lib/paperclip.rb in paperclip-2.3.3 vs lib/paperclip.rb in paperclip-2.3.4
- old
+ new
@@ -24,22 +24,24 @@
# # => "/users/avatars/4/thumb_me.jpg"
# See the +has_attached_file+ documentation for more details.
require 'erb'
+require 'digest'
require 'tempfile'
require 'paperclip/version'
require 'paperclip/upfile'
require 'paperclip/iostream'
require 'paperclip/geometry'
require 'paperclip/processor'
require 'paperclip/thumbnail'
-require 'paperclip/storage'
require 'paperclip/interpolations'
require 'paperclip/style'
require 'paperclip/attachment'
+require 'paperclip/storage'
require 'paperclip/callback_compatability'
+require 'paperclip/command_line'
require 'paperclip/railtie'
if defined?(Rails.root) && Rails.root
Dir.glob(File.join(File.expand_path(Rails.root), "lib", "paperclip_processors", "*.rb")).each do |processor|
require processor
@@ -72,18 +74,10 @@
def configure
yield(self) if block_given?
- def path_for_command command #:nodoc:
- if options[:image_magick_path]
- warn("[DEPRECATION] :image_magick_path is deprecated and will be removed. Use :command_path instead")
- end
- path = [options[:command_path] || options[:image_magick_path], command].compact
- File.join(*path)
- end
def interpolates key, &block
Paperclip::Interpolations[key] = block
# The run method takes a command to execute and an array of parameters
@@ -101,54 +95,17 @@
# This method can log the command being run when
# Paperclip.options[:log_command] is set to true (defaults to false). This
# will only log if logging in general is set to true as well.
def run cmd, *params
- options = params.last.is_a?(Hash) ? params.pop : {}
- expected_outcodes = options[:expected_outcodes] || [0]
- params = quote_command_options(*params).join(" ")
- command = %Q[#{path_for_command(cmd)} #{params}]
- command = "#{command} 2>#{bit_bucket}" if Paperclip.options[:swallow_stderr]
- Paperclip.log(command) if Paperclip.options[:log_command]
- begin
- output = `#{command}`
- raise CommandNotFoundError if $?.exitstatus == 127
- unless expected_outcodes.include?($?.exitstatus)
- raise PaperclipCommandLineError,
- "Error while running #{cmd}. Expected return code to be #{expected_outcodes.join(", ")} but was #{$?.exitstatus}",
- output
- end
- rescue Errno::ENOENT => e
- raise CommandNotFoundError
+ if options[:image_magick_path]
+ Paperclip.log("[DEPRECATION] :image_magick_path is deprecated and will be removed. Use :command_path instead")
- output
+ CommandLine.path = options[:command_path] || options[:image_magick_path]
+, *params).run
- def quote_command_options(*options)
- do |option|
- option.split("'").map{|m| "'#{m}'" }.join("\\'")
- end
- end
- def bit_bucket #:nodoc:
- File.exists?("/dev/null") ? "/dev/null" : "NUL"
- end
- def included base #:nodoc:
- base.extend ClassMethods
- if base.respond_to?("set_callback")
- base.send :include, Paperclip::CallbackCompatability::Rails3
- else
- base.send :include, Paperclip::CallbackCompatability::Rails21
- end
- end
def processor name #:nodoc:
name = name.to_s.camelize
processor = Paperclip.const_get(name)
unless processor.ancestors.include?(Paperclip::Processor)
raise"Processor #{name} was not found")
@@ -180,19 +137,33 @@
@output = output
+ class StorageMethodNotFound < PaperclipError
+ end
class CommandNotFoundError < PaperclipError
class NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError < PaperclipError #:nodoc:
class InfiniteInterpolationError < PaperclipError #:nodoc:
+ module Glue
+ def self.included base #:nodoc:
+ base.extend ClassMethods
+ if base.respond_to?("set_callback")
+ base.send :include, Paperclip::CallbackCompatability::Rails3
+ else
+ base.send :include, Paperclip::CallbackCompatability::Rails21
+ end
+ end
+ end
module ClassMethods
# +has_attached_file+ gives the class it is called on an attribute that maps to a file. This
# is typically a file stored somewhere on the filesystem and has been uploaded by a user.
# The attribute returns a Paperclip::Attachment object which handles the management of
# that file. The intent is to make the attachment as much like a normal attribute. The
@@ -300,14 +271,15 @@
range = (min..max)
message = options[:message] || "file size must be between :min and :max bytes."
message = message.gsub(/:min/, min.to_s).gsub(/:max/, max.to_s)
validates_inclusion_of :"#{name}_file_size",
- :in => range,
- :message => message,
- :if => options[:if],
- :unless => options[:unless]
+ :in => range,
+ :message => message,
+ :if => options[:if],
+ :unless => options[:unless],
+ :allow_nil => true
# Adds errors if thumbnail creation fails. The same as specifying :whiny_thumbnails => true.
def validates_attachment_thumbnails name, options = {}
warn('[DEPRECATION] validates_attachment_thumbnail is deprecated. ' +
@@ -322,13 +294,13 @@
# be run is this lambda or method returns true.
# * +unless+: Same as +if+ but validates if lambda or method returns false.
def validates_attachment_presence name, options = {}
message = options[:message] || "must be set."
validates_presence_of :"#{name}_file_name",
- :message => message,
- :if => options[:if],
- :unless => options[:unless]
+ :message => message,
+ :if => options[:if],
+ :unless => options[:unless]
# Places ActiveRecord-style validations on the content type of the file
# assigned. The possible options are:
# * +content_type+: Allowed content types. Can be a single content type
@@ -344,14 +316,15 @@
# * +unless+: Same as +if+ but validates if lambda or method returns false.
# NOTE: If you do not specify an [attachment]_content_type field on your
# model, content_type validation will work _ONLY upon assignment_ and
# re-validation after the instance has been reloaded will always succeed.
def validates_attachment_content_type name, options = {}
- types = [options.delete(:content_type)].flatten
- validates_each(:"#{name}_content_type", options) do |record, attr, value|
- unless types.any?{|t| t === value }
+ validation_options = options.dup
+ allowed_types = [validation_options[:content_type]].flatten
+ validates_each(:"#{name}_content_type", validation_options) do |record, attr, value|
+ if !allowed_types.any?{|t| t === value } && !(value.nil? || value.blank?)
if record.errors.method(:add).arity == -2
- message = options[:message] || "is not one of #{types.join(", ")}"
+ message = options[:message] || "is not one of #{allowed_types.join(", ")}"
record.errors.add(:"#{name}_content_type", message)
record.errors.add(:"#{name}_content_type", :inclusion, :default => options[:message], :value => value)