lib/paperclip.rb in paperclip-2.1.0 vs lib/paperclip.rb in paperclip-2.1.2
- old
+ new
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
require 'paperclip/attachment'
# The base module that gets included in ActiveRecord::Base.
module Paperclip
- VERSION = "2.1.0"
+ VERSION = "2.1.2"
class << self
# Provides configurability to Paperclip. There are a number of options available, such as:
# * whiny_thumbnails: Will raise an error if Paperclip cannot process thumbnails of
# an uploaded image. Defaults to true.
@@ -63,10 +63,13 @@
class PaperclipError < StandardError #:nodoc:
+ class NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError < PaperclipError #:nodoc:
+ end
module ClassMethods
# +has_attached_file+ gives the class it is called on an attribute that maps to a file. This
# is typically a file stored somewhere on the filesystem and has been uploaded by a user.
# The attribute returns a Paperclip::Attachment object which handles the management of
# that file. The intent is to make the attachment as much like a normal attribute. The
@@ -129,11 +132,11 @@
define_method "#{name}=" do |file|
define_method "#{name}?" do
- ! attachment_for(name).file.nil?
+ ! attachment_for(name).original_filename.blank?
validates_each(name) do |record, attr, value|
@@ -142,28 +145,60 @@
# Places ActiveRecord-style validations on the size of the file assigned. The
# possible options are:
# * +in+: a Range of bytes (i.e. +1..1.megabyte+),
# * +less_than+: equivalent to :in => 0..options[:less_than]
# * +greater_than+: equivalent to :in => options[:greater_than]..Infinity
+ # * +message+: error message to display, use :min and :max as replacements
def validates_attachment_size name, options = {}
attachment_definitions[name][:validations] << lambda do |attachment, instance|
unless options[:greater_than].nil?
options[:in] = (options[:greater_than]..(1/0)) # 1/0 => Infinity
unless options[:less_than].nil?
options[:in] = (0..options[:less_than])
- unless options[:in].include? instance[:"#{name}_file_size"].to_i
- "file size is not between #{options[:in].first} and #{options[:in].last} bytes."
+ unless attachment.original_filename.blank? || options[:in].include?(instance[:"#{name}_file_size"].to_i)
+ min = options[:in].first
+ max = options[:in].last
+ if options[:message]
+ options[:message].gsub(/:min/, min.to_s).gsub(/:max/, max.to_s)
+ else
+ "file size is not between #{min} and #{max} bytes."
+ end
+ # Adds errors if thumbnail creation fails. The same as specifying :whiny_thumbnails => true.
+ def validates_attachment_thumbnails name, options = {}
+ attachment_definitions[name][:whiny_thumbnails] = true
+ end
# Places ActiveRecord-style validations on the presence of a file.
- def validates_attachment_presence name
+ def validates_attachment_presence name, options = {}
attachment_definitions[name][:validations] << lambda do |attachment, instance|
- if attachment.file.nil? || !File.exist?(attachment.file.path)
- "must be set."
+ if attachment.original_filename.blank?
+ options[:message] || "must be set."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Places ActiveRecord-style validations on the content type of the file assigned. The
+ # possible options are:
+ # * +content_type+: Allowed content types. Can be a single content type or an array. Allows all by default.
+ # * +message+: The message to display when the uploaded file has an invalid content type.
+ def validates_attachment_content_type name, options = {}
+ attachment_definitions[name][:validations] << lambda do |attachment, instance|
+ valid_types = [options[:content_type]].flatten
+ unless attachment.original_filename.nil?
+ unless options[:content_type].blank?
+ content_type = instance[:"#{name}_content_type"]
+ unless valid_types.any?{|t| t === content_type }
+ options[:message] || ActiveRecord::Errors.default_error_messages[:inclusion]
+ end
+ end
# Returns the attachment definitions defined by each call to has_attached_file.