README.rdoc in papermill-1.0.4 vs README.rdoc in papermill-1.0.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,29 +1,51 @@
= Papermill
-Asset management made easy.
+Asset management made easy, 10 minutes integration.
+All-you-can-eat glue around Polymorphic Paperclip table, SWFUpload & JQuery.
+Associate any image or list of images with any model and any key.
-== Install the gems
+=== Out-of-the-box OPTIONAL compatibility with :
+Formtastic # use :as => :[image|asset](s)_upload
+JGrowl # instead of alert for notifications
+FaceBox/Shadowbox # instead of a pop_up for edit form
+Stringex # (or any String#to_url) for asset filename/url generation
+=== Navigator minimal requirements:
+IE6+, Flash 9+, Javascript ON. Check your audience.
+=== Server requirements:
+makes internal use of JQuery (but loaded in compatibility mode by default, compatible with Prototype/whatever... JRails not needed.)
+Rails 2.3 (rail's I18n, engine)
+Paperclip 2.3 branch (installed by default as a gem dependency, will be loaded internally if needed)
+Windows environnement :
+ # Mime/Types library. Ex:
+ config.gem "mime-types", :lib => "mime/types"
+Front web server serving static assets if present, and forwarding demand to rails if not. (Usually a no-brainer on any classic installation. Works with Webrick)
+== Install the gem
- $ gem source -a
$ sudo gem install papermill
== Try the demo
- $ sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby
- $ rails -m papermill-example
+ $ rails -m papermill-example
== Features
Loads of them
-=== Ajax uploading form helpers through SWFUpload:
+=== Ajax uploading form helpers through SWFUpload => [image|asset](s)_upload
-* image_upload => unique image upload field, with preview
-* images_upload => sortable image gallery upload field
-* asset_upload => simple one asset field
-* assets_upload => sortable asset list field
+* image_upload => one image, with thumbnail preview
+* images_upload => sortable image thumbnail gallery
+* asset_upload => one asset
+* assets_upload => sortable asset list
=== Choose thumbnail size for images previews :
* {:thumbnail => {:width => 100, :height => 100}}
* {:thumbnail => {:style => "100x100>"}}
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=== Lazy created thumbnails
* thumbnails are generated the first time they are asked-for, and only in the requested size.
* no need to register thumbnail size anywhere: my_asset.url("100x100>")
-=== Alias handling, declaration application-wide
+=== Alias handling, declaration application-wide (in config/initializers/papermill.rb, after you do a ./script/generate papermill_initializer)
* :big_alias => {:geometry => "1000x>"}
* :other_alias => "100x>"
* :third_alias => {:geometry => '100:122', :my_other_keys => 'blblabla'} # if you have a customed Paperclip::Thumbnail processor, you can pass any values you need.
-* and use them when you need them : my_asset.url(:big_alias)
+* Use them when you need them : my_asset.url(:big_alias)
== Papermill comes in 2 flavors:
=== Generic catch-all declaration
@@ -104,11 +126,11 @@
asset_upload_tag @article, :pdf, options_hash
image_upload_tag @article, :other_ressources, options_hash
# For resources not linked to any assetable model :
image_upload_tag #{}_logo
-=== Resources access
+=== Resource access
With generic papermill association, Papermill generates an #assets(:key, *args) named_scope
@article.assets(:illustrations, :order => "created_at DESC")
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# === @entry.diaporama(:conditions => {:color => "red"})
# etc.
Or for non-assetable resources :
- PapermillAsset.all(:conditions => { :assetable_key => "#{}_logo" }).first
+ PapermillAsset.key("#{}_logo").first
=== Using PapermillAsset
@asset = @entry.mug_shot.first
image_tag @asset.url # original
image_tag @asset.url("100x>")
- image_tag @asset.url(:big) # assuming you have a :big alias in your environment.rb
+ image_tag @asset.url(:big) # assuming you have a :big alias
@asset.path # original
# etc.
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... do |config|
config.gem papermill
- # Needed for Windows OS (mime type from file extension):
- config.gem "mime-types", :lib => "mime/types"
+ config.gem "mime-types", :lib => "mime/types" # required for windows only
=== In your layout:
<%= papermill_stylesheet_tag %>
\ No newline at end of file