test/integration_test.rb in paperclip-2.3.8 vs test/integration_test.rb in paperclip-2.3.9
- old
+ new
@@ -32,10 +32,26 @@
teardown { @file.close }
should "create its thumbnails properly" do
assert_match /\b50x50\b/, `identify "#{@dummy.avatar.path(:thumb)}"`
+ context 'reprocessing with unreadable original' do
+ setup { File.chmod(0000, @dummy.avatar.path) }
+ should "not raise an error" do
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ @dummy.avatar.reprocess!
+ end
+ end
+ should "return false" do
+ assert ! @dummy.avatar.reprocess!
+ end
+ teardown { File.chmod(0644, @dummy.avatar.path) }
+ end
context "redefining its attachment styles" do
setup do
Dummy.class_eval do
has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => { :thumb => "150x25#" }
@@ -48,9 +64,81 @@
should "create its thumbnails properly" do
assert_match /\b150x25\b/, `identify "#{@dummy.avatar.path(:thumb)}"`
assert_match /\b50x50\b/, `identify "#{@dummy.avatar.path(:dynamic)}"`
+ end
+ end
+ context "Attachment" do
+ setup do
+ @thumb_path = "./test/../public/system/avatars/1/thumb/5k.png"
+ File.delete(@thumb_path) if File.exists?(@thumb_path)
+ rebuild_model :styles => { :thumb => "50x50#" }
+ @dummy = Dummy.new
+ @file = File.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),
+ "fixtures",
+ "5k.png"), 'rb')
+ end
+ teardown { @file.close }
+ should "not create the thumbnails upon saving when post-processing is disabled" do
+ @dummy.avatar.post_processing = false
+ @dummy.avatar = @file
+ assert @dummy.save
+ assert !File.exists?(@thumb_path)
+ end
+ should "create the thumbnails upon saving when post_processing is enabled" do
+ @dummy.avatar.post_processing = true
+ @dummy.avatar = @file
+ assert @dummy.save
+ assert File.exists?(@thumb_path)
+ end
+ end
+ context "Attachment with no generated thumbnails" do
+ setup do
+ @thumb_small_path = "./test/../public/system/avatars/1/thumb_small/5k.png"
+ @thumb_large_path = "./test/../public/system/avatars/1/thumb_large/5k.png"
+ File.delete(@thumb_small_path) if File.exists?(@thumb_small_path)
+ File.delete(@thumb_large_path) if File.exists?(@thumb_large_path)
+ rebuild_model :styles => { :thumb_small => "50x50#", :thumb_large => "60x60#" }
+ @dummy = Dummy.new
+ @file = File.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),
+ "fixtures",
+ "5k.png"), 'rb')
+ @dummy.avatar.post_processing = false
+ @dummy.avatar = @file
+ assert @dummy.save
+ @dummy.avatar.post_processing = true
+ end
+ teardown { @file.close }
+ should "allow us to create all thumbnails in one go" do
+ assert !File.exists?(@thumb_small_path)
+ assert !File.exists?(@thumb_large_path)
+ @dummy.avatar.reprocess!
+ assert File.exists?(@thumb_small_path)
+ assert File.exists?(@thumb_large_path)
+ end
+ should "allow us to selectively create each thumbnail" do
+ assert !File.exists?(@thumb_small_path)
+ assert !File.exists?(@thumb_large_path)
+ @dummy.avatar.reprocess! :thumb_small
+ assert File.exists?(@thumb_small_path)
+ assert !File.exists?(@thumb_large_path)
+ @dummy.avatar.reprocess! :thumb_large
+ assert File.exists?(@thumb_large_path)
context "A model that modifies its original" do
setup do