in parallel_tests-0.16.3 vs in parallel_tests-0.16.4

- old
+ new

@@ -211,10 +211,10 @@ - [[Spork](] does not work with parallel_tests - [RSpec] remove --loadby from you spec/*.opts - [RSpec] Instantly see failures (instead of just a red F) with [rspec-instafail]( - [Bundler] if you have a `Gemfile` then `bundle exec` will be used to run tests - [Cucumber] add a `parallel: foo` profile to your `config/cucumber.yml` and it will be used to run parallel tests - - [Cucumber] Pass in cucumber options by not giving the options an identifier ex: parallel:features[x,y,'cucumber_opts'] + - [Cucumber] Pass in cucumber options by not giving the options an identifier ex: `rake parallel:features[,,'cucumber_opts']` - [Capybara setup]( - [Sphinx setup]( - [Capistrano setup]( let your tests run on a big box instead of your laptop - [SQL schema format] use :ruby schema format to get faster parallel:prepare` - `export PARALLEL_TEST_PROCESSORS=X` in your environment and parallel_tests will use this number of processors by default