app/assets/javascripts/pageflow/dist/editor.js in pageflow-15.1.0.beta3 vs app/assets/javascripts/pageflow/dist/editor.js in pageflow-15.1.0.beta4
- old
+ new
@@ -184,52 +184,10 @@
attributeTranslation: attributeTranslation,
findTranslation: findTranslation,
findKeyWithTranslation: findKeyWithTranslation,
translationKeysWithSuffix: translationKeysWithSuffix
- function _arrayWithHoles(arr) {
- if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr;
- }
- function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) {
- if (!(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr) || === "[object Arguments]")) {
- return;
- }
- var _arr = [];
- var _n = true;
- var _d = false;
- var _e = undefined;
- try {
- for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) {
- _arr.push(_s.value);
- if (i && _arr.length === i) break;
- }
- } catch (err) {
- _d = true;
- _e = err;
- } finally {
- try {
- if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"]();
- } finally {
- if (_d) throw _e;
- }
- }
- return _arr;
- }
- function _nonIterableRest() {
- throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");
- }
- function _slicedToArray(arr, i) {
- return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest();
- }
* Create object that can be passed to Marionette ui property from CSS
* module object.
* @param {Object} styles
@@ -256,112 +214,36 @@
* export const MyView = Marionette.ItemView({
* template: () => `
* <div class=${styles.container}></div>
* `,
- * ui: cssModulesUtils.ui(styles, 'container'),
+ * ui: cssModulesUtils.ui(styles, 'container');
* onRender() {
* this.ui.container // => JQuery wrapper for container element
* }
* });
* @memberof cssModulesUtils
function ui(styles) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, classNames = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
classNames[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
return classNames.reduce(function (result, className) {
- result[className] = selector(styles, className);
+ result[className] = ".".concat(styles[className]);
return result;
}, {});
- /**
- * Create object that can be passed to Marionette events property from CSS
- * module object.
- *
- * @param {Object} styles
- * Class name mapping imported from `.module.css` file.
- *
- * @param {Object} mapping
- * Events mapping using keys from the `styles` instead of CSS class names.
- *
- * @return {Object}
- *
- * @example
- *
- * // MyView.module.css
- *
- * .addButton {}
- *
- * // MyView.js
- *
- * import Marionette from 'marionette';
- * import {cssModulesUtils} from 'pageflow/ui';
- *
- * import styles from './MyView.module.css';
- *
- * export const MyView = Marionette.ItemView({
- * template: () => `
- * <button class=${styles.addButton}></button>
- * `,
- *
- * events: cssModulesUtils.ui(styles, {
- * 'click addButton': () => console.log('clicked add button');
- * })
- * });
- *
- * @memberof cssModulesUtils
- */
- function events(styles, mapping) {
- return Object.keys(mapping).reduce(function (result, key) {
- var _key$split = key.split(' '),
- _key$split2 = _slicedToArray(_key$split, 2),
- event = _key$split2[0],
- className = _key$split2[1];
- result["".concat(event, " ").concat(selector(styles, className))] = mapping[key];
- return result;
- }, {});
- }
- /**
- * Generates a CSS selector from a CSS module rule.
- *
- * @param {Object} styles
- * Class name mapping imported from `.module.css` file.
- *
- * @param {String} className
- * Key from the `styles` object.
- *
- * @return {String} CSS Selector
- * @memberof cssModulesUtils
- */
- function selector(styles, className) {
- var classNames = styles[className];
- if (!classNames) {
- throw new Error("Unknown class name ".concat(className, " in mapping. Knwon names: ").concat(Object.keys(styles).join(', '), "."));
- }
- return ".".concat(classNames.replace(/ /g, '.'));
- }
var cssModulesUtils =
__proto__: null,
- ui: ui,
- events: events,
- selector: selector
+ ui: ui
}); //
function BaseObject(options) {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
@@ -3504,66 +3386,10 @@
return _$1[method].apply(_$1, args);
- // different model types. Backbone.Collection tries to merge records
- // if they have the same id.
- var MultiCollection = function MultiCollection() {
- this.records = {};
- this.length = 0;
- };
- _$1.extend(MultiCollection.prototype, {
- add: function add(record) {
- if (!this.records[record.cid]) {
- this.records[record.cid] = record;
- this.length = _$1.keys(this.records).length;
- this.trigger('add', record);
- }
- },
- remove: function remove(record) {
- if (this.records[record.cid]) {
- delete this.records[record.cid];
- this.length = _$1.keys(this.records).length;
- this.trigger('remove', record);
- }
- },
- isEmpty: function isEmpty() {
- return this.length === 0;
- }
- });
- _$1.extend(MultiCollection.prototype, Backbone.Events);
- MultiCollection.extend = Backbone.Collection.extend;
- /**
- * Watch Backbone collections to track which models are currently
- * being saved. Used to update the notifications view displaying
- * saving status/failutes.
- */
- var SavingRecordsCollection = MultiCollection.extend({
- /**
- * Listen to events of models in collection to track when they are
- * being saved.
- *
- * @param {Backbone.Collection} collection - Collection to watch.
- */
- watch: function watch(collection) {
- var that = this;
- this.listenTo(collection, 'request', function (model, xhr) {
- that.add(model);
- xhr.always(function () {
- that.remove(model);
- });
- });
- }
- });
var WidgetType = BaseObject.extend({
initialize: function initialize(serverSideConfig, clientSideConfig) { =;
this.translationKey = serverSideConfig.translationKey;
this.configurationEditorView = clientSideConfig.configurationEditorView;
@@ -3650,19 +3476,10 @@
* @memberof editor
this.failures = new FailuresAPI();
- * Tracking records that are currently being saved.
- *
- * @returns {SavingRecordsCollection}
- * @memberof editor
- * @since 15.1
- */
- this.savingRecords = new SavingRecordsCollection();
- /**
* Set up editor integration for page types.
* @memberof editor
this.pageTypes = new PageTypes();
@@ -3704,13 +3521,11 @@
* Backbone view that will render the live preview of the entry.
* @param {function} options.EntryOutlineView
* Backbone view that will be rendered in the side bar.
registerEntryType: function registerEntryType(name, options) {
- this.entryType = _objectSpread({
- name: name
- }, options);
+ this.entryType = options;
createEntryModel: function createEntryModel(seed, options) {
var entry = new this.entryType.entryModel(seed.entry, options);
if (entry.setupFromEntryTypeSeed) {
@@ -3898,13 +3713,11 @@
if (!this.fileSelectionHandlers[handlerName]) {
throw 'Unknown FileSelectionHandler ' + handlerName;
var payloadJson = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(encodedPayload));
- return new this.fileSelectionHandlers[handlerName](_objectSpread({}, payloadJson, {
- entry: state.entry
- }));
+ return new this.fileSelectionHandlers[handlerName](payloadJson);
createPageConfigurationEditorView: function createPageConfigurationEditorView(page, options) {
var view = this.pageTypes.findByPage(page).createConfigurationEditorView(_$1.extend(options, {
model: page.configuration
@@ -3922,83 +3735,10 @@
alert('Error while starting editor.');
- /**
- * Mixins for Backbone models and collections that use entry type
- * specific editor controllers registered via the `editor_app` entry
- * type option.
- */
- var entryTypeEditorControllerUrls = {
- /**
- * Mixins for Backbone collections that defines `url` method.
- *
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {String} options.resources - Path suffix of the controller route
- *
- * @example
- *
- * import {editor, entryTypeEditorControllerUrls} from 'pageflow/editor';
- *
- * editor.registerEntryType('test', {
- // ...
- });
- *
- * export const ItemsCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- * mixins: [entryTypeEditorControllerUrls.forCollection({resources: 'items'})
- * });
- *
- * new ItemsCollection().url() // => '/editor/entries/10/test/items'
- */
- forCollection: function forCollection(_ref) {
- var resources = _ref.resources;
- return {
- url: function url() {
- return entryTypeEditorControllerUrl(resources);
- },
- urlSuffix: function urlSuffix() {
- return "/".concat(resources);
- }
- };
- },
- /**
- * Mixins for Backbone models that defines `urlRoot` method.
- *
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {String} options.resources - Path suffix of the controller route
- *
- * @example
- *
- * import {editor, entryTypeEditorControllerUrls} from 'pageflow/editor';
- *
- * editor.registerEntryType('test', {
- // ...
- });
- *
- * export const Item = Backbone.Model.extend({
- * mixins: [entryTypeEditorControllerUrls.forModel({resources: 'items'})
- * });
- *
- * new Item({id: 20}).url() // => '/editor/entries/10/test/items/20'
- */
- forModel: function forModel(_ref2) {
- var resources = _ref2.resources;
- return {
- urlRoot: function urlRoot() {
- return this.isNew() ? this.collection.url() : entryTypeEditorControllerUrl(resources);
- }
- };
- }
- };
- function entryTypeEditorControllerUrl(resources) {
- return [state.entry.url(),, resources].join('/');
- }
var formDataUtils = {
fromModel: function fromModel(model) {
var object = {};
object[model.modelName] = model.toJSON();
return this.fromObject(object);
@@ -4102,11 +3842,11 @@
clear: function clear() {
url: function url() {
- return this.parentModel.url() + (_$1.result(this.parent, 'urlSuffix') || _$1.result(this.parent, 'url'));
+ return this.parentModel.url() + _$1.result(this.parent, 'url');
dispose: function dispose() {
@@ -4411,26 +4151,14 @@
app.on('mixin:configuration', function (mixin) {
Cocktail.mixin(Configuration, mixin);
- /**
- * Remove model from collection only after the `DELETE` request has
- * succeeded. Still allow tracking that the model is being destroyed
- * by triggering a `destroying` event and adding a `isDestroying`
- * method.
- */
var delayedDestroying = {
initialize: function initialize() {
this._destroying = false;
- /**
- * Trigger `destroying` event and send `DELETE` request. Only remove
- * model from collection once the request is done.
- */
destroyWithDelay: function destroyWithDelay() {
var model = this;
this._destroying = true;
this.trigger('destroying', this);
return, {
@@ -4441,23 +4169,15 @@
error: function error() {
model._destroying = false;
- /**
- * Get whether the model is currently being destroyed.
- */
isDestroying: function isDestroying() {
return this._destroying;
- /**
- * Mixin for Backbone models that shall be watched by {@link
- * modelLifecycleTrackingView} mixin.
- */
var failureTracking = {
initialize: function initialize() {
this._saveFailed = false;
this.listenTo(this, 'sync', function () {
this._saveFailed = false;
@@ -5050,27 +4770,13 @@
return '';
- var EntryMetadataConfiguration = Configuration.extend({
- modelName: 'entry_metadata_configuration',
- i18nKey: 'pageflow/entry_metadata_configuration',
- defaults: {}
- });
- var EntryMetadata = Configuration.extend({
+ var EntryConfiguration = Configuration.extend({
modelName: 'entry',
- i18nKey: 'pageflow/entry',
- defaults: {},
- initialize: function initialize(attributes, options) {
- this.configuration = new EntryMetadataConfiguration(_$1.clone(attributes.configuration) || {});
- this.listenTo(this.configuration, 'change', function () {
- this.trigger('change');
- });
- }
+ i18nKey: 'pageflow/entry'
var StorylineConfiguration = Configuration.extend({
modelName: 'storyline',
i18nKey: 'pageflow/storyline',
@@ -5245,20 +4951,20 @@
isPositionable: function isPositionable() {
return this.isReady();
- var EntryMetadataFileSelectionHandler = function EntryMetadataFileSelectionHandler(options) {
+ var EntryConfigurationFileSelectionHandler = function EntryConfigurationFileSelectionHandler(options) { = function (file) {
- state.entry.metadata.setReference(options.attributeName, file);
+ state.entry.configuration.setReference(options.attributeName, file);
this.getReferer = function () {
return '/meta_data/' + (options.returnToTab || 'general');
- editor.registerFileSelectionHandler('entryMetadata', EntryMetadataFileSelectionHandler);
+ editor.registerFileSelectionHandler('entryConfiguration', EntryConfigurationFileSelectionHandler);
var EntryPublication = Backbone.Model.extend({
paramRoot: 'entry_publication',
quota: function quota() {
return new Backbone.Model(this.get('quota') || {});
@@ -5911,80 +5617,10 @@
return '/page_links/' +;
editor.registerFileSelectionHandler('pageLink', PageLinkFileSelectionHandler);
- /**
- * Mixins for models with a nested configuration model.
- *
- * Triggers events on the parent model of the form
- * `change:configuration` and `change:configuration:<attribute>`, when
- * the configuration changes.
- *
- * @param {Object} [options]
- * @param {Function} [options.configurationModel] -
- * Backbone model to use for nested configuration model.
- * @param {Boolean} [options.autoSave] -
- * Save model when configuration changes.
- * @param {Boolean|Array<String>} [options.includeAttributesInJSON] -
- * Include all or specific attributes of the parent model in the
- * data returned by `toJSON` besides the `configuration` property.
- * @returns {Object} - Mixin to be included in model.
- *
- * @example
- *
- * import {configurationContainer} from 'pageflow/editor';
- *
- * const Section = Backbone.Model.extend({
- * mixins: [configurationContainer({autoSave: true})]
- * });
- *
- * const section = new Section({configuration: {some: 'value'}});
- * section.configuration.get('some') // => 'value';
- */
- function configurationContainer() {
- var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},
- configurationModel = _ref.configurationModel,
- autoSave = _ref.autoSave,
- includeAttributesInJSON = _ref.includeAttributesInJSON;
- configurationModel = configurationModel || Configuration.extend({
- defaults: {}
- });
- return {
- initialize: function initialize() {
- this.configuration = new configurationModel(this.get('configuration'));
- this.configuration.parent = this;
- this.listenTo(this.configuration, 'change', function () {
- if (!this.isNew() && autoSave) {
- }
- this.trigger('change:configuration', this);
- _$1.chain(this.configuration.changed).keys().each(function (name) {
- this.trigger('change:configuration:' + name, this, this.configuration.get(name));
- }, this);
- });
- },
- toJSON: function toJSON() {
- var attributes = {};
- if (includeAttributesInJSON === true) {
- attributes = _$1.clone(this.attributes);
- } else if (includeAttributesInJSON) {
- attributes = _$1.pick(this.attributes, includeAttributesInJSON);
- }
- return _$1.extend(attributes, {
- configuration: this.configuration.toJSON()
- });
- }
- };
- }
var persistedPromise = {
persisted: function persisted() {
var model = this;
this._persistedDeferred = this._persistedDeferred || $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
if (model.isNew()) {
@@ -6064,12 +5700,12 @@
i18nKey: 'pageflow/entry',
collectionName: 'entries',
mixins: [filesCountWatcher, polling, failureTracking],
initialize: function initialize(attributes, options) {
options = options || {};
- this.metadata = new EntryMetadata(this.get('metadata') || {});
- this.metadata.parent = this;
+ this.configuration = new EntryConfiguration(this.get('configuration') || {});
+ this.configuration.parent = this;
this.themes = options.themes || state.themes;
this.files = options.files || state.files;
this.fileTypes = options.fileTypes || editor.fileTypes;
this.storylines = options.storylines || state.storylines;
this.storylines.parentModel = this;
@@ -6087,28 +5723,25 @@
this.listenTo(this.chapters, 'sort', function () {
- this.listenTo(this.metadata, 'change', function () {
- this.trigger('change:metadata');
+ this.listenTo(this.configuration, 'change', function () {
+ this.trigger('change:configuration');;
- this.listenTo(this.metadata, 'change:locale', function () {
+ this.listenTo(this.configuration, 'change:locale', function () {
this.once('sync', function () {
// No other way of updating page templates used in
// EntryPreviewView at the moment.
getTheme: function getTheme() {
- return this.themes.findByName(this.metadata.get('theme_name'));
+ return this.themes.findByName(this.configuration.get('theme_name'));
- supportsPhoneEmulation: function supportsPhoneEmulation() {
- return pageflow.features.isEnabled('editor_emulation_mode');
- },
addStoryline: function addStoryline(attributes) {
var storyline = this.buildStoryline(attributes);;
return storyline;
@@ -6186,14 +5819,11 @@
}, options));
delete response[fileType.collectionName];
}, this);
toJSON: function toJSON() {
- var metadataJSON = this.metadata.toJSON();
- var configJSON = this.metadata.configuration.toJSON();
- metadataJSON.configuration = configJSON;
- return metadataJSON;
+ return this.configuration.toJSON();
var AuthenticationProvider = BaseObject.extend({
authenticate: function authenticate(parent, provider) {
@@ -6347,65 +5977,10 @@
comparator: function comparator(chapter) {
return chapter.get('position');
- /**
- * A Backbone collection that is automatically updated to only
- * contain models with a foreign key matching the id of a parent
- * model.
- *
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {Backbone.Model} options.parentModel -
- * Model whose id is compared to foreign keys.
- * @param {Backbone.Collection} options.parent -
- * Collection to filter items with matching foreign key from.
- * @param {String} options.foreignKeyAttribute -
- * Attribute to compare to id of parent model.
- * @param {String} options.parentReferenceAttribute -
- * Set reference to parent model on models in collection.
- *
- * @since 15.1
- */
- var ForeignKeySubsetCollection = SubsetCollection.extend({
- mixins: [orderedCollection],
- constructor: function constructor(options) {
- var parent = options.parent;
- var parentModel = options.parentModel;
-, {
- parent: parent,
- parentModel: parentModel,
- filter: function filter(item) {
- return !parentModel.isNew() && item.get(options.foreignKeyAttribute) ===;
- },
- comparator: function comparator(item) {
- return item.get('position');
- }
- });
- this.listenTo(this, 'add', function (model) {
- if (options.parentReferenceAttribute) {
- model[options.parentReferenceAttribute] = parentModel;
- }
- model.set(options.foreignKeyAttribute,;
- });
- this.listenTo(parentModel, 'destroy', function () {
- this.clear();
- });
- if (options.parentReferenceAttribute) {
- this.each(function (model) {
- return model[options.parentReferenceAttribute] = parentModel;
- });
- this.listenTo(this, 'remove', function (model) {
- model[options.parentReferenceAttribute] = null;
- });
- }
- }
- });
var PageLinksCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: PageLink,
initialize: function initialize(models, options) {
this.configuration = options.configuration; =;
@@ -6621,10 +6196,54 @@
return model;
Cocktail.mixin(Backbone.Collection, addAndReturnModel);
+ // different model types. Backbone.Collection tries to merge records
+ // if they have the same id.
+ var MultiCollection = function MultiCollection() {
+ this.records = {};
+ this.length = 0;
+ };
+ _$1.extend(MultiCollection.prototype, {
+ add: function add(record) {
+ if (!this.records[record.cid]) {
+ this.records[record.cid] = record;
+ this.length = _$1.keys(this.records).length;
+ this.trigger('add', record);
+ }
+ },
+ remove: function remove(record) {
+ if (this.records[record.cid]) {
+ delete this.records[record.cid];
+ this.length = _$1.keys(this.records).length;
+ this.trigger('remove', record);
+ }
+ },
+ isEmpty: function isEmpty() {
+ return this.length === 0;
+ }
+ });
+ _$1.extend(MultiCollection.prototype, Backbone.Events);
+ MultiCollection.extend = Backbone.Collection.extend;
+ var SavingRecordsCollection = MultiCollection.extend({
+ watch: function watch(collection) {
+ var that = this;
+ this.listenTo(collection, 'request', function (model, xhr) {
+ that.add(model);
+ xhr.always(function () {
+ that.remove(model);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
var SidebarRouter = Marionette.AppRouter.extend({
appRoutes: {
'page_links/:id': 'pageLink',
'pages/:id': 'page',
'pages/:id/:tab': 'page',
@@ -6664,11 +6283,10 @@
onRender: function onRender() {;
goBack: function goBack() {
- this.options.view.onGoBack && this.options.view.onGoBack();
editor.navigate('/', {
trigger: true
@@ -6802,91 +6420,28 @@
return new BackButtonDecoratorView({
view: new ConfirmEncodingView(options)
- /**
- * Mixin for Marionette Views that sets css class names according to
- * life cycle events of its model.
- *
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {Object} options.classNames
- * @param {String} options.classNames.creating -
- * Class name to add to root element while model is still being created.
- * @param {String} options.classNames.destroying -
- * Class name to add to root element while model is being destroyed.
- * @param {String} options.classNames.failed -
- * Class name to add to root element while model is in failed state.
- * Model needs to include {@link failureTracking} mixin.
- * @param {String} options.classNames.failureMessage -
- * Class name of the element that shall be updated with the failure
- * message. Model needs to include {@link failureTracking} mixin.
- * @param {String} options.classNames.retryButton -
- * Class name of the element that shall act as a retry button.
- */
- function modelLifecycleTrackingView(_ref) {
- var classNames = _ref.classNames;
- return {
- events: _defineProperty({}, "click .".concat(classNames.retryButton), function click() {
+ var failureIndicatingView = {
+ modelEvents: {
+ 'change:failed': 'updateFailIndicator'
+ },
+ events: {
+ 'click .retry': function clickRetry() {
return false;
- }),
- initialize: function initialize() {
- var _this = this;
- if (classNames.creating) {
- this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:id', function () {
- this.$el.removeClass(classNames.creating);
- });
- }
- if (classNames.destroying) {
- this.listenTo(this.model, 'destroying', function () {
- this.$el.addClass(classNames.destroying);
- });
- this.listenTo(this.model, 'error', function () {
- this.$el.removeClass(classNames.destroying);
- });
- }
- if (classNames.failed || classNames.failureMessage) {
- this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:failed', function () {
- return _this.updateFailIndicator();
- });
- }
- },
- render: function render() {
- if (this.model.isNew()) {
- this.$el.addClass(classNames.creating);
- }
- if (this.model.isDestroying && this.model.isDestroying()) {
- this.$el.addClass(classNames.destroying);
- }
- this.updateFailIndicator();
- },
- updateFailIndicator: function updateFailIndicator() {
- if (classNames.failed) {
- this.$el.toggleClass(classNames.failed, this.model.isFailed());
- }
- if (classNames.failureMessage) {
- this.$el.find(".".concat(classNames.failureMessage)).text(this.model.getFailureMessage());
- }
- };
- }
- var failureIndicatingView = modelLifecycleTrackingView({
- classNames: {
- failed: 'failed',
- failureMessage: 'failure .message',
- retryButton: 'retry'
+ },
+ onRender: function onRender() {
+ this.updateFailIndicator();
+ },
+ updateFailIndicator: function updateFailIndicator() {
+ this.$el.toggleClass('failed', this.model.isFailed());
+ this.$el.find('.failure .message').text(this.model.getFailureMessage());
- });
+ };
function template$k(data) {
var __t, __p = '';
__p += '<a class="back">' +
((__t = ( I18n.t('pageflow.editor.templates.edit_chapter.outline') )) == null ? '' : __t) +
@@ -8071,41 +7626,34 @@
'click a.back': 'goBack'
onRender: function onRender() {
var entry = this.model;
var configurationEditor = new ConfigurationEditorView({
- model: entry.metadata.configuration,
+ model: entry.configuration,
});'general', function () {
this.input('title', TextInputView, {
- placeholder: entry.get('entry_title'),
- model: entry.metadata
+ placeholder: entry.get('entry_title')
this.input('locale', SelectInputView, {
values: state.config.availablePublicLocales,
texts: _$, function (locale) {
return I18n$1.t('pageflow.public._language', {
locale: locale
- }),
- model: entry.metadata
+ })
- this.input('credits', TextAreaInputView, {
- model: entry.metadata
- });
+ this.input('credits', TextAreaInputView);
this.input('author', TextInputView, {
- placeholder: state.config.defaultAuthorMetaTag,
- model: entry.metadata
+ placeholder: state.config.defaultAuthorMetaTag
this.input('publisher', TextInputView, {
- placeholder: state.config.defaultPublisherMetaTag,
- model: entry.metadata
+ placeholder: state.config.defaultPublisherMetaTag
this.input('keywords', TextInputView, {
- placeholder: state.config.defaultKeywordsMetaTag,
- model: entry.metadata
+ placeholder: state.config.defaultKeywordsMetaTag
});'widgets', function () {
editor.entryType.appearanceInputs && editor.entryType.appearanceInputs(this, entry, state.theming);
entry.widgets && this.view(EditWidgetsView, {
@@ -8121,29 +7669,25 @@
});'social', function () {
this.input('share_image_id', FileInputView, {
collection: state.imageFiles,
- fileSelectionHandler: 'entryMetadata',
- model: entry.metadata
+ fileSelectionHandler: 'entryConfiguration'
this.input('summary', TextAreaInputView, {
disableRichtext: true,
- disableLinks: true,
- model: entry.metadata
+ disableLinks: true
this.input('share_url', TextInputView, {
- placeholder: state.entry.get('pretty_url'),
- model: entry.metadata
+ placeholder: state.entry.get('pretty_url')
this.input('share_providers', CheckBoxGroupInputView, {
values: state.config.availableShareProviders,
- translationKeyPrefix: 'activerecord.values.pageflow/entry.share_providers',
- model: entry.metadata
+ translationKeyPrefix: 'activerecord.values.pageflow/entry.share_providers'
- this.listenTo(entry.metadata, 'change:theme_name', function () {
+ this.listenTo(entry.configuration, 'change:theme_name', function () {
goBack: function goBack() {
@@ -8413,16 +7957,32 @@
- var loadable = modelLifecycleTrackingView({
- classNames: {
- creating: 'creating',
- destroying: 'destroying'
+ var loadable = {
+ modelEvents: {
+ 'change:id': function changeId() {
+ this.$el.removeClass('creating');
+ },
+ destroying: function destroying() {
+ this.$el.addClass('destroying');
+ },
+ error: function error() {
+ this.$el.removeClass('destroying');
+ }
+ },
+ render: function render() {
+ if (this.model.isNew()) {
+ this.$el.addClass('creating');
+ }
+ if (this.model.isDestroying && this.model.isDestroying()) {
+ this.$el.addClass('destroying');
+ }
- });
+ };
function template$F(data) {
var __p = '';
__p += '<span class="file_thumbnail"></span>\n\n<span class="file_name"></span>\n';
return __p
@@ -10132,25 +9692,25 @@
events: {
'click .emulation_mode_button-desktop a': function clickEmulation_mode_buttonDesktopA() {
'click .emulation_mode_button-phone a': function clickEmulation_mode_buttonPhoneA() {
- if (this.model.get('emulation_mode_disabled')) {
+ if (!this.model.get('current_page_supports_emulation_mode')) {
this.model.set('emulation_mode', 'phone');
modelEvents: {
- 'change:emulation_mode change:emulation_mode_disabled': 'update'
+ 'change:emulation_mode change:current_page_supports_emulation_mode': 'update'
onRender: function onRender() {
update: function update() {
- this.ui.phoneItem.toggleClass('disabled', !!this.model.get('emulation_mode_disabled'));
+ this.ui.phoneItem.toggleClass('disabled', !this.model.get('current_page_supports_emulation_mode'));
this.ui.phoneItem.toggleClass('active', this.model.has('emulation_mode'));
this.ui.desktopItem.toggleClass('active', !this.model.has('emulation_mode'));
this.ui.phoneDisplay.toggleClass('active', this.model.has('emulation_mode'));
this.ui.desktopDisplay.toggleClass('active', !this.model.has('emulation_mode'));
@@ -10174,11 +9734,11 @@
var SidebarFooterView = Marionette.View.extend({
className: 'sidebar_footer',
render: function render() {
- if (this.model.supportsPhoneEmulation()) {
+ if (pageflow.features.isEnabled('editor_emulation_mode')) {
this.appendSubview(new EmulationModeButtonView({
model: this.model
@@ -10532,20 +10092,20 @@
onRender: function onRender() {
this.listenTo(state.entry, 'change:uploading_files_count', this.notifyUploadCount);
this.listenTo(state.entry, 'change:confirmable_files_count', this.notifyConfirmableFilesCount);
- this.listenTo(editor.savingRecords, 'add', this.update);
- this.listenTo(editor.savingRecords, 'remove', this.update);
+ this.listenTo(state.savingRecords, 'add', this.update);
+ this.listenTo(state.savingRecords, 'remove', this.update);
this.listenTo(editor.failures, 'add', this.update);
this.listenTo(editor.failures, 'remove', this.update);
update: function update() {
this.$el.toggleClass('failed', !editor.failures.isEmpty());
- this.$el.toggleClass('saving', !editor.savingRecords.isEmpty());
+ this.$el.toggleClass('saving', !state.savingRecords.isEmpty());
notifyUploadCount: function notifyUploadCount(model, uploadCount) {
this.$el.toggleClass('uploading', uploadCount > 0);
@@ -10920,104 +10480,10 @@ = function (options) { ConfirmUploadView(options));
- /**
- * Base view to edit configuration container models. Extend and
- * override the `configure` method which receives a {@link
- * ConfigurationEditorView} to define the tabs and inputs that shall
- * be displayed.
- *
- * Add a `translationKeyPrefix` property to the prototype and define
- * the following translations:
- *
- * * `<translationKeyPrefix>.tabs`: used as `tabTranslationKeyPrefix`
- * of the `ConfigurationEditorView`.
- *
- * * `<translationKeyPrefix>.attributes`: used as one of the
- * `attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes` of the
- * `ConfigurationEditorView`.
- *
- * * `<translationKeyPrefix>.back` (optional): Back button label.
- *
- * * `<translationKeyPrefix>.destroy` (optional): Destroy button
- * label.
- *
- * * `<translationKeyPrefix>.confirm_destroy` (optional): Confirm
- * message displayed before destroying.
- *
- * * `<translationKeyPrefix>.save_error` (optional): Header of the
- * failure message that is displayed if the model cannot be saved.
- *
- * * `<translationKeyPrefix>.retry` (optional): Label of the retry
- * button of the failure message.
- *
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {Backbone.Model} options.model -
- * Model including the {@link configurationContainer},
- * {@link failureTracking} and {@link delayedDestroying} mixins.
- *
- * @since 15.1
- */
- var EditConfigurationView = Marionette.Layout.extend({
- template: function template(_ref) {
- var t = _ref.t;
- return "\n <a class=\"back\">".concat(t('back'), "</a>\n <a class=\"destroy\">").concat(t('destroy'), "</a>\n\n <div class=\"failure\">\n <p>").concat(t('save_error'), "</p>\n <p class=\"message\"></p>\n <a class=\"retry\" href=\"\">").concat(t('retry'), "</a>\n </div>\n\n <div class=\"configuration_container\"></div>\n ");
- },
- serializeData: function serializeData() {
- var _this = this;
- return {
- t: function t(key) {
- return _this.t(key);
- }
- };
- },
- mixins: [failureIndicatingView],
- regions: {
- configurationContainer: '.configuration_container'
- },
- events: {
- 'click a.back': 'goBack',
- 'click a.destroy': 'destroy'
- },
- onRender: function onRender() {
- var translationKeyPrefix = _$1.result(this, 'translationKeyPrefix');
- this.configurationEditor = new ConfigurationEditorView({
- tabTranslationKeyPrefix: "".concat(translationKeyPrefix, ".tabs"),
- attributeTranslationKeyPrefixes: ["".concat(translationKeyPrefix, ".attributes")],
- model: this.model.configuration
- });
- this.configure(this.configurationEditor);
- },
- onShow: function onShow() {
- this.configurationEditor.refreshScroller();
- },
- destroy: function destroy() {
- if (window.confirm(this.t('confirm_destroy'))) {
- this.model.destroyWithDelay();
- this.goBack();
- }
- },
- goBack: function goBack() {
- editor.navigate('/', {
- trigger: true
- });
- },
- t: function t(suffix) {
- var translationKeyPrefix = _$1.result(this, 'translationKeyPrefix');
- return I18n$1.t("".concat(translationKeyPrefix, ".").concat(suffix), {
- defaultValue: I18n$1.t("pageflow.editor.views.edit_configuration.".concat(suffix))
- });
- }
- });
ConfigurationEditorView.register('audio', {
configure: function configure() {'general', function () {'general', {
supportsTextPositionCenter: true
@@ -11317,11 +10783,11 @@'loading_spinner', function () {
this.view(InfoBoxView, {
text: I18n$1.t('pageflow.editor.title_loading_spinner.widget_type_info_box_text')
this.input('title', TextInputView, {
- placeholder: state.entry.metadata.get('title') || state.entry.get('entry_title')
+ placeholder: state.entry.configuration.get('title') || state.entry.get('entry_title')
this.input('subtitle', TextInputView);
this.input('custom_background_image_id', FileInputView, {
collection: 'image_files',
fileSelectionHandler: 'widgetConfiguration'
@@ -11519,12 +10985,13 @@
}, 100));;;;
+ state.savingRecords = new SavingRecordsCollection();
app.addInitializer(function (options) {
state.fileUploader = new FileUploader({
@@ -11577,11 +11044,11 @@
state.entry.on('use:files', function () {
- state.entry.metadata.on('change:theme_name', function () {
+ state.entry.configuration.on('change:theme_name', function () {
var theme = state.entry.getTheme();
pageflow.stylesheet.update('theme', theme.get('stylesheet_path'));
@@ -11686,11 +11153,10 @@
exports.DisabledAtmoIndicatorView = DisabledAtmoIndicatorView;
exports.DropDownButtonItemListView = DropDownButtonItemListView;
exports.DropDownButtonItemView = DropDownButtonItemView;
exports.DropDownButtonView = DropDownButtonView;
exports.EditChapterView = EditChapterView;
- exports.EditConfigurationView = EditConfigurationView;
exports.EditEntryView = EditEntryView;
exports.EditFileView = EditFileView;
exports.EditLock = EditLock;
exports.EditLockContainer = EditLockContainer;
exports.EditMetaDataView = EditMetaDataView;
@@ -11703,18 +11169,17 @@
exports.EditorView = EditorView;
exports.EmulationModeButtonView = EmulationModeButtonView;
exports.EncodedFile = EncodedFile;
exports.EncodingConfirmation = EncodingConfirmation;
exports.Entry = Entry;
- exports.EntryMetadata = EntryMetadata;
- exports.EntryMetadataFileSelectionHandler = EntryMetadataFileSelectionHandler;
+ exports.EntryConfiguration = EntryConfiguration;
+ exports.EntryConfigurationFileSelectionHandler = EntryConfigurationFileSelectionHandler;
exports.EntryPublication = EntryPublication;
exports.EntryPublicationQuotaDecoratorView = EntryPublicationQuotaDecoratorView;
exports.EnumTableCellView = EnumTableCellView;
exports.ExplorerFileItemView = ExplorerFileItemView;
exports.ExtendedSelectInputView = ExtendedSelectInputView;
- exports.Failure = Failure;
exports.FileConfiguration = FileConfiguration;
exports.FileImport = FileImport;
exports.FileInputView = FileInputView;
exports.FileItemView = FileItemView;
exports.FileMetaDataItemValueView = FileMetaDataItemValueView;
@@ -11731,11 +11196,10 @@
exports.FilesCollection = FilesCollection;
exports.FilesExplorerView = FilesExplorerView;
exports.FilesImporterView = FilesImporterView;
exports.FilesView = FilesView;
exports.FilteredFilesView = FilteredFilesView;
- exports.ForeignKeySubsetCollection = ForeignKeySubsetCollection;
exports.HelpButtonView = HelpButtonView;
exports.HelpImageView = HelpImageView;
exports.HelpView = HelpView;
exports.IconTableCellView = IconTableCellView;
exports.ImageFile = ImageFile;
@@ -11746,10 +11210,11 @@
exports.ListItemView = ListItemView;
exports.ListView = ListView;
exports.LoadingView = LoadingView;
exports.LockedView = LockedView;
exports.ModelThumbnailView = ModelThumbnailView;
+ exports.MultiCollection = MultiCollection;
exports.NestedFilesCollection = NestedFilesCollection;
exports.NestedFilesView = NestedFilesView;
exports.NestedTypeError = NestedTypeError;
exports.NotificationsView = NotificationsView;
exports.Object = BaseObject;
@@ -11773,10 +11238,11 @@
exports.PreviewEntryData = PreviewEntryData;
exports.ProxyUrlInputView = ProxyUrlInputView;
exports.PublishEntryView = PublishEntryView;
exports.ReferenceInputView = ReferenceInputView;
exports.ReusableFile = ReusableFile;
+ exports.SavingRecordsCollection = SavingRecordsCollection;
exports.Scaffold = Scaffold;
exports.ScrollingView = ScrollingView;
exports.SelectButtonView = SelectButtonView;
exports.SelectInputView = SelectInputView;
exports.SidebarController = SidebarController;
@@ -11826,25 +11292,22 @@
exports.WidgetTypes = WidgetTypes;
exports.WidgetsCollection = WidgetsCollection;
exports.addAndReturnModel = addAndReturnModel; = app;
exports.authenticationProvider = authenticationProvider;
- exports.configurationContainer = configurationContainer;
exports.cssModulesUtils = cssModulesUtils;
exports.delayedDestroying = delayedDestroying;
exports.dialogView = dialogView;
exports.editor = editor;
- exports.entryTypeEditorControllerUrls = entryTypeEditorControllerUrls;
exports.failureIndicatingView = failureIndicatingView;
exports.failureTracking = failureTracking;
exports.fileWithType = fileWithType;
exports.filesCountWatcher = filesCountWatcher;
exports.formDataUtils = formDataUtils;
exports.i18nUtils = i18nUtils;
exports.inputView = inputView;
exports.inputWithPlaceholderText = inputWithPlaceholderText;
exports.loadable = loadable;
- exports.modelLifecycleTrackingView = modelLifecycleTrackingView;
exports.orderedCollection = orderedCollection;
exports.persistedPromise = persistedPromise;
exports.polling = polling;
exports.retryable = retryable;
exports.selectableView = selectableView;