README.markdown in parsi-localize-0.1 vs README.markdown in parsi-localize-0.1.1

- old
+ new

@@ -10,17 +10,19 @@ (In all the example below we have right to left issues to present output!) Example: + require 'parsi_digits' ‪"15,000 تومان".with_parsi_digits => "۱۵,۰۰۰ تومان" 123.25.with_parsi_digits => "۱۲۳/۲۵" ParsiLocalize ------------- Change behaivor of I18n#localize so that it localize digits and dates in 'farsi' locale. + require 'parsi_localize' I18n.l ‪"15,000 تومان" => "۱۵,۰۰۰ تومان" I18n.l, fromat: "%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" => "۹۰/۱۰/۱۳ ۰۵:۴۳:۳۲" If you don't set date format, it uses the default locale format (time.formats.default) wich you can set in your locale file. For more info on dateformating see 'jalalidate' docs For example with