download content with :get and a file path" do
tmpfile = "/tmp/patron_test.yaml"
response = @session.get_file "/test", tmpfile
response.body.should be_nil
body = YAML::load_file(tmpfile)
body.request_method.should == "GET"
FileUtils.rm tmpfile
+ it "should download correctly(md5 ok) with get_file" do
+ tmpfile = "/tmp/picture"
+ response = @session.get_file "/picture", tmpfile
+ response.body.should be_nil
+ File.size(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"../pic.png")).should == File.size(tmpfile)
+ FileUtils.rm tmpfile
+ end
it "should include custom headers in a request" do
response = @session.get("/test", {"User-Agent" => "PatronTest"})
body = YAML::load(response.body)
body.header["user-agent"].should == ["PatronTest"]
+ it "should include default headers in a request, if they were defined" do
+ @session.headers = {"User-Agent" => "PatronTest"}
+ response = @session.get("/test")
+ body = YAML::load(response.body)
+ body.header["user-agent"].should == ["PatronTest"]
+ end
it "should merge custom headers with session headers" do
@session.headers["X-Test"] = "Testing"
response = @session.get("/test", {"User-Agent" => "PatronTest"})
body = YAML::load(response.body)
body.header["user-agent"].should == ["PatronTest"]
@@ -141,9 +161,17 @@
it "should upload data with :put" do
data = "upload data"
response = @session.put("/test", data)
body = YAML::load(response.body)
body.request_method.should == "PUT"
+ body.header['content-length'].should == [data.size.to_s]
+ end
+ it "should upload data with :delete" do
+ data = "upload data"
+ response = @session.request(:delete, "/test", {}, :data => data)
+ body = YAML::load(response.body)
+ body.request_method.should == "DELETE"
body.header['content-length'].should == [data.size.to_s]
it "should raise when no data is provided to :put" do
lambda { @session.put("/test", nil) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)