lib/page-object/accessors.rb in page-object-0.9.2 vs lib/page-object/accessors.rb in page-object-0.9.3
- old
+ new
@@ -47,10 +47,38 @@
alias_method :direct_url, :page_url
+ # Creates a method that waits the expected_title of a page to match the actual.
+ # @param [String] expected_title the literal expected title for the page
+ # @param [Regexp] expected_title the expected title pattern for the page
+ # @param [optional, Integer] timeout default value is nil - do not wait
+ # @return [boolean]
+ # @raise An exception if expected_title does not match actual title
+ #
+ # @example Specify 'Google' as the expected title of a page
+ # expected_title "Google"
+ # page.has_expected_title?
+ #
+ def wait_for_expected_title(expected_title, timeout=::PageObject.default_element_wait)
+ define_method("wait_for_expected_title?") do
+ page_title = title
+ has_expected_title = (expected_title === page_title)
+ if not has_expected_title and not timeout.nil?
+ wait_until(timeout, "Expected title '#{expected_title}' instead of '#{page_title}'") do
+ has_expected_title = (expected_title === page_title)
+ has_expected_title
+ end
+ end
+ raise "Expected title '#{expected_title}' instead of '#{page_title}'" unless has_expected_title
+ has_expected_title
+ end
+ end
+ #
# Creates a method that compares the expected_title of a page against the actual.
# @param [String] expected_title the literal expected title for the page
# @param [Regexp] expected_title the expected title pattern for the page
# @return [boolean]
# @raise An exception if expected_title does not match actual title
@@ -80,9 +108,28 @@
# page.has_expected_element?
def expected_element(element_name, timeout=::PageObject.default_element_wait)
define_method("has_expected_element?") do
self.respond_to? "#{element_name}_element" and self.send("#{element_name}_element").when_present timeout
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Creates a method that provides a way to initialize a page based upon an expected element to become visible.
+ # This is useful for pages that load dynamic content and might have hidden elements that are not shown.
+ # @param [Symbol] the name given to the element in the declaration
+ # @param [optional, Integer] timeout default value is 5 seconds
+ # @param [optional, boolean] also check that element to be visible if set to true
+ # @return [boolean]
+ #
+ # @example Specify a text box named :address expected on the page within 10 seconds
+ # expected_element_visible(:address, 10)
+ # page.has_expected_element_visible?
+ #
+ def expected_element_visible(element_name, timeout=::PageObject.default_element_wait, check_visible=false)
+ define_method("has_expected_element_visible?") do
+ self.respond_to? "#{element_name}_element" and self.send("#{element_name}_element").when_present timeout
+ self.respond_to? "#{element_name}_element" and self.send("#{element_name}_element").when_visible timeout
# Identify an element as existing within a frame or iframe. A frame parameter