lib/partitioned/partitioned_base/sql_adapter.rb in partitioned-0.8.0 vs lib/partitioned/partitioned_base/sql_adapter.rb in partitioned-1.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+require 'forwardable'
module Partitioned
class PartitionedBase
# SqlAdapter
# manages requests of partitioned tables.
@@ -10,11 +12,11 @@
def initialize(parent_table_class)
@parent_table_class = parent_table_class
- # ensure our function for warning about improper partition usage is in place
+ # Ensure our function for warning about improper partition usage is in place.
# Name: always_fail_on_insert(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public
# Used to raise an exception explaining why a specific insert (into a parent
# table which should never have records) should never be attempted.
@@ -41,11 +43,11 @@
def create_partition_schema(*partition_key_values)
create_schema(configurator.schema_name, :unless_exists => true)
- # does a specific child partition exist
+ # Does a specific child partition exist.
def partition_exists?(*partition_key_values)
return find(:first,
:from => "pg_tables",
:select => "count(*) as count",
@@ -54,26 +56,26 @@
]).count.to_i == 1
- # returns an array of partition table names from last to first limited to
+ # Returns an array of partition table names from last to first limited to
# the number of entries requested by its first parameter.
- # the magic here is in the overridden method "last_n_partitions_order_by_clause"
+ # The magic here is in the overridden method "last_n_partitions_order_by_clause"
# which is designed to order a list of partition table names (table names without
# their schema name) from last to first.
- # if the child table names are the format "pYYYYMMDD" where YYYY is a four digit year, MM is
+ # If the child table names are the format "pYYYYMMDD" where YYYY is a four digit year, MM is
# a month number and DD is a day number, you would use the following to order from last to
# first:
# tablename desc
- # for child table names of the format "pXXXX" where XXXX is a number, you may want something like:
+ # For child table names of the format "pXXXX" where XXXX is a number, you may want something like:
# substring(tablename, 2)::integer desc
- # for clarity, the sql executed is:
+ # For clarity, the sql executed is:
# select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname = $1 order by $2 limit $3
# where:
# $1 = the name of schema (foos_partitions)
# $2 = the order by clause that would make the greatest table name listed first
# $3 = the parameter 'how_many'
@@ -86,22 +88,22 @@
:order => last_n_partitions_order_by_clause,
:limit => how_many).map(&:tablename)
- # override this or order the tables from last (greatest value? greatest date?) to first
+ # Override this or order the tables from last (greatest value? greatest date?) to first.
def last_n_partitions_order_by_clause
return configurator.last_n_partitions_order_by_clause
- # used to create the parent table rule to ensure
+ # Used to create the parent table rule to ensure.
- # this will cause an error on attempt to insert into the parent table
+ # This will cause an error on attempt to insert into the parent table.
- # we want all records to exist in one of the child tables so the
+ # We want all records to exist in one of the child tables so the
# query planner can optimize access to the records.
def add_parent_table_rules(*partition_key_values)
@@ -116,18 +118,18 @@
- # the name of the table (schemaname.childtablename) given the check constraint values.
+ # The name of the table (schemaname.childtablename) given the check constraint values.
def partition_table_name(*partition_key_values)
return configurator.table_name(*partition_key_values)
- # create a single child table.
+ # Create a single child table.
def create_partition_table(*partition_key_values)
create_table(configurator.table_name(*partition_key_values), {
:id => false,
:options => "INHERITS (#{configurator.parent_table_name(*partition_key_values)})"
@@ -135,18 +137,18 @@
t.check_constraint configurator.check_constraint(*partition_key_values)
- # remove a specific single child table
+ # Remove a specific single child table.
def drop_partition_table(*partition_key_values)
- # add indexes that must exist on child tables. Only leaf child tables
+ # Add indexes that must exist on child tables. Only leaf child tables
# need indexes as parent table indexes are not used in postgres.
def add_partition_table_index(*partition_key_values)
configurator.indexes(*partition_key_values).each do |field,options|
used_options = options.clone
@@ -157,35 +159,35 @@
add_index(partition_table_name(*partition_key_values), field, used_options)
- # used when creating the name of a SQL rule
+ # Used when creating the name of a SQL rule.
def parent_table_rule_name(name, suffix = "rule", *partition_key_values)
return "#{configurator.parent_table_name(*partition_key_values).gsub(/[.]/, '_')}_#{name}_#{suffix}"
- # used to create index names
+ # Used to create index names.
def index_name(name, *partition_key_values)
return "#{configurator.part_name(*partition_key_values)}_#{name}_idx"
- # used to create index names
+ # Used to create index names.
def unique_index_name(name, *partition_key_values)
return "#{configurator.part_name(*partition_key_values)}_#{name}_udx"
- # this is here for derived classes to set up references to added columns
+ # This is here for derived classes to set up references to added columns
# (or columns in the parent that need foreign key constraints).
- # foreign keys are not inherited in postgres. So, a parent table
+ # Foreign keys are not inherited in postgres. So, a parent table
# of the form:
# -- this is the referenced table
# create table companies
# (
@@ -209,24 +211,24 @@
# -- some children
# create table employees_of_company_1 ( CHECK ( company_id = 1 ) ) INHERITS (employees);
# create table employees_of_company_2 ( CHECK ( company_id = 2 ) ) INHERITS (employees);
# create table employees_of_company_3 ( CHECK ( company_id = 3 ) ) INHERITS (employees);
- # since postgres does not inherit referential integrity from parent tables, the following
+ # Since postgres does not inherit referential integrity from parent tables, the following
# insert will work:
# insert into employees_of_company_1 (name, company_id, supervisor_id) values ('joe', 1, 10);
# even if there is no record in companies with id = 1 and there is no record in employees with id = 10
- # for proper referential integrity handling you must do the following:
+ # For proper referential integrity handling you must do the following:
# ALTER TABLE employees_of_company_1 add foreign key (company_id) references companies(id)
# ALTER TABLE employees_of_company_2 add foreign key (company_id) references companies(id)
# ALTER TABLE employees_of_company_3 add foreign key (company_id) references companies(id)
# ALTER TABLE employees_of_company_1 add foreign key (supervisor_id) references employees_of_company_1(id)
# ALTER TABLE employees_of_company_2 add foreign key (supervisor_id) references employees_of_company_2(id)
# ALTER TABLE employees_of_company_3 add foreign key (supervisor_id) references employees_of_company_3(id)
- # the second set of alter tables brings up a good another consideration about postgres references and partitions.
+ # The second set of alter tables brings up a good another consideration about postgres references and partitions.
# postgres will not follow references to a child table. So, a foreign key reference to "employees" in this
# set of alter statements would not work because postgres would expect the table "employees" to have
# the specific referenced record, but the record really exists in a child of employees. So, the alter statement
# forces the reference check on the specific child table we know must contain this employees supervisor (since
# such a supervisor would have to work for the same company in our model).