in pah-0.0.12 vs in pah-0.0.13
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,53 @@
# Changelog
+## 0.0.13 (March 21, 2014)
+### improvements
+- Add rollbar as default heroku addon
+- Add flutie page_title and body_class on application.html.haml, body_class will generate body classes based in controller and views
+- Update jumpup to version 0.0.4
+- Add version to jumpup-heroku gem on Gemfile
+- Update hash syntax to Ruby 1.9 standard
+- Update gems
+- Add info about best practices on CONTRIBUTING
+- Add info about how release the gem
+- Remove sdoc gem from new project Gemfile
+- Add main color and darker and lighter color variables to css
+- Created centered 960px structure on application.html.haml
+- Changed CSS to keep the footer always at the bottom of the page
+- VCR enabled, by default
+- Replace Unicorn with Puma
+- Replace tabs with spaces on application.js
+- Centralized rails version (must be specified with pah version at lib/version.rb)
+- Change foreman port to 3000
+- Add pah version to commit messages
+- Don't use ```git add --all``, rather explicitly add files to git
+- Update pt-BR.yml file from rails-i18n project
+- Add file for app specific locale strings
+- Add Rack::Timeout
+- Update rspec to `2.99.0.beta2` on Gemfile
+- Use FactoryGirl.lint to test all factories before running specs
+- Install database_cleaner gem
+- Update rails version to `4.0.4`
+- Update sass-rails version to `4.0.2`
+- Run `rails generate simple_form:install`
+- Add gem bullet
+- Add quiet_assets gem
+- Set ruby 2.1.1 as default
+- Add custom error pages
+- Update jumpup.rake to comply jumpup gem.
+### bug fixes
+- Run pah against specific version of rails
+- Layout partial replaces page_title method call on application.html.haml.
+- Fixed Webmock version on `< 1.16` to make VCR `2.8.0` happy
+- Fix the I18n bug on production (See:
+- Fix database creation by adding `heroku-postgresql:dev` to default addons list
## 0.0.12 (January 16, 2014)
### improvements
- Update jumpup to version 0.0.2