in paloma-2.0.6 vs in paloma-3.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,76 +1,4 @@
+# Changelog
-Version 2.0.6
-* Pull #15: Handling flash on redirect.
-Version 2.0.5
-* Bug Fix: Stupid typo on `_callback_hook.html.erb`.
-Version 2.0.4
-* Bug Fix: Issue #4 - Passing json string on params.
-Version 2.0.3
-* Bug Fix: prevent javascript error when callback doesn't exist.
-Version 2.0.2
-* 'js(false)' will prevent Paloma from appending _callback_hook on the response.
-Version 2.0.1
-* Bug Fix: `params` is not passed when calling filters.
-Version 2.0.0
-* Change `js_callback` to `js` only.
-* Request and Callback details are automatically included on `params` (example: controller, action, namespace, controller_path, etc...)
-* Hooks for Rails controller and scaffold generators.
-* Change `Paloma.callbacks['namespace/controller/action']` to `Paloma.callbacks['namespace/controller']['action']`.
-* `paloma.js` file removed.
-* `_callbacks.js` renamed to `_manifest.js`.
-* `_local.js` renamed to `_locals.js`.
-* Filters are now available (before_filter, after_filter, and around_filter).
-* Skip filters are now available (skip_before_filter, skip_after_filter, skip_around_filter).
-* Locals can now be easily accessible using the `_l` object.
-* Issue javascript warning instead of javascript error when Paloma is not included on `application.js`.
-* Codes are now inside closures, to prevent variable clashes.
-Version 1.2.0
-* AddGenerator with multiple actions: `rails g paloma:add namespace/controller action1 action2 action3`
-Version 1.1.0
-* Handle namespaced controllers: `rails g paloma:add namespace/controller action`
-Version 1.0.0
-* `AddGenerator` changed from `rails g paloma:add controller/action` to `rails g paloma:add controller action`
-Version 0.0.8
-* Bug Fix: _callback.js cannot find _local.js
-Version 0.0.7
-* Fix A Major Bug that copies the _local.js template instead of _callbacks.js
-Version 0.0.6
-* `SetupGenerator` moved from `paloma_generator.rb` to `paloma/generators/setup_generator.rb`
-* `AddGenerator` moved from `paloma_generator` to `paloma/generators/add_generator.rb`
-* Refactored both generators
-* Test for both generators
-Version 0.0.5
-* Callbacks are executed after the DOM is ready
-Version 0.0.4
-* First release
+## Version 3.0.0
+* Rewrite Initial Release
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