ext/common/ServerKit/HttpServer.h in passenger-5.0.9 vs ext/common/ServerKit/HttpServer.h in passenger-5.0.10
- old
+ new
@@ -655,225 +655,10 @@
- /***** Protected API *****/
- /** Increase request reference count. */
- void refRequest(Request *req, const char *file, unsigned int line) {
- int oldRefcount = req->refcount.fetch_add(1, boost::memory_order_relaxed);
- SKC_TRACE_WITH_POS(static_cast<Client *>(req->client), 3, file, line,
- "Request refcount increased; it is now " << (oldRefcount + 1));
- }
- /** Decrease request reference count. Adds request to the
- * freelist if reference count drops to 0.
- */
- void unrefRequest(Request *req, const char *file, unsigned int line) {
- int oldRefcount = req->refcount.fetch_sub(1, boost::memory_order_release);
- assert(oldRefcount >= 1);
- SKC_TRACE_WITH_POS(static_cast<Client *>(req->client), 3, file, line,
- "Request refcount decreased; it is now " << (oldRefcount - 1));
- if (oldRefcount == 1) {
- boost::atomic_thread_fence(boost::memory_order_acquire);
- if (this->getContext()->libev->onEventLoopThread()) {
- requestReachedZeroRefcount(req);
- } else {
- // Let the event loop handle the request reaching the 0 refcount.
- passRequestToEventLoopThread(req);
- }
- }
- }
- object_pool<HttpHeaderParserState> &getHeaderParserStatePool() {
- return headerParserStatePool;
- }
- bool canKeepAlive(Request *req) const {
- return req->wantKeepAlive
- && req->bodyFullyRead()
- && HttpServer::serverState < HttpServer::SHUTTING_DOWN;
- }
- void writeResponse(Client *client, const MemoryKit::mbuf &buffer) {
- client->currentRequest->responseBegun = true;
- client->output.feedWithoutRefGuard(buffer);
- }
- void writeResponse(Client *client, const char *data, unsigned int size) {
- writeResponse(client, MemoryKit::mbuf(data, size));
- }
- void writeResponse(Client *client, const StaticString &data) {
- writeResponse(client, data.data(), data.size());
- }
- void
- writeSimpleResponse(Client *client, int code, const HeaderTable *headers,
- const StaticString &body)
- {
- unsigned int headerBufSize = 300;
- if (headers != NULL) {
- HeaderTable::ConstIterator it(*headers);
- while (*it != NULL) {
- headerBufSize += it->header->key.size + sizeof(": ") - 1;
- headerBufSize += it->header->val.size + sizeof("\r\n") - 1;
- it.next();
- }
- }
- Request *req = client->currentRequest;
- char *header = (char *) psg_pnalloc(req->pool, headerBufSize);
- char statusBuffer[50];
- char *pos = header;
- const char *end = header + headerBufSize;
- const char *status;
- const LString *value;
- status = getStatusCodeAndReasonPhrase(code);
- if (status == NULL) {
- snprintf(statusBuffer, sizeof(statusBuffer), "%d Unknown Reason-Phrase", code);
- status = statusBuffer;
- }
- pos += snprintf(pos, end - pos,
- "HTTP/%d.%d %s\r\n"
- "Status: %s\r\n",
- (int) req->httpMajor, (int) req->httpMinor, status, status);
- value = (headers != NULL) ? headers->lookup(P_STATIC_STRING("content-type")) : NULL;
- if (value == NULL) {
- pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n"));
- } else {
- pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("Content-Type: "));
- pos = appendLStringData(pos, end, value);
- pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("\r\n"));
- }
- value = (headers != NULL) ? headers->lookup(P_STATIC_STRING("date")) : NULL;
- pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("Date: "));
- if (value == NULL) {
- time_t the_time = time(NULL);
- struct tm the_tm;
- gmtime_r(&the_time, &the_tm);
- pos += strftime(pos, end - pos, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", &the_tm);
- } else {
- pos = appendLStringData(pos, end, value);
- }
- pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("\r\n"));
- value = (headers != NULL) ? headers->lookup(P_STATIC_STRING("connection")) : NULL;
- if (value == NULL) {
- if (canKeepAlive(req)) {
- pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("Connection: keep-alive\r\n"));
- } else {
- pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("Connection: close\r\n"));
- }
- } else {
- pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("Connection: "));
- pos = appendLStringData(pos, end, value);
- pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("\r\n"));
- if (!psg_lstr_cmp(value, P_STATIC_STRING("Keep-Alive"))
- && !psg_lstr_cmp(value, P_STATIC_STRING("keep-alive")))
- {
- req->wantKeepAlive = false;
- }
- }
- value = (headers != NULL) ? headers->lookup(P_STATIC_STRING("content-length")) : NULL;
- pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("Content-Length: "));
- if (value == NULL) {
- pos += snprintf(pos, end - pos, "%u", (unsigned int) body.size());
- } else {
- pos = appendLStringData(pos, end, value);
- }
- pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("\r\n"));
- if (headers != NULL) {
- HeaderTable::ConstIterator it(*headers);
- while (*it != NULL) {
- if (!psg_lstr_cmp(&it->header->key, P_STATIC_STRING("content-type"))
- && !psg_lstr_cmp(&it->header->key, P_STATIC_STRING("date"))
- && !psg_lstr_cmp(&it->header->key, P_STATIC_STRING("connection"))
- && !psg_lstr_cmp(&it->header->key, P_STATIC_STRING("content-length")))
- {
- pos = appendLStringData(pos, end, &it->header->key);
- pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING(": "));
- pos = appendLStringData(pos, end, &it->header->val);
- pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("\r\n"));
- }
- it.next();
- }
- }
- pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("\r\n"));
- writeResponse(client, header, pos - header);
- if (!req->ended() && req->method != HTTP_HEAD) {
- writeResponse(client, body.data(), body.size());
- }
- }
- bool endRequest(Client **client, Request **request) {
- Client *c = *client;
- Request *req = *request;
- psg_pool_t *pool;
- *client = NULL;
- *request = NULL;
- if (req->ended()) {
- return false;
- }
- SKC_TRACE(c, 2, "Ending request");
- assert(c->currentRequest == req);
- if (OXT_UNLIKELY(!req->responseBegun)) {
- writeDefault500Response(c, req);
- if (req->ended()) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // The memory buffers that we're writing out during the
- // FLUSHING_OUTPUT state might live in the palloc pool,
- // so we want to deinitialize the request while preserving
- // the pool. We'll destroy the pool when the output is
- // flushed.
- pool = req->pool;
- req->pool = NULL;
- deinitializeRequestAndAddToFreelist(c, req);
- req->pool = pool;
- if (!c->output.ended()) {
- c->output.feedWithoutRefGuard(MemoryKit::mbuf());
- }
- if (c->output.endAcked()) {
- doneWithCurrentRequest(&c);
- } else {
- // Call doneWithCurrentRequest() when data flushed
- SKC_TRACE(c, 2, "Waiting until output is flushed");
- req->httpState = Request::FLUSHING_OUTPUT;
- // If the request body is not fully read at this time,
- // then ensure that onClientDataReceived() discards any
- // request body data that we receive from now on.
- req->wantKeepAlive = canKeepAlive(req);
- }
- return true;
- }
- void endAsBadRequest(Client **client, Request **req, const StaticString &body) {
- endWithErrorResponse(client, req, 400, body);
- }
/***** Hook overrides *****/
virtual void onClientObjectCreated(Client *client) {
@@ -1077,10 +862,13 @@
headerParserStatePool(16, 256)
+ /***** Server management *****/
virtual void compact(int logLevel = LVL_NOTICE) {
unsigned int count = freeRequestCount;
while (!STAILQ_EMPTY(&freeRequests)) {
@@ -1098,10 +886,224 @@
SKS_LOG(logLevel, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"Freed " << count << " spare request objects");
+ /***** Request manipulation *****/
+ /** Increase request reference count. */
+ void refRequest(Request *req, const char *file, unsigned int line) {
+ int oldRefcount = req->refcount.fetch_add(1, boost::memory_order_relaxed);
+ SKC_TRACE_WITH_POS(static_cast<Client *>(req->client), 3, file, line,
+ "Request refcount increased; it is now " << (oldRefcount + 1));
+ }
+ /** Decrease request reference count. Adds request to the
+ * freelist if reference count drops to 0.
+ */
+ void unrefRequest(Request *req, const char *file, unsigned int line) {
+ int oldRefcount = req->refcount.fetch_sub(1, boost::memory_order_release);
+ assert(oldRefcount >= 1);
+ SKC_TRACE_WITH_POS(static_cast<Client *>(req->client), 3, file, line,
+ "Request refcount decreased; it is now " << (oldRefcount - 1));
+ if (oldRefcount == 1) {
+ boost::atomic_thread_fence(boost::memory_order_acquire);
+ if (this->getContext()->libev->onEventLoopThread()) {
+ requestReachedZeroRefcount(req);
+ } else {
+ // Let the event loop handle the request reaching the 0 refcount.
+ passRequestToEventLoopThread(req);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool canKeepAlive(Request *req) const {
+ return req->wantKeepAlive
+ && req->bodyFullyRead()
+ && HttpServer::serverState < HttpServer::SHUTTING_DOWN;
+ }
+ void writeResponse(Client *client, const MemoryKit::mbuf &buffer) {
+ client->currentRequest->responseBegun = true;
+ client->output.feedWithoutRefGuard(buffer);
+ }
+ void writeResponse(Client *client, const char *data, unsigned int size) {
+ writeResponse(client, MemoryKit::mbuf(data, size));
+ }
+ void writeResponse(Client *client, const StaticString &data) {
+ writeResponse(client, data.data(), data.size());
+ }
+ void
+ writeSimpleResponse(Client *client, int code, const HeaderTable *headers,
+ const StaticString &body)
+ {
+ unsigned int headerBufSize = 300;
+ if (headers != NULL) {
+ HeaderTable::ConstIterator it(*headers);
+ while (*it != NULL) {
+ headerBufSize += it->header->key.size + sizeof(": ") - 1;
+ headerBufSize += it->header->val.size + sizeof("\r\n") - 1;
+ it.next();
+ }
+ }
+ Request *req = client->currentRequest;
+ char *header = (char *) psg_pnalloc(req->pool, headerBufSize);
+ char statusBuffer[50];
+ char *pos = header;
+ const char *end = header + headerBufSize;
+ const char *status;
+ const LString *value;
+ status = getStatusCodeAndReasonPhrase(code);
+ if (status == NULL) {
+ snprintf(statusBuffer, sizeof(statusBuffer), "%d Unknown Reason-Phrase", code);
+ status = statusBuffer;
+ }
+ pos += snprintf(pos, end - pos,
+ "HTTP/%d.%d %s\r\n"
+ "Status: %s\r\n",
+ (int) req->httpMajor, (int) req->httpMinor, status, status);
+ value = (headers != NULL) ? headers->lookup(P_STATIC_STRING("content-type")) : NULL;
+ if (value == NULL) {
+ pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n"));
+ } else {
+ pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("Content-Type: "));
+ pos = appendLStringData(pos, end, value);
+ pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("\r\n"));
+ }
+ value = (headers != NULL) ? headers->lookup(P_STATIC_STRING("date")) : NULL;
+ pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("Date: "));
+ if (value == NULL) {
+ time_t the_time = time(NULL);
+ struct tm the_tm;
+ gmtime_r(&the_time, &the_tm);
+ pos += strftime(pos, end - pos, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", &the_tm);
+ } else {
+ pos = appendLStringData(pos, end, value);
+ }
+ pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("\r\n"));
+ value = (headers != NULL) ? headers->lookup(P_STATIC_STRING("connection")) : NULL;
+ if (value == NULL) {
+ if (canKeepAlive(req)) {
+ pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("Connection: keep-alive\r\n"));
+ } else {
+ pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("Connection: close\r\n"));
+ }
+ } else {
+ pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("Connection: "));
+ pos = appendLStringData(pos, end, value);
+ pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("\r\n"));
+ if (!psg_lstr_cmp(value, P_STATIC_STRING("Keep-Alive"))
+ && !psg_lstr_cmp(value, P_STATIC_STRING("keep-alive")))
+ {
+ req->wantKeepAlive = false;
+ }
+ }
+ value = (headers != NULL) ? headers->lookup(P_STATIC_STRING("content-length")) : NULL;
+ pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("Content-Length: "));
+ if (value == NULL) {
+ pos += snprintf(pos, end - pos, "%u", (unsigned int) body.size());
+ } else {
+ pos = appendLStringData(pos, end, value);
+ }
+ pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("\r\n"));
+ if (headers != NULL) {
+ HeaderTable::ConstIterator it(*headers);
+ while (*it != NULL) {
+ if (!psg_lstr_cmp(&it->header->key, P_STATIC_STRING("content-type"))
+ && !psg_lstr_cmp(&it->header->key, P_STATIC_STRING("date"))
+ && !psg_lstr_cmp(&it->header->key, P_STATIC_STRING("connection"))
+ && !psg_lstr_cmp(&it->header->key, P_STATIC_STRING("content-length")))
+ {
+ pos = appendLStringData(pos, end, &it->header->origKey);
+ pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING(": "));
+ pos = appendLStringData(pos, end, &it->header->val);
+ pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("\r\n"));
+ }
+ it.next();
+ }
+ }
+ pos = appendData(pos, end, P_STATIC_STRING("\r\n"));
+ writeResponse(client, header, pos - header);
+ if (!req->ended() && req->method != HTTP_HEAD) {
+ writeResponse(client, body.data(), body.size());
+ }
+ }
+ bool endRequest(Client **client, Request **request) {
+ Client *c = *client;
+ Request *req = *request;
+ psg_pool_t *pool;
+ *client = NULL;
+ *request = NULL;
+ if (req->ended()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ SKC_TRACE(c, 2, "Ending request");
+ assert(c->currentRequest == req);
+ if (OXT_UNLIKELY(!req->responseBegun)) {
+ writeDefault500Response(c, req);
+ if (req->ended()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // The memory buffers that we're writing out during the
+ // FLUSHING_OUTPUT state might live in the palloc pool,
+ // so we want to deinitialize the request while preserving
+ // the pool. We'll destroy the pool when the output is
+ // flushed.
+ pool = req->pool;
+ req->pool = NULL;
+ deinitializeRequestAndAddToFreelist(c, req);
+ req->pool = pool;
+ if (!c->output.ended()) {
+ c->output.feedWithoutRefGuard(MemoryKit::mbuf());
+ }
+ if (c->output.endAcked()) {
+ doneWithCurrentRequest(&c);
+ } else {
+ // Call doneWithCurrentRequest() when data flushed
+ SKC_TRACE(c, 2, "Waiting until output is flushed");
+ req->httpState = Request::FLUSHING_OUTPUT;
+ // If the request body is not fully read at this time,
+ // then ensure that onClientDataReceived() discards any
+ // request body data that we receive from now on.
+ req->wantKeepAlive = canKeepAlive(req);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void endAsBadRequest(Client **client, Request **req, const StaticString &body) {
+ endWithErrorResponse(client, req, 400, body);
+ }
+ /***** Configuration and introspection *****/
virtual void configure(const Json::Value &doc) {
if (doc.isMember("request_freelist_limit")) {
requestFreelistLimit = doc["request_freelist_limit"].asUInt();
@@ -1181,9 +1183,17 @@
return doc;
+ /***** Miscellaneous *****/
+ object_pool<HttpHeaderParserState> &getHeaderParserStatePool() {
+ return headerParserStatePool;
+ }
/***** Friend-public methods and hook implementations *****/
void _refRequest(Request *request, const char *file, unsigned int line) {
refRequest(request, file, line);