lib/paper_trail/version.rb in paper_trail-2.7.2 vs lib/paper_trail/version.rb in paper_trail-3.0.0.beta1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,198 +1,225 @@
-class Version < ActiveRecord::Base
- belongs_to :item, :polymorphic => true
- validates_presence_of :event
- attr_accessible :item_type, :item_id, :event, :whodunnit, :object, :object_changes
+module PaperTrail
+ class Version < ActiveRecord::Base
+ belongs_to :item, :polymorphic => true
+ validates_presence_of :event
+ attr_accessible :item_type, :item_id, :event, :whodunnit, :object, :object_changes if PaperTrail.active_record_protected_attributes?
- after_create :enforce_version_limit!
+ after_create :enforce_version_limit!
- def self.with_item_keys(item_type, item_id)
- where :item_type => item_type, :item_id => item_id
- end
+ def self.with_item_keys(item_type, item_id)
+ where :item_type => item_type, :item_id => item_id
+ end
- def self.creates
- where :event => 'create'
- end
+ def self.creates
+ where :event => 'create'
+ end
- def self.updates
- where :event => 'update'
- end
+ def self.updates
+ where :event => 'update'
+ end
- def self.destroys
- where :event => 'destroy'
- end
+ def self.destroys
+ where :event => 'destroy'
+ end
- def self.not_creates
- where 'event <> ?', 'create'
- end
+ def self.not_creates
+ where 'event <> ?', 'create'
+ end
- scope :subsequent, lambda { |version|
- where("#{self.primary_key} > ?", version).order("#{self.primary_key} ASC")
- }
+ scope :subsequent, lambda { |version|
+ where("#{self.primary_key} > ?", version).order("#{self.primary_key} ASC")
+ }
- scope :preceding, lambda { |version|
- where("#{self.primary_key} < ?", version).order("#{self.primary_key} DESC")
- }
+ scope :preceding, lambda { |version|
+ where("#{self.primary_key} < ?", version).order("#{self.primary_key} DESC")
+ }
- scope :following, lambda { |timestamp|
- # TODO: is this :order necessary, considering its presence on the has_many :versions association?
- where("#{PaperTrail.timestamp_field} > ?", timestamp).
- order("#{PaperTrail.timestamp_field} ASC, #{self.primary_key} ASC")
- }
+ scope :following, lambda { |timestamp|
+ # TODO: is this :order necessary, considering its presence on the has_many :versions association?
+ where("#{PaperTrail.timestamp_field} > ?", timestamp).
+ order("#{PaperTrail.timestamp_field} ASC, #{self.primary_key} ASC")
+ }
- scope :between, lambda { |start_time, end_time|
- where("#{PaperTrail.timestamp_field} > ? AND #{PaperTrail.timestamp_field} < ?", start_time, end_time).
- order("#{PaperTrail.timestamp_field} ASC, #{self.primary_key} ASC")
- }
+ scope :between, lambda { |start_time, end_time|
+ where("#{PaperTrail.timestamp_field} > ? AND #{PaperTrail.timestamp_field} < ?", start_time, end_time).
+ order("#{PaperTrail.timestamp_field} ASC, #{self.primary_key} ASC")
+ }
- # Restore the item from this version.
- #
- # This will automatically restore all :has_one associations as they were "at the time",
- # if they are also being versioned by PaperTrail. NOTE: this isn't always guaranteed
- # to work so you can either change the lookback period (from the default 3 seconds) or
- # opt out.
- #
- # Options:
- # +:has_one+ set to `false` to opt out of has_one reification.
- # set to a float to change the lookback time (check whether your db supports
- # sub-second datetimes if you want them).
- def reify(options = {})
- without_identity_map do
- options[:has_one] = 3 if options[:has_one] == true
- options.reverse_merge! :has_one => false
+ # Restore the item from this version.
+ #
+ # This will automatically restore all :has_one associations as they were "at the time",
+ # if they are also being versioned by PaperTrail. NOTE: this isn't always guaranteed
+ # to work so you can either change the lookback period (from the default 3 seconds) or
+ # opt out.
+ #
+ # Options:
+ # +:has_one+ set to `false` to opt out of has_one reification.
+ # set to a float to change the lookback time (check whether your db supports
+ # sub-second datetimes if you want them).
+ def reify(options = {})
+ without_identity_map do
+ options[:has_one] = 3 if options[:has_one] == true
+ options.reverse_merge! :has_one => false
- unless object.nil?
- attrs = PaperTrail.serializer.load object
+ unless object.nil?
+ attrs = PaperTrail.serializer.load object
- # Normally a polymorphic belongs_to relationship allows us
- # to get the object we belong to by calling, in this case,
- # +item+. However this returns nil if +item+ has been
- # destroyed, and we need to be able to retrieve destroyed
- # objects.
- #
- # In this situation we constantize the +item_type+ to get hold of
- # the class...except when the stored object's attributes
- # include a +type+ key. If this is the case, the object
- # we belong to is using single table inheritance and the
- # +item_type+ will be the base class, not the actual subclass.
- # If +type+ is present but empty, the class is the base class.
+ # Normally a polymorphic belongs_to relationship allows us
+ # to get the object we belong to by calling, in this case,
+ # +item+. However this returns nil if +item+ has been
+ # destroyed, and we need to be able to retrieve destroyed
+ # objects.
+ #
+ # In this situation we constantize the +item_type+ to get hold of
+ # the class...except when the stored object's attributes
+ # include a +type+ key. If this is the case, the object
+ # we belong to is using single table inheritance and the
+ # +item_type+ will be the base class, not the actual subclass.
+ # If +type+ is present but empty, the class is the base class.
- if item
- model = item
- # Look for attributes that exist in the model and not in this version. These attributes should be set to nil.
- (model.attribute_names - attrs.keys).each { |k| attrs[k] = nil }
- else
- inheritance_column_name = item_type.constantize.inheritance_column
- class_name = attrs[inheritance_column_name].blank? ? item_type : attrs[inheritance_column_name]
- klass = class_name.constantize
- model =
- end
+ if item
+ model = item
+ # Look for attributes that exist in the model and not in this version. These attributes should be set to nil.
+ (model.attribute_names - attrs.keys).each { |k| attrs[k] = nil }
+ else
+ inheritance_column_name = item_type.constantize.inheritance_column
+ class_name = attrs[inheritance_column_name].blank? ? item_type : attrs[inheritance_column_name]
+ klass = class_name.constantize
+ model =
+ end
- model.class.unserialize_attributes_for_paper_trail attrs
+ model.class.unserialize_attributes_for_paper_trail attrs
- # Set all the attributes in this version on the model
- attrs.each do |k, v|
- if model.respond_to?("#{k}=")
- model[k.to_sym] = v
- else
- logger.warn "Attribute #{k} does not exist on #{item_type} (Version id: #{id})."
+ # Set all the attributes in this version on the model
+ attrs.each do |k, v|
+ if model.respond_to?("#{k}=")
+ model[k.to_sym] = v
+ else
+ logger.warn "Attribute #{k} does not exist on #{item_type} (Version id: #{id})."
+ end
- end
- model.send "#{model.class.version_association_name}=", self
+ model.send "#{model.class.version_association_name}=", self
- unless options[:has_one] == false
- reify_has_ones model, options[:has_one]
- end
+ unless options[:has_one] == false
+ reify_has_ones model, options[:has_one]
+ end
- model
+ model
+ end
- end
- # Returns what changed in this version of the item. Cf. `ActiveModel::Dirty#changes`.
- # Returns nil if your `versions` table does not have an `object_changes` text column.
- def changeset
- return nil unless self.class.column_names.include? 'object_changes'
+ # Returns what changed in this version of the item. Cf. `ActiveModel::Dirty#changes`.
+ # Returns nil if your `versions` table does not have an `object_changes` text column.
+ def changeset
+ return nil unless self.class.column_names.include? 'object_changes'
- do |changes|
- item_type.constantize.unserialize_attribute_changes(changes)
+ do |changes|
+ item_type.constantize.unserialize_attribute_changes(changes)
+ end
+ rescue
+ {}
- rescue
- {}
- end
- # Returns who put the item into the state stored in this version.
- def originator
- previous.try :whodunnit
- end
+ # Returns who put the item into the state stored in this version.
+ def originator
+ previous.try :whodunnit
+ end
- # Returns who changed the item from the state it had in this version.
- # This is an alias for `whodunnit`.
- def terminator
- whodunnit
- end
+ # Returns who changed the item from the state it had in this version.
+ # This is an alias for `whodunnit`.
+ def terminator
+ whodunnit
+ end
- def sibling_versions
- self.class.with_item_keys(item_type, item_id)
- end
+ def sibling_versions
+ self.class.with_item_keys(item_type, item_id)
+ end
- def next
- sibling_versions.subsequent(self).first
- end
+ def next
+ sibling_versions.subsequent(self).first
+ end
- def previous
- sibling_versions.preceding(self).first
- end
+ def previous
+ sibling_versions.preceding(self).first
+ end
- def index
- id_column = self.class.primary_key.to_sym
-"#{id_column} ASC").map(&id_column).index(self.send(id_column))
- end
+ def index
+ id_column = self.class.primary_key.to_sym
+"#{id_column} ASC").map(&id_column).index(self.send(id_column))
+ end
- private
+ private
- # In Rails 3.1+, calling reify on a previous version confuses the
- # IdentityMap, if enabled. This prevents insertion into the map.
- def without_identity_map(&block)
- if defined?(ActiveRecord::IdentityMap) && ActiveRecord::IdentityMap.respond_to?(:without)
- ActiveRecord::IdentityMap.without(&block)
- else
+ # In Rails 3.1+, calling reify on a previous version confuses the
+ # IdentityMap, if enabled. This prevents insertion into the map.
+ def without_identity_map(&block)
+ if defined?(ActiveRecord::IdentityMap) && ActiveRecord::IdentityMap.respond_to?(:without)
+ ActiveRecord::IdentityMap.without(&block)
+ else
+ end
- end
- # Restore the `model`'s has_one associations as they were when this version was
- # superseded by the next (because that's what the user was looking at when they
- # made the change).
- #
- # The `lookback` sets how many seconds before the model's change we go.
- def reify_has_ones(model, lookback)
- model.class.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_one).each do |assoc|
- child = model.send
- if child.respond_to? :version_at
- # N.B. we use version of the child as it was `lookback` seconds before the parent was updated.
- # Ideally we want the version of the child as it was just before the parent was updated...
- # but until PaperTrail knows which updates are "together" (e.g. parent and child being
- # updated on the same form), it's impossible to tell when the overall update started;
- # and therefore impossible to know when "just before" was.
- if (child_as_it_was = child.version_at(send(PaperTrail.timestamp_field) - lookback.seconds))
- child_as_it_was.attributes.each do |k,v|
- model.send( :write_attribute, k.to_sym, v rescue nil
+ # Restore the `model`'s has_one associations as they were when this version was
+ # superseded by the next (because that's what the user was looking at when they
+ # made the change).
+ #
+ # The `lookback` sets how many seconds before the model's change we go.
+ def reify_has_ones(model, lookback)
+ model.class.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_one).each do |assoc|
+ child = model.send
+ if child.respond_to? :version_at
+ # N.B. we use version of the child as it was `lookback` seconds before the parent was updated.
+ # Ideally we want the version of the child as it was just before the parent was updated...
+ # but until PaperTrail knows which updates are "together" (e.g. parent and child being
+ # updated on the same form), it's impossible to tell when the overall update started;
+ # and therefore impossible to know when "just before" was.
+ if (child_as_it_was = child.version_at(send(PaperTrail.timestamp_field) - lookback.seconds))
+ child_as_it_was.attributes.each do |k,v|
+ model.send( :write_attribute, k.to_sym, v rescue nil
+ end
+ else
+ model.send "#{}=", nil
- else
- model.send "#{}=", nil
+ # checks to see if a value has been set for the `version_limit` config option, and if so enforces it
+ def enforce_version_limit!
+ return unless PaperTrail.config.version_limit.is_a? Numeric
+ previous_versions = sibling_versions.not_creates
+ return unless previous_versions.size > PaperTrail.config.version_limit
+ excess_previous_versions = previous_versions - previous_versions.last(PaperTrail.config.version_limit)
+ end
- # checks to see if a value has been set for the `version_limit` config option, and if so enforces it
- def enforce_version_limit!
- return unless PaperTrail.config.version_limit.is_a? Numeric
- previous_versions = sibling_versions.not_creates
- return unless previous_versions.size > PaperTrail.config.version_limit
- excess_previous_versions = previous_versions - previous_versions.last(PaperTrail.config.version_limit)
+# Legacy support for old applications using the original non-namespaced `Version` class
+class Version < PaperTrail::Version
+ def initialize(*args)
+ warn "DEPRECATED: Please use the namespaced `PaperTrail::Version` class instead. Support for the non-namespaced `Version` class will be removed in PaperTrail 3.1."
+ super
+ class << self
+ def find(*args)
+ warn "DEPRECATED: Please use the namespaced `PaperTrail::Version` class instead. Support for the non-namespaced `Version` class will be removed in PaperTrail 3.1."
+ super
+ end
+ def first(*args)
+ warn "DEPRECATED: Please use the namespaced `PaperTrail::Version` class instead. Support for the non-namespaced `Version` class will be removed in PaperTrail 3.1."
+ super
+ end
+ def last(*args)
+ warn "DEPRECATED: Please use the namespaced `PaperTrail::Version` class instead. Support for the non-namespaced `Version` class will be removed in PaperTrail 3.1."
+ super
+ end
+ end