spec/integration_spec.rb in parallel_tests-0.13.3 vs spec/integration_spec.rb in parallel_tests-0.14.0
- old
+ new
@@ -130,10 +130,15 @@
it "runs through parallel_cucumber" do
version = `#{executable} -v`
`#{bin_folder}/parallel_cucumber -v`.should == version
+ it "runs through parallel_spinach" do
+ version = `#{executable} -v`
+ `#{bin_folder}/parallel_spinach -v`.should == version
+ end
it "runs with --group-by found" do
# it only tests that it does not blow up, as it did before fixing...
write "spec/x1_spec.rb", "puts '111'"
run_tests "spec", :type => 'rspec', :add => '--group-by found'
@@ -276,9 +281,65 @@
result.scan(/YOUR TEST ENV IS \d?!/).sort.should == ["YOUR TEST ENV IS !", "YOUR TEST ENV IS 2!"]
it "runs successfully without any files" do
results = run_tests("", :type => "cucumber")
+ results.should include("2 processes for 0 features")
+ results.should include("Took")
+ end
+ end
+ context "Spinach", :fails_on_ruby_187 => true do
+ before do
+ write "features/steps/a.rb", "class A < Spinach::FeatureSteps\n Given 'I print TEST_ENV_NUMBER' do\n puts \"YOUR TEST ENV IS \#{ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']}!\"\n end\n And 'I sleep a bit' do\n sleep 0.2\n end\nend"
+ end
+ it "runs tests which outputs accented characters" do
+ write "features/good1.feature", "Feature: a\n Scenario: xxx\n Given I print accented characters"
+ write "features/steps/a.rb", "#encoding: utf-8\nclass A < Spinach::FeatureSteps\nGiven 'I print accented characters' do\n puts \"I tu też\" \n end\nend"
+ result = run_tests "features", :type => "spinach", :add => 'features/good1.feature'#, :add => '--pattern good'
+ result.should include('I tu też')
+ end
+ it "passes TEST_ENV_NUMBER when running with pattern (issue #86)" do
+ write "features/good1.feature", "Feature: a\n Scenario: xxx\n Given I print TEST_ENV_NUMBER"
+ write "features/good2.feature", "Feature: a\n Scenario: xxx\n Given I print TEST_ENV_NUMBER"
+ write "features/b.feature", "Feature: b\n Scenario: xxx\n Given I FAIL" #Expect this not to be run
+ write "features/steps/a.rb", "class A < Spinach::FeatureSteps\nGiven('I print TEST_ENV_NUMBER'){ puts \"YOUR TEST ENV IS \#{ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']}!\" }\nend"
+ result = run_tests "features", :type => "spinach", :add => '--pattern good'
+ result.should include('YOUR TEST ENV IS 2!')
+ result.should include('YOUR TEST ENV IS !')
+ result.should_not include('I FAIL')
+ end
+ it "writes a runtime log" do
+ pending 'not yet implemented -- custom runtime logging'
+ log = "tmp/parallel_runtime_spinach.log"
+ write(log, "x")
+ 2.times{|i|
+ # needs sleep so that runtime loggers dont overwrite each other initially
+ write "features/good#{i}.feature", "Feature: A\n Scenario: xxx\n Given I print TEST_ENV_NUMBER\n And I sleep a bit"
+ }
+ result = run_tests "features", :type => "spinach"
+ read(log).gsub(/\.\d+/,'').split("\n").should =~ [
+ "features/good0.feature:0",
+ "features/good1.feature:0"
+ ]
+ end
+ it "runs each feature once when there are more processes then features (issue #89)" do
+ 2.times{|i|
+ write "features/good#{i}.feature", "Feature: A\n Scenario: xxx\n Given I print TEST_ENV_NUMBER\n"
+ }
+ result = run_tests "features", :type => "spinach", :add => '-n 3'
+ result.scan(/YOUR TEST ENV IS \d?!/).sort.should == ["YOUR TEST ENV IS !", "YOUR TEST ENV IS 2!"]
+ end
+ it "runs successfully without any files" do
+ results = run_tests("", :type => "spinach")
results.should include("2 processes for 0 features")
results.should include("Took")